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发布时间:2014-10-1      阅读次数:1340


Background 背景

PNA has prepared a planning document including pre-assessments for construction of a so called “ECO Park” next to the present MSW pre-sorting and composting facility “Meishang” and the MSW land fill “Liming”. The ECO park is located in the Eastern outskirts of PNA next to the Changjiang (Yangtze) River north of the Zhangjiabang Creek.



The document “Planning of Cyclic Economy Industrial park for PNA Solid Waste”, dated 9 June 2006 is containing information about the present management of MSW in PNA, description and analysis of different alternatives for treatment of the waste as well as recommendation for implementing the plan and future development


 “有关处理上海浦东新区固废的循环经济工业园规划” 文件,编制日期为200669日,其中包括目前上海浦东新区中城镇生活垃圾(MSW)管理,对采取不同的方法处理废弃物进行阐述与分析,以及对贯彻执行该计划提出长远的建议。


This Action Plan describes how the further planning activities regarding the ECO Park will be continued seen in the context of the EU- project Co-operation between PNAT and EUT.



全局目标Overall Objective

The overall objective is to improve the environmental conditions in and around PNA and in this way the living standards for the citizens by having a facility where as well MSW and Industrial Solid Waste (ISW) from the PNA can be pre-treated for recycling and/or disposed off in an sustainable way.



项目目标Project Objective

In order to approach the overall objective and thereby achieve the main ambitions, the following project objective has been defined:



Find an environmentally and financially feasible and viable ECO Park Concept with facilities and which includes solutions for treatment, recycling and final disposal of the different solid waste fractions produced in PNA and recommend a scenario for implementation.


Output (time table)产出(时间表)

The following outputs have been defined in order to approach the objective:



Short term Outputs (2007):


Prepare a Feasibility Study with environmental and financial analyses of different scenarios for development of the Solid Waste treatment, recycling and disposal system in PNA including recommended Scenario and Implementation Plan

1.  准备一份不同设定条件下,上海浦东新区中固废处理、再循环,分配系统关于环境和财政方面的可行性研究报告,包括所推荐的设计方案与执行计划。

Authority approval of chosen scenario for implementation

2.  权威人士对选定项目可执行性的批准。 

Medium Term Outputs (2008):


3.Design and project implementation

3.  设计与项目执行
