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发布时间:2012-10-19      阅读次数:3981


工程施工及设备安装Project Construction and Equipment Installation
    承包商和安装分包商(如果有)应按不同阶段对施工安装实施方案进行描述。在投标文件中应包含以下内容,但不限于此:The contractor and his installation subcontractor (if there is) shall describe construction installation scheme at different stages. Bid documents shall include but not be limited to information as follows:
--项目管理组织机构及主要人员配置表和职责表Arrangement list and duty list of project management organization and its key personnel
--施工及安装经验(类似工程经验)Construction and installation experience (similar engineering experience)
--主要施工用设备及仪器表List of main construction equipment and apparatus
--工程实施方案(含施工平面布置图、用水、用电计划等)Construction implementation scheme (including construction layout chart, plan of water and power supply, etc.)
--创优规划Optimized plan
--施工组织安排及施工方法和程序说明Construction management scheme as well as job practice and procedure specification
--材料、设备供应和管理Supply and management of materials and equipment
--施工组织技术管理措施Management measures for techniques of construction arrangement
--文明施工主要措施Key measures for civilized construction
--保证安全的主要技术措施Key technical measures for safety
--保证工程质量的主要技术措施Key technical measures for quality of the project
--保证工程工期的主要技术措施Key technical measures for construction period
7.1  工程施工规范Construction Specifications
投标商应采用以下规范或标准之最新版本:The bidders shall apply the latest version of regulations or standards as follows:
1)质量安全体系应符合国际ISO9000标准Quality and safety system shall be in accordance with International ISO 9000 Standard
    2) 地下铁道设计规范(GB50157—92) Code for Design of Subway (GB50157—92)
    3) 科学技术档案案卷构成的一般要求(GB9705—88) General Requirements for the File Formation of Scientific and Technical Archives (GB9705—88)
    4) 技术制图复制图的折叠方法(GBl0609.3—89) Technical Drawings—Folding on Documents
    5) 建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准(GBJ300—88) Unified Standard for Quality Inspection and Assessment of Building Constructional Erection Works (GBJ300—88)
    6) 铁路信号设计规范(TB10007-99) Code for Design of Railway Signaling (TB10007-99)
7) 铁路信号站内联锁设计规范(TB10071-2000) Code for design of railway signal interlocking within stations (TB10071-2000)
    8) 铁路信号施工规范(TB10206-99) Code for Construction of Railway Signaling (TB10206-99)
    9) 铁路信号工程质量检验评定标准(TB10419-2000) Standard for Quality Inspection and Assessment of Railway Signaling Project (TB10419-2000)
    10) 铁路通信施工规范(TB10205-99) Code for Construction of Railway Communication (TB10205-99)
    11) 地下铁道工程施工验收规范(GB50299-1999)Code for Construction and Acceptance of Subway Engineering(GB50299-1999)
12) 铁路光缆数字通信工程施工规定(TBJ215—92) Regulation for Construction of Railway Optical Fiber Cable and Digital Communication Project (TBJ215—92)
    13) 电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范(GBS0168-92)Code for Construction and Acceptance of Cable Line of Electric Equipment Installation Engineering(GBS0168-92)
14) 《建筑电气安装工程质量检验评定标准》(GBJ303-88)Standard for Quality Inspection and Assessment of Electrical Installation Engineering(GBJ303-88)
15) 《机械制图字体》(GB4457.3—1984) Font of mechanical drawing (GB4457.3—1984)

7.2  工程施工的技术要求Technical requirements of project construction

7.2.1  施工场地与条件Construction site and conditions
承包商应全面负责施工范围内的现场施工管理,对隧道及高架车站和区间、车辆段及控制中心施工场地内的用水、用电、施工现场的安全与卫生、场地内的施工协调负有全面的管理责任。The contractor shall take his full responsibility for the site construction management within the site as well the management of water supply and power supply within the construction site for tunnels, elevated stations and intervals, driveways, control center, safe and clean of the construction site and construction coordination in the site. 
1)临时用地Temporary site
业主将向承包商提供一定数量的场地作为临时设施的用地。The owner will provide the contractor with a quantity of places for the site of temporary equipment.
2)施工通道Construction passage
承包商可利用车站人行通道作为施工人员、材料,小型设备的出入口。大型设备可租用工程车运输至车站和区间。如承包商的施工设备、采购的设备、材料需工程车运输,应在投标书中说明,并对所有通过工程车运输的物件作出详细的运输计划,报业主协调安排。The contractor may make use of the pedestrian passageway of the station as the entrance and exit for construction personnel, materials and small equipment. It shall be specified in the proposal of bid documents, make a detailed transportation plan for all the articles transported by engineering van and report to the owner for coordinated arrangement if the contractor’s construction equipment or procured equipment and materials need to be transported by engineering van.
