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发布时间:2014-8-31      阅读次数:1064


A comparison of FIGS. 2-4 illustrates the opening action of valve element 40. When the valve is in the closed position shown in broken lines in FIG. 2, a tank/canister pressure differential acts across the area of the valve element overlie vent outlet 32 tending to keep it in the closed position. As float 46 drops with the liquid fuel level, however, its weight acts through claw flange 49 to peel or pry paddle 40 loose in a peel, lock and translate motion. Lower end 49a of flange 49, farthest from the outlet and therefore generating the greatest moment, first contacts prongs 43 to create an initial opening moment sufficient to peel and break the seal between valve element 40 and vent outlet 34 as shown in FIG. 3. The initial break effectively eliminates the tank/canister differential across the valve element, and further downward travel of float 46 levers the prong end of the valve element into full locking engagement flush with claw flange 49 as shown in FIG. 4. The arcuate nature of the surfaces of guide post 47 on which valve element 40 rides ensures smooth pivotal travel of the valve element from the initial break to its full engagement with claw flange 49.
比较图2-4说明了阀芯40的开启过程。当阀芯在停止位置即图2中的虚线位置时,一罐压差作用于排气口32处的阀芯区域,该排气口保持阀芯处在停止位置。由于浮标46降至液体燃料水平面,但是其重量作用于爪法兰49从而剥落或探查短桨40使其在剥落、锁定和转化行为中变得松散。法兰49的底端49a,离排气口最远,因此产生最强的力矩,最先与弹簧43接触,形成开放的初力矩,足够剥落或损坏阀芯40与排气口34之间的封铅,如图3所示。 初步打破有效消除了阀芯的罐压差,浮标46的进一步下沉抬起了阀芯的弹簧末端,使其与爪法兰49完全啮合,如图4所示。阀芯40所在的导柱47的弓状表面保证阀芯顺利地完成最初的突破到与爪法兰49的完全啮合.

Once this lock occurs, vent closure end 41 is still in partial contact with valve seat 34. The pivotal opening action of the paddle ceases and float 46, acting through claw flange 49, now exerts an axial, translational opening force on the valve element to pull it completely free. Valve element 40 then drops to the rest position shown in solid lines in FIG. 2.

Accordingly, the opening of the peel-away valve element 40 occurs in a three-step motion: the initial pivotal peel-away break effected by the lower end 49a of claw flange 49; the lock between flange 49 and valve element 40; and the subsequent axial translation of valve element
The "hammer claw" or "pry bar" mechanism of the embodiment of FIGS. 2-4 achieves an approximately 6:1 mechanical advantage with respect to the opening force applied to valve element 40. The mechanical advantage of the hammer claw embodiment of the invention is of course a function of the length of the lever arm portion of valve element 40 between the leftmost edge of valve seat 34 (the pivot point) and contact point at lower end 49a of flange 49. The 6:1 ratio was deemed to be optimum in view of the size limitations of the overall valve in this particular embodiment. By increasing the width of float 46 or the radial offset of float 46 and valve seat 34, it is possible to employ and utilize a valve element with a longer lever arm portion.
"爪锤"或"撬杆"机制图2-4. 其中达到大约6:1的关于开启力的机械效益,用于阀芯40。 机所发明的爪锤的机械效益当然是当然的阀芯的杠杆臂部分的长度的一项功能,该阀芯40位与阀座34最左边缘 (支点)与法兰49的底端49a的接触点之间。鉴于本阀特别装置的整体规模局限性,6:1的比例被认为是最佳的。 通过增加浮标46的宽度或浮标46与法阀座34的径向抵消,有可能使用一个杠杆臂部分更长的阀芯。

Referring now to FIGS. 5-7, an alternate embodiment of the invention is illustrated using a compound lever arrangement to increase the mechanical opening advantage exerted by the float.

In FIGS. 5-7 the compound lever embodiment of the valve opening mechanism is shown generally comprising an outer rectangular lever arm 138 and an inner rectangular valve element 140. Valve element 140 in the valve closed position shown in solid lines in FIG. 5 completely covers valve seat 34. Valve element 140 is connected at one end to lever arm 138 by way of an actuation pin 142 integrally formed in lever arm 138 and defining one end thereof. The cylindrical actuation pin 142 slightly mates with a suitable smooth surface on the end of valve element 140. Valve element 140 rotates about pivot point 146.
在图5-7中,阀芯开放式机械装置的复式杠杆装置一般由外部的矩形杠杆臂138和内部的矩形阀芯140构成。阀芯140在阀停止位置如图5实线所示,完全覆盖了阀座34。阀芯140得一端与杠杆臂138连接,通过驱动销142完全与杠杆臂138连接,并将其中的一端固定其中。元实线显示在无花果。筒形驱动销142与阀芯140尾端的合适的光滑表面稍微紧密结合。 阀芯140围绕支点146旋转。

