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准噶尔盆地碳排放源特征Chapter I Characteristics of Carbon Emission Sources in Junggar Basin

发布时间:2023-8-16      阅读次数:471

第一章  准噶尔盆地碳排放源特征Chapter I Characteristics of Carbon Emission Sources in Junggar Basin

根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》要求,所有缔约方应按照IPCC国家温室气体清单指南编制各国的温室气体清单。我国于2004年向《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方大会提交了《中国气候变化初始国家信息通报》,报告了1994年我国温室气体清单,2008年我国启动了2005年国家温室气体清单的编制工作。为了进一步加强省级温室气体清单编制能力建设,我国多个政府部门以及科研院所的专家编写了―“省级温室气体清单编制指南”,清单编制总体上遵循《IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》的基本方法,并借鉴了1994年和2005年我国能源活动温室气体清单编制好的做法。但由于该清单中CO2排放量计算所需的参数较多,在本课题的研究尺度下无法做到对整个盆地的排放源企业进行详细调查,因此本此研究以企业年产量或年产能为基础进行估算,采用同时考虑燃料燃烧和工艺过程因素的综合排放因子,计算点源的排放量,汇总得总排放量。According to the requirements of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), all contracting parties should prepare national GHG inventories in accordance with the requirements of IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. In 2004, China had submitted “China's Initial National Climate Change Report” to the Conference of Parties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which reported China's greenhouse gas inventory in 1994. In 2008, China started the preparation of the 2005 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. In order to further strengthen the capacity for preparation of provincial GHG inventories, experts from various government departments and research institutes in our country have compiled the Guidelines to Compilation of Provincial-level Greenhouse Gas Inventories. The preparation of the inventory generally follows the guidelines in the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Basic methods, and learns from the good example of the preparation method of 1994 and 2005 greenhouse gas inventory of China's energy activities. However, due to the large number of parameters required for the calculation of CO2 emissions in the inventory, it is impossible to conduct a detailed investigation on the source enterprises in the entire basin under the research area of this project. Therefore, this study is based on the annual output or annual production capacity of enterprises, taking into account the fuel combustion and process factors integrated emission factors, so as to calculate the amount of point source emissions and summary the total emissions.

计算公式如下:Calculation formula is as follows:




式中:(ECO2)ji为第j个行业第i个企业CO2年排放量,(EF)ji 为该企业CO2综合排放因子(emission factor),(P1)ji为产品年产量(production),(P2)ji为企业产能(capacity),(A)ji为产能利用系数(utilization rate),(T)ji为设备平均利用时间(full load hours),(ECO2)t为整个行业排放总量(CO2 estimated per industry)。当依据排放源年实际产量计算该行业总排放量时,采用式(2-1),当依据排放源年产能计算该行业总排放量时采用式(2-2)。Where: (ECO2)ji is the annual CO2 emission of the ith enterprise in the jth industry, (EF)ji is the CO2 emission factor of the enterprise, (P1)ji is the annual production of the product, ( P2)ji is the capacity of the enterprise, (A)ji is the utilization rate, (T)ji is the full load hours of the equipment, (ECO2)t is the total industry emissions estimated per industry). When calculating the total emissions of the industry based on the actual production of the source year, the formula (2-1) is adopted, and the formula (2-2) is adopted when calculating the total emissions of the industry based on the annual output of the source.

第一节  火电厂CO2排放Section 1 CO2 Emissions of Power Plant

根据《2016年中国电力统计年鉴》,2015年中国火电装机总量为100554万千瓦,其中新疆地区火电装机容量为4199万千瓦。全年全国火电发电量为42307亿千瓦时,新疆地区为2067亿千瓦时。对6000千瓦及以上电厂发电技术经济指标进行统计结果显示全国火电厂设备利用小时4364小时,新疆高出全国平均水平,为4730小时。因此,新疆地区火电的产能利用率很高。近年来,新疆火电发电装机呈“井喷式”发展,供需矛盾突出,电力产能过剩。新疆本区消纳电力约占总装机规模的三分之一,其他部分通过“电力援疆”跨省外送电力方案消纳剩余电量。According to the requirements of China Electric Power Yearbook 2016, the total installed capacity of thermal power in China of 2015 was 100554 MW, of which 41.99 GW was installed in Xinjiang. In the whole year, the generating capacity of thermal power in the country is about 4,230.7 billion kwh, and the generating capacity of thermal power in Xinjiang is about 206.7 billion kwh. As for the statistics on the technical and economic indicators for power generation of 6,000 kilowatts and above show that the utilization of equipment in thermal power plants nationwide is about 4364 hours per hour. Xinjiang is higher than the national average of 4730 hours. Therefore, thermal power generation capacity utilization in Xinjiang is quite high. In recent years, installed capacity of thermal power generation in Xinjiang is in a spurt of development, which causes a prominent contradiction between supply and demand, and overcapacity of power generation. In Xinjiang, the local consumption of electricity accounts for about one-third of the total installed capacity, and the rest surplus electricity were consumed by the plan of cross-regional transmission through the policy of “Eclectic Aid for Xinjiang” program.

