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发布时间:2014-10-4      阅读次数:1284

Maintenance Procedure Visualization
By using the knowledge with operation and maintenance service and control process of IT operation and maintenance, monitors IT operation and maintenance management through input and output of information, monitoring records, and evaluation of all stages of IT operation and maintenance management, or through electronic reporting of information system platform, real-time monitor the work procedure, so as to find out problems in time, rectify the deviation, and attain predictability and optimization of equivalent effect of management quality and performance of IT operation and maintenance.
Deep Understanding on Business
In the project, based on deep understanding on system of GAC-SOFINCO company, we design service plan, not only have we precisely analyzed various business procedure in detail, but also we have done a deep research on management status and demand of IT operation and maintenance, as well as IT operation and maintenance status. All we have done is to save numerous communication time and costs, and effectively ensure the project can be finished smoothly during the course of the project.
1) 科学完备的实施计划
1) Scientific and Comprehensive Implementation Plan
In project design, Eshore company has put forward specific implementation plan, and specified the task. At the same time, the project is flexible and controllable, in case some accidental incident occurs, ensure the process and quality of the project through staff regulation.
第1章 服务需求
1.1 采购范围
Procurements Items
一、 IT运维管理框架
1. ITSM framework
 故障管理流程与制度的设计、优化、实施
Design, optimize, implement incident management process and policy
 问题管理流程与制度的设计、优化、实施
Design, optimize, implement problem management process and policy
 配置管理流程与制度的设计、优化、实施
Design, optimize, implement configuration management process and policy
 服务水平管理流程与制度的设计、优化、实施
Design, optimize, implement service level management process and policy
 能力管理流程与制度的设计、优化、实施
Design, optimize, implement capacity management process and policy

二、 IT运维监控
2. Monitoring
 实现对XY公司所有IT服务的自动化监控
Automaticallymonitor the availability and performance of all IT services
 通过监控工具,设置XY公司IT服务可用性或性能的多种形式的预警和报障;满足监管机构对信息系统监控的要求;并作为此类预警的接收人与响应人
Set up various forms of alarm of availability and performance of all IT services in monitoring tools; Meet the regulator’s requirement of IT system mornitoring; Response to this alarms

三、 故障处理
3. Incident management
 故障发现(主动发现更优)
Incident detection, automatic detection preferred
 故障处理
Incident response
 一线人员不能处理的故障应及时上升给外包商内部专家、原厂商、XY公司IT科业务分析室或解决方案室
Incident level upgrade to appropriate parties, e.g., outsourcer’s experts, manufactures, GSAFC ITBA/ITSC

四、 问题处理
4. Problem management
 汇报及提出问题
Report/Open problem
 解决问题
Problem solving
 不能解决的问题应及时上升给外包商内部专家、原厂商、XY公司IT科业务分析室或解决方案室
Unsolved problem transfer to appropriate parties e.g., outsourcer’s experts, manufactures, GSAFC ITBA/ITSC

五、 变更管理
5. Change management

 变更的验收,包括新系统移交维护前的验收,系统测试文档及系统维护文档检查等
QC of changes. New application acceptance before transfer to maintenance team, ,testing and maintenance do
Change implementation
 回顾变更结果
Change review

六、 配置管理
6. Configuration management
 建立与维护CMDB
Set up and update CMDB
 IT固定资产管理
IT capital assest management

七、 日常操作
7. Routing operation
 按XY公司要求进行操作,如网络配置、服务器操作、数据库配置、数据备份cument checking, etc.
 协助制定变更方案及回退计划,维护变更操作手册
Assist in making change plan and rollback plan; Maintain change guideline
 执行变更操作
 、软件打补丁、系统日结月结、应用系统安装、测试环境准备、机房布线整理等
Operation assigned by GSAFC on demand, e.g., server reboot, database configure, data backup, software patch, day-end and month-end batch run, IDC cabling.
 按需加班或值班
OT/Night shift on demand

八、 日常巡检
8. Routing inspection
 实时性能监控
Real time performance monitoring
 每周巡检并提供报告
Weekly inspection of hardware and software, and provide inspection report
 每月巡检并提供报告
Monthly inspection of hardware and software, and provide inspection report
 按需进行巡检,例如重大系统上线后等情形
On demand inspection, after major system release, etc.
