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发布时间:2020-12-21      阅读次数:919
莲花世界 景区简介: 占地700亩,座落在武汉东西湖区柏泉农场,硚孝高速“西湖”出口处,距离武汉中心城区15分钟车程。 莲花世界打造的是一个自然、人文、生活方式相融合的野奢旅游休闲目的地,追求一种身、心、灵独特体验的人文关怀,让人们体验无处不在的禅意生活,从而开创“心灵度假”的休闲旅游新模式。  景区建成后,将拥有莲文化展示区、农业主题体验区、DIY手工区、无动力娱乐区、野奢度假区、绿荫花海区、水上休闲区、大地艺术区、芦苇迷宫区、研学课堂区、生态餐饮区、欢乐演艺区等十多个服务功能板块。 无论你是在品茗、行走,抄经、打坐,还是依着雕栏发呆,懒散地晒着午后的太阳,嗅着阳光下花草中的甘香味,无不境由心生。“懒度庸人意,且拂明镜台。莲花世界,超然自在。”恰好是最真实的写照。 Lotus World Introduction to Scenic Area: Covering an area of 700 acres, the lotus world is situated at Baiquan farmland, Dongxihu District, Wuhan. It is a 15-minute drive from Wuhan Central City at the exit of Xiaoxiao Expressway "West Lake". What Lotus World has created is a wild luxury tourism and leisure destination that integrates nature, humanities, and lifestyle. It pursues a humanistic concern with unique experiences of body, heart, and spirit, and allows people to experience the ubiquitous Zen life. This will create a new model of leisure tourism for "soul vacation". After the scenic spot is completed, It will have Lotus culture exhibition area, agricultural theme experience area, DIY manual area, no power entertainment area, wild luxury resort area, green shade flower sea area, water leisure area, Earth art area, Reed maze area, research classroom area, ecological dining area, Happy performing arts area Wait for more than a dozen service function sections. Whether you are in tea, walking, copy, meditation, or in accordance with the carved bar daze, lazy sun in the afternoon, smelling the sweet fragrance in the flowers under the sun, from the heart. "The laziness is mediocre, and the mirror table is open. Lotus world, aloof and at ease. "It is exactly the most true portrayal.