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发布时间:2014-8-13      阅读次数:1141




6.3 监测和维护BICHLORTM电解槽的通道


1.  沿着每一个BICHLORTM分框架的两边的全长。这是用以维修活动的 – 从分框架的总管处断开和重新连接活动的橡皮软管,和由单元槽的卸载/替换所引起的分框架分断。这个通道同样需要用在对于单元槽电压的监测和电解槽的排水软管的目视检查。
2. 到电解槽的尾端张力螺钉的所在处的通道也是需要的,用来在维修时打开和关上分框架。
7. 在设计时需要考虑的安全、健康和环境(SHE)问题


1. 有毒气体的排放

2. 易燃的危险 – 火灾和爆炸

电解槽中产生的氢可以和大气中的空气或者电解槽中产生的氯气相结合,产生易燃性混合物。 这很可能在设备的内部或者工厂设备周围的大气中发生。在设计时必须集中注意力于电解槽的内部和外部以及下游工厂的易燃的危险。


3. 电气危险


6.2 Cellroom Crane for Nestpak Modules

It is essential that a cellroom crane is provided to lift the assembled Nestpak

modules from the assembly area into the fixed BICHLORTM Electrolyser frames. The crane

is possibly also needed for lifting pre-packaged crates of electrodes and fittings to

the working floor.

The crane, and any associated lifting beam, should be set up such that, when lifting a

module, the distance between the top of the lifted module and the top of the

Electrolyser is at least 1.6 metres.

6.3 Access to BICHLORTM Electrolyser for Monitoring and Maintenance

Permanent access is required to the following locations around BICHLORTM Electrolysers

for a range of monitoring and maintenance activities:

1. Along the full length of both sides of every BICHLORTM pack. This is for

maintenance activities -  disconnecting and reconnecting flexible hoses from pack

headers, and pack splitting for module removal / replacement. This access is also

needed for monitoring of module voltages and visual inspection of Electrolyser offtake

2. Access to the end of the Electrolyser where the tensioning screws are located

is required, for opening and closing the pack during maintenance. 
7. Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Issues to be Considered in Design

There are a number of important issues relating to safety, health or environment, that

must be adequately considered by in design. These include:

1. Toxic Gas Emissions
The Electrolysers produce gaseous chlorine, a toxic gas. Systems must be put in place

to protect plant personnel and offsite population from leaks and other emissions of

chlorine.  Adequate scrubbing systems must be provided to remove chlorine from

continuous and emergency plant vents.  

2. Flammable Hazards - Fire and Explosion

Hydrogen produced in the Electrolysers can combine with air from the atmosphere or

chlorine produced in Electrolysers, to produce flammable mixtures. Potentially this

can take place within equipment or in the atmosphere surrounding plant equipment.

Attention must be given in design to flammable hazards in and around the Electrolyser

and the downstream plant.

There also exists the possibility of a single Nestpak module, containing a badly

damaged membrane, producing a mixture of hydrogen in oxygen during polarisation

conditions, that has a hydrogen concentration above the lower flammable limit. This

will soon be diluted in gas headers, by the inerts flow and gas flow from other

modules, to render the mixture non flammable. Powerful UV light is a potential

ignition source for the flammable mixture in the translucent offtake hoses from the

Electrolyser. To eliminate this ignition source it is essential that all the offtake

hoses are shielded from direct sunlight. Installation of the Electrolysers under cover

is a simple way of achieving this.

3. Electrical Hazards
The use of high voltages and high currents in electrolysis, is a potential hazard to

plant personnel working in the cellroom. Equipment should be designed to minimise the

risks to plant personnel. Special attention should be given to insulating steelwork,

and to the potential interaction between personnel and exposed live electrical

conductors. Wearing of appropriate safety clothing (dielectric boots and gloves) is

essential for personnel working on or around Electrolysers.

Attention should also be given to the design of lifting operations in the cellroom, as

it is possible to cause electrical shorts through contacting live electrical

conductors with large items of metallic equipment (e.g. Electrolysers) that are being