火电厂的CO2排放计算采用第二个公式(2-2)。从图1-1中可以看出,准噶尔盆地的火电厂主要分布在盆地的南缘,以及准东区域,主要是奎屯、石河子、乌鲁木齐、阜康等地区,盆地主要电厂共有32座,年排放总量达67.51Mt。The calculation of CO2 emissions from thermal power plants may apply the second formula (2-2). As can be seen in Figure 1-1, the thermal power plants in the Junggar Basin are mainly distributed in the southern margin of the basin and the quasi-eastern region, mainly Kuitun, Shihezi,第一章  准噶尔盆地碳排放源特征Chapter I Characteristics of Carbon Emission Sources in Junggar Basin

根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》要求,所有缔约方应按照IPCC国家温室气体清单指南编制各国的温室气体清单。我国于2004年向《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方大会提交了《中国气候变化初始国家信息通报》,报告了1994年我国温室气体清单,2008年我国启动了2005年国家温室气体清单的编制工作。为了进一步加强省级温室气体清单编制能力建设,我国多个政府部门以及科研院所的专家编写了―“省级温室气体清单编制指南”,清单编制总体上遵循《IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》的基本方法,并借鉴了1994年和2005年我国能源活动温室气体清单编制好的做法。但由于该清单中CO2排放量计算所需的参数较多,在本课题的研究尺度下无法做到对整个盆地的排放源企业进行详细调查,因此本此研究以企业年产量或年产能为基础进行估算,采用同时考虑燃料燃烧和工艺过程因素的综合排放因子,计算点源的排放量,汇总得总排放量。According to the requirements of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), all contracting parties should prepare national GHG inventories in accordance with the requirements of IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. In 2004, China had submitted “China's Initial National Climate Change Report” to the Conference of Parties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which reported China's greenhouse gas inventory in 1994. In 2008, China started the preparation of the 2005 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. In order to further strengthen the capacity for preparation of provincial GHG inventories, experts from various government departments and research institutes in our country have compiled the Guidelines to Compilation of Provincial-level Greenhouse Gas Inventories. The preparation of the inventory generally follows the guidelines in the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Basic methods, and learns from the good example of the preparation method of 1994 and 2005 greenhouse gas inventory of China's energy activities. However, due to the large number of parameters required for the calculation of CO2 emissions in the inventory, it is impossible to conduct a detailed investigation on the source enterprises in the entire basin under the research area of this project. Therefore, this study is based on the annual output or annual production capacity of enterprises, taking into account the fuel combustion and process factors integrated emission factors, so as to calculate the amount of point source emissions and summary the total emissions.

计算公式如下:Calculation formula is as follows:




式中:(ECO2)ji为第j个行业第i个企业CO2年排放量,(EF)ji 为该企业CO2综合排放因子(emission factor),(P1)ji为产品年产量(production),(P2)ji为企业产能(capacity),(A)ji为产能利用系数(utilization rate),(T)ji为设备平均利用时间(full load hours),(ECO2)t为整个行业排放总量(CO2 estimated per industry)。当依据排放源年实际产量计算该行业总排放量时,采用式(2-1),当依据排放源年产能计算该行业总排放量时采用式(2-2)。Where: (ECO2)ji is the annual CO2 emission of the ith enterprise in the jth industry, (EF)ji is the CO2 emission factor of the enterprise, (P1)ji is the annual production of the product, ( P2)ji is the capacity of the enterprise, (A)ji is the utilization rate, (T)ji is the full load hours of the equipment, (ECO2)t is the total industry emissions estimated per industry). When calculating the total emissions of the industry based on the actual production of the source year, the formula (2-1) is adopted, and the formula (2-2) is adopted when calculating the total emissions of the industry based on the annual output of the source.

第一节  火电厂CO2排放Section 1 CO2 Emissions of Power Plant

根据《2016年中国电力统计年鉴》,2015年中国火电装机总量为100554万千瓦,其中新疆地区火电装机容量为4199万千瓦。全年全国火电发电量为42307亿千瓦时,新疆地区为2067亿千瓦时。对6000千瓦及以上电厂发电技术经济指标进行统计结果显示全国火电厂设备利用小时4364小时,新疆高出全国平均水平,为4730小时。因此,新疆地区火电的产能利用率很高。近年来,新疆火电发电装机呈“井喷式”发展,供需矛盾突出,电力产能过剩。新疆本区消纳电力约占总装机规模的三分之一,其他部分通过“电力援疆”跨省外送电力方案消纳剩余电量。According to the requirements of China Electric Power Yearbook 2016, the total installed capacity of thermal power in China of 2015 was 100554 MW, of which 41.99 GW was installed in Xinjiang. In the whole year, the generating capacity of thermal power in the country is about 4,230.7 billion kwh, and the generating capacity of thermal power in Xinjiang is about 206.7 billion kwh. As for the statistics on the technical and economic indicators for power generation of 6,000 kilowatts and above show that the utilization of equipment in thermal power plants nationwide is about 4364 hours per hour. Xinjiang is higher than the national average of 4730 hours. Therefore, thermal power generation capacity utilization in Xinjiang is quite high. In recent years, installed capacity of thermal power generation in Xinjiang is in a spurt of development, which causes a prominent contradiction between supply and demand, and overcapacity of power generation. In Xinjiang, the local consumption of electricity accounts for about one-third of the total installed capacity, and the rest surplus electricity were consumed by the plan of cross-regional transmission through the policy of “Eclectic Aid for Xinjiang” program.

火电厂的CO2排放计算采用第二个公式(2-2)。从图1-1中可以看出,准噶尔盆地的火电厂主要分布在盆地的南缘,以及准东区域,主要是奎屯、石河子、乌鲁木齐、阜康等地区,盆地主要电厂共有32座,年排放总量达67.51Mt。The calculation of CO2 emissions from thermal power plants may apply the second formula (2-2). As can be seen in Figure 1-1, the thermal power plants in the Junggar Basin are mainly distributed in the southern margin of the basin and the quasi-eastern region, mainly Kuitun, Shihezi, Urumqi, Fukang and other regions. There are 32 main power plants in the basin, with the total emission amount of 67.51Mt. Urumqi, Fukang and other regions. There are 32 main power plants in the basin, with the total emission amount of 67.51Mt.



