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发布时间:2014-8-30      阅读次数:1200


在电解槽的初次吹扫和冲洗完成后,电解槽停车跳闸后大约30 分钟,在接近于正常的工作温度条件下,继续对电解槽进料,以防重新启动电解槽。电解槽的停车条件,参阅前一章节内容。如果电解槽的停车操作导致长时间脱机 (大于6小时)或者准备进行维修,装置必须进行冷却处理准备排水。停车后的进料
因此,在停车和极化期间,应该继续保持对电解槽的进料,流速控制在3 kA/m,相当于正常的操作的比率(以防重新开车)。这样有助于保持阳极液室处于淹没状态,以及使阳极液和阴极液的浓度变化减到最小。
盐水的流失只能允许一小段时间(一到两个小时)。流体必须储存,保证不发生盐析状况,液位的水平不下降将离子膜顶部暴露在气体中。允许较长时间的碱液流失现象 (12个小时),在电解槽允许的下限。盐水和碱液泵送系统必须具有足够的可靠性,确保不违反上述条件。温度控制    
如果在迅速重新开车时,电解槽的液体温度没有到达要求,可允许冷却,但是温度不得低于55 C。不过,极化条件下的温度不得低于75C(如果阳极液室里有氯气或者次氯酸盐成分时,操作必须继续进行)。可以通过加热器/冷却器,将盐水和碱液控制在合适的温度,。
3.2.7 电解槽冷却和排水
电解槽必须在低于45 C的条件下进行冷却,防止在排水进行之前,离子膜受到损害。为了使操作时间减小到最少,必须安装冷却盐水和碱液原料供应的设备。
在冷却期间,一旦温度低于75 C,必须关闭极化整流器,继续提供冷却盐水和碱液给电解槽,控制输出温度不低于45 C。在强制冷却和除污期间,盐水和碱液必须在足够在可接受时间内,按照规定流体速率提供到电解槽。最小流速是:
-盐水0.16 m3/hr每个单元槽
-碱液0.22 m3/hr每个单元槽
一旦除污流程完成 (以气体测试确认) 单元槽输入排空吹扫气体,确保没有出现真空情况和过大的压差。
随后,立即关闭吹扫气体,防止暴露在外的离子膜变干。同时完成电解槽的隔离。 在隔离条件下,在电解槽的两侧的一个小型对外开口保持开

Electrolyzer in parking polarization conditions
In electrolytic cell,  completion of the initial purging and flushing electrolyser may stop tripping after about 30 minutes.

Under the condition of close to normal operating temperature, the cell feed shall continue to restart the electrolysis in case slot. Stop condition of electrolyzer shall refer to see  previous section. If the electrolyser stop operation, leading t offline for a long time (more than 6 hours) or prepare for maintenance, equipment must be cooled the reason for drainage.
Feed after parking
When parking cell osmosis will cause a net transfer of the water, moving from the anode chamber to the cathode chamber. So, if there is no lead anode chamber, such as fresh and salt water, brine concentration increased to salting out conditions,
Brine water level drop indoors, about every hour exposure of ionic membrane 1 cm at the top. After the infiltration of water through the ionic membrane erosion intensity is reduced. In table 3.2 rules, before the lower limit of will
Measures should be taken to strengthen erosion force.
During parking and polarization, and should, therefore, to maintain the feed of electrolyzer, velocity of flow control in 3 kA/m, equivalent to the ratio of normal operation (in case to drive). This helps to keep Anolyte chamber in submerged condition, and make the concentration of the liquid anode and cathode liquid changes to a minimum.
The loss of salt water can only allow a short period of time (one to two hours). Fluid must be stored to ensure not occur salting out status, the level of the liquid level drops in ionic membrane at the top of the exposure to the gas. allow
Xu long (12 hours), alkali erosion phenomenon in electrolyzer allowable limit. Saline and alkaline pumping system must have enough reliability, make sure that does not violate the above conditions.
Temperature control. If when driving in a rapidly to liquid temperature of the electrolytic cell did not reach requirement, can allow cooling, but the temperature is not less than 55  C. However, under the condition of polarization temperature is not less than 75  C ( If the anolyte chamber with chlorine or hypochlorite composition, operation must continue). Can through the heater/cooler, saline and alkaline control at the right temperature,.
Cell cooling and drainage
If within the extended period for parking, or, if if asking for cell maintenance, must be for cooling and drainage. Even if

only one unit tank to remove, the whole electrolytic tank must be drained
The inside of the water.
Electrolytic cell must be conducted under the condition of less than 45  C cooling, prevent the drainage, ionic membrane damage. In order to reduce operating time to a minimum, you must install the cooling salt water and lye
Raw material supply of equipment.
During cooling, once the temperature is below 75  C, must be closed polarization rectifier, continue to provide cooling saline and alkaline cell, control output temperature is not lower than 45  C.
During forced cooling and decontamination, saline and alkaline must be sufficient in an acceptable time, fluid rate according to the regulation provides to the electrolytic cell. The minimum flow velocity is:
Brine is 0.16 m3 / hr each unit slots
0.22 m3 / hr each unit slot - caustic
Once the decontamination process completes (confirmed by gas testing) input unit trough emptying purge gas, make sure there

are no vacuum condition and large pressure difference.
Then, immediately close the purge gas, prevent exposed ionic membrane drying. At the same time to isolate the electrolytic cell. Under the condition of isolation, on both sides of the electrolytic cell stay open a small opening to foreign allows you to produce high pressure or different discharge into the atmosphere.

