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发布时间:2023-7-7      阅读次数:259











这是良品铺子的第一家公益爱心店,所产生的利润,将用于公益事业。这样的店面目前有6家,另外5家是:荆州万达二店 、重庆源著天街店 、兰州中心店、什邡竹园中路店、西安创意谷店,公益基金池逐年扩大。
















Sun Sanying: My little friends, this is a gift from our Love Store, do you like it?

Kids: Yes!

Sun Sanying: Are there other books you like to read?

Kids: Yes!

Sun Sanying: Well, when do you want me to visit you next time?

Children: Come every day.

Sun Sanying: Okay, I also hopes to see you every day, okay?

Children: OK.



Zheng Jianxin: Our Fuziling Primary School is the prototype of Fenghuangqin and Skywalker. With the strong support of the caring enterprise BESTORE, we have a Love Bookstore and a well-equipped student dormitory. Our campus environment is getting better and better.



Chen Qi: Thank you for passing on love. Hubei Hope Project sincerely looks forward to your active participation in public welfare and love undertakings, and conveys the care of the Party and the warmth of a big socialist family to young people.



Cai Youming: Good products make dreams come true, there are hundreds of schools in ten years, there are you, me, and everyone.



Liu Huaqiao: From 2019 to 2023, we have come a long way, and we will go even further in the future. Come on.



Zhang Sanfeng: Feed back the society with love and warm the heart with actions. This is the original intention of our BESTORE, Love Fund. Children are the future of the motherland. We hope to have fun with them, play with them, and plant a kindness in their hearts. seeds, fill the world with love. Good products make dreams come true, ten years of hundreds of schools, we have been taking action. I hope that more caring people will participate and walk hand in hand.


Zheng Yijun's parents are migrant workers, leaving her to live with her grandmother. Do you miss Dad? This is what Dad often asks. This time she can not control herself in front of Ms. Sun Sanying and burst into tears.


Dad Zheng: Do you miss Dad?

Zheng Yijun: Dad, are you OK? We are fine. Take care of yourself.

Dad Zheng: OK.

Zheng Yijun: Dad, I miss you!


