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发布时间:2014-8-13      阅读次数:1103



5. 热量


6. 腐蚀性介质


7. 减压


电解槽被设计成一个0.2bar g的真空评级,这是不足以承受可能由于其被阻塞以及气体可行的冷却和压缩或者电解槽被阻塞和排水而产生的负压。程序/设备应该到位以确保电解槽不被这种负压事件所损坏。应当考虑负压情况的救急措施以保护电解槽内部的下游设备不被这种真空所产生的损坏源所损坏。

8. 电解槽组件中的固体垃圾


4. Magnetic Fields

Consideration should be given to the hazards to personnel that can result from the strong magnetic fields generated in a cellroom. One of the more serious issues is the harmful effect on the operation of heart pacemakers in personnel.

Another issue to consider, is the effect of the strong magnetic fields on lifting of metal objects, which may be forced into alignment with the magnetic field.
5. Heat

The Electrolysers, when operating, evolve heat. This heat can make working conditions in the cellroom very uncomfortable, especially in locations with a high ambient temperature. Adequate consideration needs to be given to the effect of heat on the design of operations within the cellroom.

6. Corrosive Fluids

The Electrolyser and associated cellroom equipment handle a number of corrosive fluids (brine, caustic soda solution, and hydrochloric acid). The plant should be designed to minimise the potential for these fluids to come into contact with personnel. Emergency wash facilities are required.

7. Pressure Relief

The Electrolysers generate hydrogen and chlorine gases when current is applied. Adequate overpressure protection systems are required to ensure the design pressure of Electrolysers is never exceeded (see section 4.7). 

The Electrolysers are designed with a vacuum rating of 0.2 bar g, which is not sufficient to withstand the underpressure that can be generated should they be blocked in and the gases allowed to cool and condense, or if the Electrolysers are blocked in and drained. Procedures / equipment should be put in place to ensure that the Electrolysers are not damaged by such underpressure events. Consideration should be given to the provision of underpressure relief to protect downstream equipment from these sources of vacuum generated within the Electrolysers.

8. Solid Waste from Electrolyser Components

Adequate consideration should be given to disposal methods for contaminated Electrolyser components and for scrap material from assembly of new Electrolysers and components.