3)场地管理Site management
场地一经移交给承包商,承包商应在本合同工程实施全过程中对场地安全保卫、文明施工、环境卫生、污水排放等负全责,并不得干扰周围居民的正常生活。因场地管理不善而引发的一切纠纷由承包商自行解决,业主不承担任何责任。Once the site is handed over to the contractor, the contractor shall take a full responsibility for safety and guard of the site, civilized construction, environment and health as well as discharging of waste water, and ensure construction will never influence the daily life of residents living in surrounding areas under the implementation of the contract. The contractor shall settle any dispute caused by his fail management, and the owner will take no responsibility for this.    
清场Site clearing:除非另行规定,在本工程完成时,承包商应将其所使用的所有临时设施及剩余材料和垃圾运走,使整个现场和工程保持清洁,并处于良好的状况。Unless otherwise specified, when the project is finished, the contractor shall transport all his temporary equipment for construction, surplus materials and garbage away from the site and keep the site and project clean and in a round condition. 
4)施工用水、用电Water and power supply for construction
承包商有权为工程之目的使用现场可能提供的水电及其他服务。承包商应为上述使用按合理价格向业主或土建承包商支付。承包商应自费提供上述使用所需的任何装置。The contractor can use water, power and other services provided on the site for the purpose of construction. The contractor shall pay the owner or the civil engineering contractor for all the services at a reasonable price. The contractor shall pay for any equipment for the services mentioned above by his own.
5)临时建筑、设施Temporary buildings and facilities
临时建筑由承包商在业主批准的范围内根据工程需要自行建造,承包商应负责进行修建、维护或拆除等全部工作。Temporary building shall be constructed by the contractor based on the project requirement with the approval of the owner. The contractor shall all such tasks as construction, maintenance and tearing down. 
承包商必要时应配备设备用房的临时空调以满足安装和设备本身的要求。The contract shall equip temporary conditioning for equipment room if necessary to meet the requirements of installation and the equipment.
6)临时通信Temporary communication
为便于施工中的联络,承包商应自费在施工现场安装电话。The contractor shall have a telephone on the site for convenient communication and he will burden all the cost by his own.
7)进场条件Approach conditions
业主将根据工程及承包商的要求,向承包商提供必要的进场条件,而承包商应配合业主主动创造条件及完成其本身范围内的进场条件,并不得以业主未提供充分进场条件为由而怠工或要求补偿。The owner shall provide the contractor with the necessary approach conditions as per the requirements of the project and the contractor. And the contractor shall coordinate the owner to create conditions and achieve the approach conditions from his end, and shall not delay the construction or ask for reimbursement due to inadequate approach conditions provided by the owner.
8)现场的检查与移交Site inspection and hand-over
对不同系统的安装,应具备一定的前提条件。There shall be preconditions for installation of different systems.
设备承包商应参加与设备相关土建承包商或其他承包商的竣工检查;在每批设备安装开始前一个月进行现场检查认可。The equipment contractor shall participate into inspection of the equipment related construction completed by civil engineering contractor or other contractors; and make site inspection and approval a month before installation of each set of equipment.
在每批设备进场安装前十天,由监理工程师主持,土建承包商向承包商移交安装现场,并签署移交文件。Under the charge of the supervising engineer, the civil engineering contractor shall hand over the installation site to the contractor and sign the hand-over document a month before approach and installation of each set of equipment.
如现场尚存需要修正的地方,应由监理工程师责成土建承包商限时解决,并在移交文件中说明。If there is any part of the construction required remedy, the supervising engineering shall require the civil engineering contractor to remedy the construction within a limited period, which shall be recorded in the document.
7.2.2  施工准备Preparations for construction
1)承包商应充分考虑本工程的特点,包括工期要求和高架桥上施工时的相互干扰等,提出切实可行的施工方法和施工组织方案。The contractor shall take full account of the characteristics of the construction such as construction period requirement and mutual interferences in the construction of elevated bridge to put forward a practical construction procedure and construction management scheme.
2)认真作好施工图交底工作。Perform explanation of construction drawings carefully.
3)检查结构预留孔洞、沟槽及设备基础是否符合要求,发现与设计不符者,应及时提出,并与土建承包商协商处理。Check the preformed holes, grooves and equipment meeting the requirements or not. If there is any problem, clarify it and settle it with the coordination of the civil engineering contractor.
4)检查安装机具的种类、数量及功能是否满足施工要求。Check the types, quantity and functions of installation machines and tools meeting the construction requirement or not.
5)检查场地是否满足进场条件。Check the site meeting approach conditions or not.
6)针对本工程的特点,对各级施工人员进行有关安装工艺质量及安全等方面的培训,并经考核合格,方准参加本工程的施工。Based on the characteristics of the project, the contractor shall give training on process, quality and safety of installation to construction personnel in different positions, who will do the construction job only if they pass the test.
