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2015年博爱家园项目总结报告翻译 -中英对照

发布时间:2020-12-12      阅读次数:759
2015年博爱家园项目总结报告 2015 Charity Home Project Closure Report 2015年4月,根据湖北省红十字会“博爱家园”项目相关要求,经过湖北省、荆州市、沙市区各级“博爱家园”项目领导小组相关人员多次深入实地调查研究,并多方征求意见,最终确定把观音垱镇泗场村作为湖北省红十字会“博爱家园”项目示范点,由荆州市红十字会具体负责项目实施。在观音垱镇党委政府积极配合和泗场村全体村民的共同努力下,经过5个月紧张有序的工作,泗场村“博爱家园”项目于2015年10月硬件部分顺利完工,11月项目全部完工。现将项目实施情况作如下汇报: In April 2015, according to Charity Home project requirements by Hubei Red Cross, Guanyin Dang Town Si Chang Village is determined as pilot project site of Charity Home after field investigations and consultations between members of project leading group from Jingzhou and Shashi, and Jingzhou Red Cross is responsible for project implementation. With 5 months’ joint effort of town party government unit and all villagers, Charity Home Project in Si Chang Village is completed in hardware building in December 2015, and the whole project is completed in November. The following is a report on project implementation: 一、硬件建设:泗场村“博爱家园”项目硬件建设,是在多次召开村民代表大会、充分征求村民硬件后,根据该村实际需求,把博爱家园房屋建设和广场硬化作为硬件建设的主要内容。此项工程共投资19.8万元,其中“博爱家园”项目资金14.8万元,争取上级部门配套资金5万元,历时3个月,全面完成了博爱家园房屋建设和广场硬化的改造工程。该工程的顺利完成,不仅极大解决了全村2801人的生产生活及施救提供保障,更是提高了泗场村基础设施建设水平和村级自我发展的综合实力,具有重要现实意义。 I: Hardware construction: The construction in Charity Home mainly includes house construction and square building, which is determined by times of village representative meeting and complies with hardware condition and actual demand. Construction investment is RMB 198,000 to include Charity Home Project funding RMB 148,000, supporting funding applied from high authority RMB 50,000 and the whole construction takes three months. The smooth completion of project not only provides living&production support for all 2801 villagers but also salvage support, besides improves infrastructure level and comprehensive development strength. 二、软件建设:一是加大宣传力度。根据“博爱家园”项目要求,提高群众对“博爱家园”项目的知晓率、参与率,我们把博爱家园项目建设和全村计划生育、平安创建、清洁家园等工作有机融合,统筹安排,重点设施,并在全村醒目处制作宣传牌80个,宣传栏13个,利用村级广播定期对“博爱家园”和应急救护知识进行宣传。二是积极组织开展以村党员、干部、红十字志愿者和村民为重点对象的红十字骨干培训和红十字知识培训班。开展培训6期,培训骨干50人,参加红十字会业务培训的干部群众1980人,为群众普及红十字知识奠定了基础。三是多次组织资深专家深入群众,入户宣传、现场讲解、指导演练。共入户调查120户,回收调查问卷120份,发放宣传册920份,组织逃生避险、自救互救应急演练5次,通过开展系列工作,极大增强了村民群众应急救灾、应对突发事件的能力。 II. Software building : Propaganda. Based on project requirements, to increase awareness and engagement, the project is integrated with family planning projects, safe and clean homes. Co-ordinate arrangements, focused facilities, and set up 80 billboards and 13 bulletin boards in striking place, use broadcast village for regular publicity of "Charity Home" and first aid knowledge. Actively organize Red Cross training course and knowledge training for village Party members and cadres, Red Cross volunteers and the villagers. We provided 6 training courses for 50 backbone personnel. Cadres and the masses participating in Red Cross business training reaches to 1980, they laid the foundation for knowledge diffusion to the masses. Organize experts to merge with the masses for home propaganda and exposition and to perform on-site guidance. A total of 120 household participated surveys, 120 questionnaires received and 920 brochures distributed, organizing 5 times of drills for self-help and rescue mutually. By conducting a series of work, we have enhanced their ability in emergency relief and emergency response. 三、组织发展:为使“博爱家园”项目的顺利开展并形成常态化,市、镇领导高度重视,迅速成立领导小组和工作专班,组织开展此项工作。并在泗场村组建成立了泗场村红十字会组织,并在党员群众中招募了一批有爱心、有能力、会工作的有志之士成为泗场村红十字志愿者服务队,并定期有计划开展志愿服务,帮助身边那些需要帮助的人,让邻里间能真切感受到互帮互助,和谐共处的良好氛围。 III. Organizational development: In order to smoothly carry out the "Charity Home" project to make for normalization, city and town leaders attached great importance to it, they have set up leading groups and working teams to carry out this work, established local Red Cross organization in Si Chang village, recruited capable, ambitious people from party members and the mass to form volunteer team carrying out regular volunteer services to help people in difficulty. Neighborhood enjoy a harmonious atmosphere from mutual help.