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发布时间:2014-9-29      阅读次数:1479





7.6 现场保卫组封锁事发点四周的所有道路、路口,禁止一切非救援人员和车辆进出,设置必要的路障和警示标志,并进行现场取证、调查。

7.7 专业抢修组根据现场事故情况展开抢险








7.8 交通运输组负责把装有放射源的储存源罐运送到厂内源库或指定位置。

7.9  防护监督、救护组负责对处理后的现场再次确认符合国家标准后,报告放射事故应急救援领导小组。

7.10 总指挥宣布应急救援结束后,各专业小组进行现场的善后处理,恢复正常,并向安环处上报事故处理的专业工作小结。


7.2.4 Go to the accident spot at quickest speed with protective articles and special tool, lay out fence line of double stage and warning sign in advance.

7.2.5. Launch the emergency processing operation immediately

7.3 Security and environmental section is responsible for informing the relevant functional department of the company, company and relevant unit. Go to the accident spot at the same time, organize the emergency rescue leading group of radiation accident, set up and command area, implement unified command and assign the order.

7.4 Protection supervision and rescue team shall redefine the secure area and lay out fence line of double stage. The first fence line is controlled by specialized personnel (ray dosage equivalent≤10μSv/h ). The second fence line is controlled by non-specialized person (ray dosage equivalent≤0.5μSv/h), and set up the warning mark.

According to the data through continuous monitoring and record, collect the relevant articles of field; offer field radiation degree to the commander-in-chief in time so as to provide basis of cause analyze of accident.

7.5 Protection supervision and rescue team is responsible for providing emergency handling for the personnel suffered with overdose radiation of accident, and quickly transfer to hospital for treatment.

7.6 Field protection team shall blockade all the roads and crossings around the accident spot, and allow no vehicle or person entering beside rescuer, set up roadblock and warning mark, and collect field evidence, and carry on investigation.

7.7 The specialize repairing group shall launch emergency operation according to the on-the-spot accident situation

7.7.1. Put on special protective articles as lead clothes; and lead glasses, etc. 7.7.2.Apply special-purpose instrument, define the position of radiation source, and judge the severity, nature of the accident.

7.7.3. Propose treatment method and procedure according to the result of judgment.

7.7.4. According to radiating category, intensity of the source, check the form (sees attached list 1-1, 1-2) define the activity duration for each person, each operation procedure, and arrange special messenger to record and control the activity duration.

7.7.5. According to defined treatment method and procedure, place the radiation source into in the protective container such as special-purpose case of empty source pot and radioactive material for transportation, etc.

7.7.6. Collect the relevant articles, evidence, sample of field, offer basis on the cause analysis of accident.

7.7.7. Expand measurement and search range or ask superintendent department and society to support and help for searching in case of necessity. Searching and treatment operation shall be continued until the radiate source found or relevant administrative department of Shanghai make a final conclusion.

7.8. Transportation group is responsible for transferring the special-purpose case of empty source pot and radioactive material for transportation with radiation source to the storehouse of the factory or appoint position.

7.9. Protection and supervision, and rescue team are responsible for redefining the accident spot after procedure according to the national standard and report to the rescues leading group.

7.10. After the commander-in-chief claims the completion of rescue, every professional group shall carry out the rehabilitation operation of the field, and return to normal; report the professional brief summary of accident to security and environment department.

7.11. The security and environment department is responsible for rehabilitation operation of the accident, and organize each professional group and relevant experts to carry on accident analysis, find out the reason, defince the nature and grade of the accident, fill in accident report and final report.201

