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发布时间:2020-12-10      阅读次数:818
八仙桃源村简介 八仙桃源村(又名八向大队)南临汉江、北至汉宜铁路,东依蔡家大队,西接石榴红村,由“八仙桃园”和“知青梅林”两个景区组成。土地面积2.23平方公里,耕地面积1100亩,居民小组7个,户数564户,人口数1597人,党员36名,社区党员群众服务中心面积1440平方米。 大队以“关注民生、服务百姓”为宗旨,设立了集党员服务、综合管理、人口计生、社会保障等功能于一体的“一门式”服务大厅,方便居民咨询、办理、解决日常生活中的各类问题。设置了文体活动室、农家书屋、科普室、棋艺室、绘画书法室、健身室、舞蹈室、乒乓球、台球室为一体的综合性活动场所。 大队以党建为龙头,以社区服务为重点,以公德教育为抓手,以文化生活为载体,以创“温暖型”特色社区为亮点的工作目标,成立“消防志愿者之家”、创建“青少年空间”、建立“基层气象服务站”、建设“居民文化活动中心”、 打造“蔬果采摘园”。借助“家园建设行动计划”和“美丽乡村建设”的契机,促进乡村休闲游发展。居民的增收渠道由以往的单纯靠种菜演变成为住宿接待、餐饮接待、认养菜地、采摘蔬果、售卖土特产、短工劳务及蔬菜种植等7种致富渠道,八向桃源村村农民年人均纯收入达2.29万元。 八向大队先后荣获区街“先进基层党支部”、“文明社区”、“平安社区”、“环境卫生示范村”等称号。 Introduction of Eight Immortals Taoyuan Village Eight Immortals Taoyuan Village (also known as Eight-way Brigade) is located on the south of Hanjiang River, north to Hanyi Railway, east to Caijia Brigade, and west to Shiliuhong Village. The village consists of two scenic spots, “Eight Immortals Taoyuan” and “Educated Youth Merlin.” The village covers an area of 2.23 square kilometers, with cultivated land of 1100 mu. There are 7 residents groups, 564 households, 1,597 people and 36 party members. The community service center for party member covers an area of 1,440 square meters. By adhering the aim of “focusing on the people’s livelihood and serving the people”, the brigade of village has set up “One Door” service hall that integrates party member service, comprehensive management, population and family planning, social security and other functions to facilitate residents’ consultation, handling, and settlement of daily life. The brigade of village has also set up a comprehensive activity facility with a sports activity room, a farmer's book house, a science education room, a chess room, a painting and calligraphy room, a fitness room, a dance room, a table tennis room, and a billiards room. The brigade orients to party construction, focuses on community service, takes public moral education as a starting point, takes cultural life as a carrier, and creates a “Warm Type” community as the highlight of work objective, which established a “Firefighting Volunteer Home”, created “Youth Space”, formulated “Grass-roots Meteorological Service Station”, built a “Culture Center for Residents' Cultural Activities” and set up a “Pick-up Garden for Fruits and Vegetables”. With the help of the “Homeland Construction Action Plan” and “Beautiful Rural Construction”, the development of rural leisure tourism will be promoted. The residents’ income increase channels have evolved from purely vegetable-based cultivation to the seven channels of enrichment, including accommodation reception, catering reception, cultivation of vegetable plots, picking fruits and vegetables, sale of local produce, short-term labor and vegetable cultivation, etc. The income has reached 22,900 yuan. The Eight-way Brigade has won the title of “Advanced Grassroots Party Branch”, “Civilized Community”, “Safe Community”, and “Model Village for Environmental Health” in local districts. 番茄 番茄,即西红柿,清代汪灏在《广群芳谱》的果谱附录中有“番柿”:“一名六月柿,茎似蒿。高四五尺,叶似艾,花似榴,一枝结五实或三四实。.......草本也,来自西番,故名”。 茄科番茄属一年生或多年生草本植物;体高0.6-2米,茎易倒伏,常3-7朵花,浆果扁球状或近球状,肉质而多汁液,种子黄色,花果期夏秋季。 番茄含有丰富的营养,又有多种功用被称为神奇的菜中之果,具特殊风味。可以生食、煮食、加工番茄酱、汁或整果罐藏。 据测定:每人每天食用50克-100克鲜番茄,即可满足人体对几种维生素和矿物质的需要。番茄富含维生素A、维生素C、维生素B1,维生素B2以及胡萝卜素和钙、磷、钾、镁、铁、锌、铜和碘等多种元素,还含有蛋白质、糖类、有机酸、纤维素。 