7)应编制施工组织方案的实施计划,并与其他设备与建筑装修工作相协调。Make an implementation plan of the construction management scheme and coordinate with other work of equipment and construction installation. 
8)设备材料到货检验Inspection of arrived equipment and materials
(1)设备材料根据设备供货合同,在指定的地点进行开箱检验。开箱检验必须在业主代表、监理工程师、承包商代表下进行。The equipment and materials shall be unpacked and inspected at appointed places under the equipment supply contract. Unpacking and inspection shall be done under the representative of owner, the supervising engineer and the representative of the contractor.
(2)随机文件必须包括产品清单,产品出厂合格证,主要部件及整机的监测报告,原产地证明文件,对有消防、压力容器等特殊要求的,还应附上国家指定监测部门出具的监测报告及本地主管部门出具的允许使用的证明文件。Documents accompanying the equipment shall include products list, factory inspection certificate, monitoring report of principal parts and the whole set equipment, certificate of origin, special requirement instructions on fire extinguishing and pressure containers, as well as monitoring report issued by national assigned monitoring department and certificate document issued by local authorized department for permission of use.    

7.2.3  设备、材料现场保管和维护Site custody and maintenance of equipment and materials
1)一般规定General specifications
承包商施工范围内的所有设备、设施的维护保管应遵循这些设备的国家有关规定及设备说明书要求,引进设备还应遵守系统与外方签订的有关合同规定,因承包商原因造成安装的材料设备受损,一切费用和补救由承包商承担。Maintenance and custody of all the equipment and facilities for construction shall be done by the contractor in accordance with national relevant specifications of the equipment and the requirements of equipment instructions. Introduction of the equipment shall conform to the specifications of related contract concluded by the system and foreigners. The contractor shall be responsible for all the cost and remedies due to damages of installation materials and equipment caused by him.
2)设备的现场保管和维护Site custody and maintenance of equipment
(1)设备的保管Custody of equipment
承包商在清点完到货设备后,应建立设备及备品备件清单,工程完成之后,与业主办理设备及备品备件移交手续。The contractor shall make a list of equipment and spare parts after checking the arrived equipment, and hand over the equipment and spare parts to the owner when the construction is completed.
(2)承包商在进行任何与其他承包商设备、管线有直接关系的安装、调试活动前的三天,应书面通知监理工程师和相关各方,以便其作好正确的维护和保管工作,因不及时通知而造成的所有直接损失由承包商无条件予以赔偿。The contractor shall notify the supervising engineer and all the related sides in writing three days before he do any installation and debugging directly related to the equipment and pipeline of other contractors so that they can perform proper maintenance and custody. And the contractor shall burden unconditional indemnify of all the direct loss due to late notice.
(3)在安装完成,竣工验收之后,考虑到车站内可能仍有系统承包商施工及为配合试运营,承包商应留主要施工人员和技术人员配合业主维修、保养及试运营三月。Due to construction of other contractors and coordinating trial operation, the contractor shall leave the key construction personnel and technicians to assist the owner in servicing, maintenance and trial operation for three months after installation and complement acceptance.
3)材料的现场保管和维护Site custody and maintenance of materials
(1)承包商的现场施工材料应在其临建仓库存放,考虑到站内空间较密集,未经业主或监理工程师许可,不得在站内任何房间、区域堆放材料或搭建临用仓库。The contractor shall store the site construction materials in his temporary warehouse, and shall not store materials or construct temporary warehouse in any room or areas without permission of the owner or the supervising engineer owing to intensive space of the station.
(2)业主将考虑将站厅层商业区域用房,站厅、站台层公共区域在一段时间内作为承包商的材料,机具存放用房,但承包商应服从业主的安排,并自行负责保管。The owner shall consider offering the business rooms of station hall, station hall, public areas of station platform as the place to store the contractor’s materials, machines and tools for a period, but the contractor shall conform to the arrangement of the owner and be responsible for the custody.
(3)承包商应负责材料存放的防火、防盗、防潮等措施。The contractor shall be responsible for making measures of fire prevention, burglary prevention and damp prevention.
(4)由于存放和维护措施不当而造成材料的变形、变质由承包商负责。The contractor shall be responsible for the deformation or debasement due to improper storage and maintenance.
(5)安装完毕的管线,承包商应予以维护,因承包商原因而造成其他系统的管线毁环将由承包商负责复原,若因此而造成工期延误由承包商赶工补偿。The contract shall maintain the installed pipeline. The contractor shall be responsible for recover the damaged pipeline of other systems caused by him and speed up the construction to make up for the delay of construction period.  

