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发布时间:2014-7-31      阅读次数:1038


承包商负责进行在器械操作的安装之后,整体功能的环路测试。 检查和环路测试将符合有关规定的系统指令,并且包括以下的主要任务。



-如有必要对仪器装备确定的位置(零移位) 进行预先校准。



-指定断路器的供电,位于动力分配柜的DCS 架线室。
-气动信号或者供应线没有漏洞 (如果有要求,进行泡漏试验)。



-检查程序和发送器之间的脉冲线路 (要求填充液体)


- "现场"程序(最后调整)控制环路测试
-现场仪器的预先校准,如有要求时,对控制阀进行泄露试验 – 试运行和启动人员要求的全部其它试验和/或修改。


Visual examination of field instruments

The following shall be checked

- installation is in accordance with given information (hook-up) and manufacturer's instructions
- instruments and cables are properly tagged and identified
- fixing of the instrument is in accordance with the instructions
- instrument is correctly located
- cables are fixed or terminated and protected correctly
- entrances (cable glands) are watertight
- fittings are tightened properly
- necessary painting has been done
- there are other faults or errors
- recalibration if necessary due to instrument positioning (Zero-shift)

5.2. Tests for circuits, signal and water supply lines

All pneumatic and electric signal and supply lines shall be checked to verify that

- all tubes and wires are connected in accordance with the drawings
- signals are entering the correct instruments
- air supplies are taken from indicated outlets manifold
- electric power is coming from indicated circuit breaker which is located at the power distribution cabinet in the DCS rack room
- there are no leaks in pneumatic signal or supply lines (bubble leak tests to be done if required)
- there are no loose electrical connections
- a flushing shall be perform for all purge rotameter which adapted with d/p transmitter
- there are no other faults or errors

5.3. "Live" loop tests

All completely installed loops shall be checked with pneumatic and electric supplies connected including

- checking of impulse lines between process and transmitters (filling with liquid if required)
- checking of zero points of transmitters and gauges (adjustment if required)
- Loop check according to normal practice from primary element to control device using control room equipment
- checking of interlocks and alarms
- preadjustment of settings for controllers (if applicable)

5.4. Final loop tests

Required final adjustments will be made during water runs of the process and, if required, later on during the start-up period of the mill including

- Control loop tests with "live" process (final adjustment)
- Possible damping of the signals
- Possible recalibrations of field instruments  - leak tests for control valves when required  - all other tests and/or modifications required by the commissioning and start-up personnel.

6. Chinese Code

All Civil and Installation works should be completed according to Chinese Code.