番茄具有生津止渴、健胃消食、清热消暑、补肾利尿等功效。 Solanum Iycopersicum Solanum lycopersicum, namely tomatoes, in Qing dynasty, Wang Hao had record a “Fan persimmon” in the appendix of his book “Collection Manual for Fruit & Vegetable”: with name of June persimmon, tomato stem likes Artemisia, and has a height of four or five chi, leaves like Ai, and flowers like durian. One branch always has five or three or four fruit........ belongs to herbs, and originated from the west, so it is called as Xifan. Solanaceae tomato is an annual or perennial herb; with a height of 0.6-2 meters, easy to lodging stems, 3-7 flowers, berry flat spherical or nearly spherical, succulent and more juice, yellow seeds, flower and fruit period in summer and autumn. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients and have a variety of functions that are known as magical fruits in vegetables with special flavors. It can be eaten in fresh, cooked, processed as tomato sauce, juice or stored in fruit pots. Description: one person may meet the needs of the body for several vitamins and minerals when eating 50 grams to 100 grams of fresh tomatoes every day. Tomato is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and carotene and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and iodine and many other elements, but also contains protein, carbohydrates, organic acids, cellulose as well. Tomato has the other function of thirst quencher, stomach digestion, heat and heat, and kidney diuretic, etc. 草莓 草莓,多年生草本植物。高10-40厘米,茎低于叶或近相等;花两性;有花5-15朵,花瓣白色,近圆形或倒卵椭圆形;花期4-5月,果期6-7月。 草莓喜温凉气候,越夏时,气温高于30℃并且日照强时,需采取遮荫措施。亦是喜光植物,但又有较强的耐荫性。 草莓营养价值丰富,被誉为是“水果皇后”,含有丰富的维生素C、维生素A、维生素E、维生素PP、维生素B1、维生素B2、胡萝卜素、鞣酸、天冬氨酸、铜、草莓胺、果胶、纤维素、叶酸、铁、钙、鞣花酸与花青素等营养物质。 尤其是所含的维生素C,其含量比苹果、葡萄都高7-10倍。而所含的苹果酸、柠檬酸、维生素B1、维生素B2,以及胡萝卜素、钙、磷、铁的含量也比苹果、梨、葡萄高3到4倍。 草莓中富含丰富的胡萝卜素与维生素A,可缓解夜盲症,具有维护上皮组织健康、明目养肝,促进生长发育之效。 Strawberry Strawberry, perennial herb, 10-40 cm in height, stem lower than leaf or nearly equal; flower bisexual; 5-15 flower when bosom, petals white, suborbicular or obovate-elliptic; flowering period is from April to May, fruiting from June to July. Strawberry likes warm and cool climate, shady measures need to be taken over the summer when the temperature is higher than 30 °C with strong sunshine. It is also a light plant, but it also has a strong shade resistance. Strawberry is rich in nutritive value, known as the “Queen of Fruits” and rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin PP, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Carotene, Citric Acid, Aspartic Acid, Copper, and Strawberry Amino Acids, pectin, cellulose, folic acid, iron, calcium, ellagic acid and anthocyanins and other nutrients. In particular, the content of vitamin C is 7-10 times higher than that of apples and grapes. The contents of malic acid, citric acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotene, calcium, phosphorus and iron are also 3 to 4 times higher than apples, pears, and grapes. Strawberry is rich in carotene and vitamin A, which can alleviate night blindness, maintain the health of epithelial tissues, improve liver function and promote growth and body health. 蓝莓 蓝莓,属杜鹃花科,越橘属植物。多年生灌木小浆果果树,因果实呈蓝色,故称为蓝莓。萌芽期在5月中旬,开花期在5月末6月初,果实在6月末7月初着色,7月下旬到8月初成熟 果实呈蓝色、色泽美丽、蓝色被1层白色果粉包裹,果肉细腻、种子极小。蓝莓果实平均重0.5-2.5g,最大重5g,可食率为100%,甜酸适口,且具有香爽宜人的香气,为鲜食佳品。 