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发布时间:2014-7-24      阅读次数:964


在微公升内测量的液体thumbwheel 确定接通和分配的aliquots的数量被关于L.E.D. 展示的一位4位数字表明。 (当总数被达到时,计划选择将使预置交付的数量能够被可见的指示选择.)
适合不同粘性等级分配的9 比率一小组指示灯确认,测微器有提出渐进和快的反绕。 提供的那些footswitch每个单位允许"无手"操作,并且把对折在交付期间分配被因为使用那儿避免"锁在外面"电路学。 当footswitch的使用是不方便的时,一个戒指手指开关也是可提供的。
1.2 分配的模件
只雇用两个注射器盖住aliquot 体积的整个范围。 如果要求单位可能适合的一个多银行的注射器和一把Luer锁改变阀门适用于自动的新补充物连续的分配被要求。
标准无活动的塑料基础考虑到水平面安装。 当在一个要求的在任何合适实验室上的立场增多站时,或者普遍的压板被雇用。
分配的模件被通过1米电缆和15种方式的' D ' 类型连接器与程序员联系。 这允许在危险的材料将被例如分配的安全内阁过程中的帕克斯100-3 的远距离操作活跃收音机的液体或者致癌的药。 另外扩展领导可提供在程序员和药剂师之间的一个更巨大的分离合乎需要。
1.4 微处理器控制特殊功能。
对相同的体积的很多小滴被使用的应用来说一种自动的方式已经被包括。 这设备是' 设备汽车重复'接通。
操作者能选择一种连续的小滴方式, 交付将那些aliquots的数量那被确定哪个在以前' 确定数'关于那些' 汽车重复'在任何从1-9 预置的间隔改变。 ' 汽车重复'有9个位置。 ' 0 '下降和' 9 '是最长的时间间隔。 footswitch被在' 0 ' 位置里使用。
时间间隔可能被在交付使操作者能够选择最方便的分配的速度期间改变。 不过,那些间隔(选择以 '速度接通')保持对任何是一样的结合的出口速度的和' 汽车重复'。
' 汽车重复'也能被用作乘数。 例如: 由于' 确定数'改变对' 60 '对' 2 ' 交付的1 20 l的可能和' 汽车重复'。 类似用 ' 确定数'改变对' 60 '对' 4 ' 和' 汽车重复',那些卷分配在240 l。
或者向下那些柜台Aliquot帕克斯加起来能和那些数字展示在完成上闪烁将跑。 脚踏开关的操作或者' 分配'钮扣将开始自动的循环。 如果循环不进行,压'重新安放'。

1.5 小滴'撤回'
伯卡德普遍的转体安装的科学供应并且使用用这台仪器的增多干。 由于这涂敷器可能被装配到任何反驳的设备站。 当涂敷器被固定到基础上直接时,两个螺丝被提供。
分配范围  0 . 1我-999I
注射器体积  1立方厘米或者10立方厘米
涂敷器尺寸  369毫米x 1 56毫米x 89毫米
总的包括的基础)  (14綌x 6"x 3?)
控制单位  266毫米x 266毫米x 139毫米
尺寸  (10綌x 10綌x 5綌)
总重  7.5 千克。
电源电压  240-50Hz或者110-60Hz
? 基本的仪器包括:
? 微处理器控制单位
? 有注射器底座的涂敷器
? 基础盘子
? 6 x 3/10毫米x 25毫米套管
? 6 x 5/10毫米x 25毫米套管
? 反驳的普遍的底座站
? 接口电报
? 脚踏开关
? 干线电缆
有1个套管的1个x 1 ml 注射器
首先检查输入电源电压在控制人员的后小组符合这个连续的盘子。 2个x 20毫米保险丝被适合。
In micro liters, the measuring liquid thumbwheel shall be determined through distribution of the number of aliquots about L.E.D. which shows one of the four figures suggests. (when the total number is reached, the plan selection will make preset delivery quantity which  can be visible indicator selection.)
It is required to be suitable for different viscosity grade distribution ratio of 9 a panel light which is confirmed. The micrometer has proposed a gradual and fast rewind. Footswitch of each unit are allowed for those provided by the "hands free" operation, and distributing the folded in half during the period of delivery is used because there so as to avoid "locked out" circuitry. When the use of the footswitch is not convenient, a ring finger switch is also available.
1.2 Distribution module
Only hire two syringes shall be covered with aliquot entire range of volume. Ask if the unit may be suitable for more than a bank syringes and a Luer lock change valves are suitable for automatic new supplements continuous allocation is required.
Standard plastic foundation shall be considered for horizontal installation without activity. When it is in an increase in the number of position on any suitable laboratory requirements when standing, or common clamp were hired.
1.3 systems
Distribution of module is about 1 meter cable and 15 kinds of contact programmers' D 'type connector. This allows the hazardous materials such as allocation will be in the process of security cabinet parks, 100-3 remote operation of the radio active liquid or cancer drugs. The other lead extension can provide a more between programmers and pharmacists great separation is needed.
1.4 Microprocessor control special function.
Many droplets are used for the same volume of applications has been include an automatic way. This equipment is' equipment auto repeat 'through.
The operator can choose a continuous way of droplets, which will deliver the aliquots number that was identified in previous' to determine the number of the 'auto repeat in any change from 1 to 9 preset intervals. Nine 'auto repeat' position. '0' and '9' is the longest time interval. Footswitch is used in '0' position.
Time interval can be in delivery allows the operator to select the most convenient distribution during the speed of change. However, the interval (chose to 'speed through') to keep is the same for any combination of exit velocity and 'auto repeat.
'auto repeat' can also be used as a multiplier. For example: due to changes' to determine the number of '60' to '2' delivery of 20 l May 1 and 'auto repeat. It shall be similar with 'to determine the number change to the' 60 'to' 4 'and' auto repeat, the volume distribution in 240 l.
Can add up or down the counter Aliquot parks and the digital display flashing will run on the finish. Foot switch operation or 'distribution' button will start automatically cycle. If you don't to cycle, press 'resets.
1.5 Droplets' withdraw
If employ the technology requirements of droplets on pin information is in the process of suspension seat, so a further pedal switch may be provided with this equipment.
1.6 Coating machine installation
"Card of common scientific supply installation and use with this instrument in dry. Since this coating device may be configured to any counter equipment station. DangTu applicator is directly on the fixed to the base, the two screws are provided.
The development of more detailed information could be obtained from technical sales in UXBRIDGE yields.
1.7 General information
I - 999 I assigned range 0. 1
Syringe volume 1 cubic centimeters or 10 cubic centimeter
Coating machine size 1 56 mm x 369 mm x 369 mm
Total base) (14 Xi x 6 "x 3)?
The control unit 266 mm x 266 mm x 266 mm
Size (Xi Xi 10 x 10 x 5 Xi)
Total weight 7.5 kg.
Power supply voltage 240-50 hz or 110-60 hz
Summary of 2.
Read completely before use
When received, coating should be for the defect and shortage of inspection.
? Basic instrument include:
? Microprocessor control unit
? Is the base of the syringe is to be coating?
? Base plate
? 6 x 3/10 mm x 25 mm casing
? 6 x 5/10 mm x 25 mm casing
? Counter the common base station
? Interface cables
? Foot switch
? Main cable
One casing 1 x 1 ml syringe
Firstly check the input voltage after the controllers of group in accordance with the continuous plate. 2 x 20 mm fuse is suitable.