蓝莓果实中含有丰富的营养成分,也是世界粮农组织推荐的五大健康水果之一。蓝莓果实中除了常规的糖、酸和Vc外,富含VE、VA、VB、SOD、熊果苷、蛋白质、花青苷、食用纤维以及丰富的K、Fe、Zn、Ca等矿质元素。 其中,由于蓝莓富含花青素,具有活化视网膜功效,防止眼球疲劳,促进视网膜细胞中的视紫质再生,预防近视,增进视力。 Blueberry Blueberry, belongs to the azalea family and vaccinium genus. The perennial shrub berry fruit is called blueberry because of its blue color. The budding stage is in mid-May and the flowering stage is in late May and early June. The fruit is colored at the end of June and early July. The mature fruits are blue and beautiful in color from the late July to the beginning of August. The blue color is surrounded by a layer of white fruit powder. The seed is extremely small. The average weight of blueberry fruit is about 0.5-2.5g, the maximum weight is about 5g, the edible rate is 100%, with sweet and sour taste, which has a fragrant and pleasant aroma. It is a fresh and delicious product. Blueberry fruit is rich in nutrients and is one of the top five healthy fruits recommended by FAO in the world. In addition to conventional sugars, acids, and Vc, blueberry fruits are rich in VE, VA, VB, SOD, arbutin, proteins, anthocyanins, dietary fiber, and abundant mineral elements such as K, Fe, Zn, and Ca. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which have the effect of activating retina, preventing eyeball fatigue, promoting the regeneration of rhodopsin in retinal cells, preventing myopia, and improving vision. 葡萄 葡萄,为葡萄科葡萄属木质藤本植物,小枝圆柱形,叶卵圆形,果实球形或椭圆形,花期4-5月,果期8-9月。 葡萄是世界最古老的果树树种之一,按用途可分为鲜食、酿酒、制干、其他加工品种,以及砧木品种。 成熟浆果中含糖量高达10%-30%,以葡萄糖为主。其中的多种果酸有助于消化。含有矿物质钙、钾、磷、铁以及多种维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素B6、维生素C和维生素P等,还含有多种人体所需的氨基酸。 鲜葡萄中的黄酮类物质,能“清洗”血液,防止胆固醇斑块的形成。葡萄皮中的白藜芦醇、葡萄籽中的原花青素含量都高于葡萄的其他部位、具有极高的药用价值,已经成为世界性的重要营养兼药用的商品。 Grape Grapes, belongs to woodiness liana of grape genus in grape family, which have a cylindrical branchlet, an oval leaf, and a spherical or oval fruit, flowering from April to May and fruiting from August to September. Grape is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, which can be divided into fresh food, winemaking, dry-making, other processed varieties, and rootstock varieties depending on different purpose. The sugar content of mature fruit is as high as 10%-30%, mainly glucose. Many of these acids is helpful for digestion. Fruits contain minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin P. Fruit also contains a variety of amino acids that the human body needed. The flavonoids in fresh grapes can “clean” the blood and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. The content of procyanidins in resveratrol and grape seed in grape skin is higher than other parts of grape and has extremely high medicinal value. It has become an important nutrient and medicinal product around the world. 桃花 桃花,属蔷薇科,落叶小乔木,高可达6至8米。树干灰褐色,花单生,有白、粉红、红等色,花期3-4月,果熟6~9月。 桃花栽培历史悠久,其繁殖以嫁接为主。约自15龄起即始趋衰退,一般树龄可维持20~50年。桃花树态优美,枝干扶疏,花朵丰腴,色彩艳丽。 桃的果实是著名的水果,桃核可以榨油;桃木细密坚硬,可供雕刻用。 桃花味甘、辛,性微温,含有山萘酚、胡萝卜素、维生素等成分。 桃花具有很高的观赏价值,是文学创作的常用素材。历代诗词中,题咏桃花的传世佳句多不胜数,如:“桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红映浅红”(杜甫《江畔独步寻花》);“鸭头春水浓如染,水面桃花弄春脸”(苏轼《送别诗》)……。 每年3-6月份,春暖花开的季节来赏桃花是一个烂漫、简单的微旅行。桃花吐妍,群蜂飞舞,花香醉人,满园春色关不住,只等游客的赞美。 Peach Blossom Peach blossom, belongs to rosaceae family, deciduous tree, up to 6 to 8 meters in height. The trunk is gray-brown, single flowers, white, pink, red and other colors, flowering period is about 3-4 months, and fruit matured in June to September. Peach cultivation has a long history and its reproduction is based on grafting. Peach began to decline about 15 years of ages. The general age of peach is about 20 to 50 years. Peach blossoms are beautifully tree-lined, with branches and sparse flowers, plump flowers and bright colors. The fruit of peach is a famous fruit, and the peach kernel can be pressed for oil. The peach wood is fine and hard and can be used for carving. Peach blossom is sweet, spicy, and lukewarm. It contains kaempferol, carotene, and vitamins. Peach has a high ornamental value and is a common material for literary creation. In the ancient poetry, there are many famous stories about peaches inscriptions, such as: “Peach blossoms are uninhabited, cute and dark red is reflected in light red” (Du Pu's “Riverside walk for finding flowers); The duck's head is full of spring water, and water with peach blossoms feels spring face”. (Su Shi's “Farewell Poetry”).... Every year from March to June, enjoying the peach blossoms in the spring season is a roman and simple micro-travel. Peach spitting, swarming bees, intoxicating flowers, spring garden are all around us, all these are just waiting for visitors to praise. 梅花 梅,属蔷薇科杏属植物,小乔木,稀灌木,高4-10米;树皮浅灰色或带绿色;花单生或有时2朵同生于1芽内,香味浓,先于叶开放;花白色至粉红色。果实近球形,味酸;花期冬春季,果期5-6月。 梅已有三千多年的栽培历史。果实可食、主要作加工制成各种蜜饯和果酱或药用; 梅花是中国十大名花之首,与兰花、竹子、菊花一起列为“四君子”,与松、竹并称为“岁寒三友”。历代梅诗、梅文、梅书、梅画等鸿篇巨著皆不胜枚举。 国人对梅花情有独钟,视赏梅为一件雅事。在中国传统文化里,梅在严寒中开百花之先,独天下而春,作为传春报喜、吉庆的象征,从古至今一直被中国人视为吉祥之物。「梅具四德,初生为元,是开始之本;开花为亨,意味着通达顺利;结子为利,象征祥和有益;成熟为贞,代表坚定贞洁。」此为梅之「元亨利贞」四德。梅开五瓣,象征五福,即快乐、幸福、长寿、顺利与和平。 Plum Blossom Plum, belongs to apricot genus of rosaceae family, small trees, thin shrubs, 4-10m in height, bark grayish or greenish, flowers solitary or sometimes 2 connate in 1 bud, densely scented, opening before leaves; flowers white to pink, fruit nearly spherical, acid, flowering in winter and spring, and fruiting period from May to June. Plum blossom has more than 3,000 years of cultivation history. The fruit is edible, mainly processed into various kinds of candied fruit and jams or medicinal products; Plum blossoms are the top ten flowers in China, and they are listed as “Four Gentlemen” together with orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemums. They are also known as “Three Friends of the Year” with pine and bamboo. The ancient masterpieces of plum chanting poems, articles and paintings are all too numerous to mention. People in the country have a special preference for plum blossoms and takes plum blossom as an elegant plant. In traditional culture of China, plum blossom opened the world with flowers in the cold. It is a unique symbol of the prosperity of the spring and the symbol of good fortune. It has been regarded as an auspicious object by the Chinese people since ancient times. “Beauty with four virtues and the first birth is the foundation of the beginning; blossoming for honour means a smooth journey; the end result is good, the symbol is peaceful and beneficial, and the maturity is virginity, which stands for firmness and virtuousness.” These are four virtues of plum blossom in “Yuan Heng Lizhen”. Plum blossoms have five petals, symbolizing the five blessings, namely glad, happiness, longevity, smoothness and peace.