7.2.4  安全防护与文明施工Safety protection and civilized construction
(1)承包商必须严格遵守国家和重庆市颁布的有关安全生产及文明施工的规定,业主和监理工程师将进行不定期的检查,政府相关部门发现承包商有违例施工或不符文明施工的情况,视问题的严重程度进行处置,甚至处罚。由此造成的一切损失由承包商自行承担。The contractor shall strictly conform to the specifications related to safety production and civilized construction issued by the sate and Chongqing government. The owner and the supervising engineer shall inspect irregularly. Relevant governmental departments shall give a treatment or even a penalty to the contractor if there is any construction disobeying specifications or not in accordance with civilized construction based on the severity of the events. The contractor shall be responsible for all the loss resulted.    
(2)承包商应指定安全生产及文明施工的责任人,并结合本工程的特点制定一整套安全生产和文明施工的规章制度,有关责任人和规章制度在本合同签订后90天内报送给业主和监理工程师备案,对特殊工程项目需采取特别安全防护措施,应须事先报告监理工程师和业主批准,否则不能动工。The contractor shall assign persons responsible for safety production and civilized construction, and make regulations for safety production and civilized construction based on the characteristics of the project. The contractor shall report the persons and regulations to the owner and the supervising engineer for filing within 90 days after the conclusion of the contract. The contractor shall report to the supervising engineer and the owner for approval in advance if it is need to apply special protection measures for special construction project, or else he can’t start the construction. 
(3)在高架区间施工过程中,可以租用业主采购的特制工程车进行桥上的设备安装(含敷设电缆),但由此产生的使用费用(如燃油费、人工费等)折合成每车每台班人民币1200元由承包商承担。必须中断或严重干扰地面公路交通时,应提前一个月做出详细的施工组织方案报监理工程师,经有关部门批准后方可开始组织施工。The contractor may rent the special engineering van procured by the owner for installation of equipment (including cabling) over the bridge, and burden the operating cost (fuel oil fee, labor cost, etc.) of RMB 1200 each van per machine-team. The contractor shall make a detailed construction management scheme and report to the supervising engineer a month before if it is necessary for the construction to interrupt or severely disturb the highway traffic, and shall start the construction only if it is approved by related departments.
2)安全防护Safety protection
(1)承包商对安全防护的责任Responsibility of contractor for safety protection
在工程最终验收之前的整个施工期内,承包商必须制定并采取一切必要的措施,保证工程现场施工安全(包括承包商和非承包商的人员安全)维护工地正常生产、生活秩序。承包商在合同签订后90天内,必须制定一份有关安全技术组织措施的书面报告递交监理工程师批准,承包商必须遵守国家颁布的有关安全规程。对于不符合我国法律、法令、安全规程及本合同规定的事故隐患,监理工程师有权进行干预,如发生重大安全事故,承包商必须按国家的有关法规及时通知监理工程师、业主和有关上级主管部门,并按《工程建设重大事故报告和调查程序规定》执行。承包商应对因违反安全规程造成的责任事故承担责任,而不应为此增加业主支付费用或延迟施工进度。During the whole construction period before the completion acceptance, the contractor shall make and perform all the necessary measures to ensure the construction safety on the site (including the safety of the contractor’s personnel and other people) and maintain normal production and daily life on the site. The contractor shall make a written report related to management measures of safety technique in accordance with the related safety regulations issued by the state and send the report to the supervising engineer for approval within 90 days after the conclusion of the contract. The supervising engineer has a right to intervene the incipient faults resulted from unconformity with national laws, acts, safety regulations and the specifications of the contract. If any important safety accident occurs, the contractor shall notify the supervising engineer, the owner and related supervising authorized departments as soon as possible in accordance with the related national laws and regulations, and settle the accident as per “Construction Major Accident Reports and Investigation Procedures”. The contractor shall take his responsibility for the accidents caused by disobeying the safety regulations and shall neither increase the owner’s cost nor delay the construction progress.  
(2)劳动保护Labor protection
凡属承包商雇用的现场工作人员,承包商必须根据作业种类和特点并按照国家的劳动保护法发给相应的劳保用品。The contractor shall provide all his on-site employees with labor protection necessities as per the type and characteristics of their work and in accordance with national labor protection laws.
(3)安全防护信号Safety protection signals
①承包商应在施工工程区内设置一切必要的安全防护信号装置,这些信号装置包括(但不限于):The contractor shall set up all the necessary safety protection signal devices on the construction site, including (but not limited to):
a.标准的道路信号;Standard road signals;
b.报警信号;Alarm signals;
c.危险信号。Danger signals.
②承包商应负责维护自己和业主在工程区内放置的所有信号装置。 The contractor shall maintain all the signal devices installed by himself and the owner.
③若监理工程师认为承包商提供的信号系统不能有效地保证安全,承包商必须按监理工程师的要求补充、修改或更换该系统。Once the supervising engineer believes the signal system provided by the contractor can’t ensure the safety effectively, the contractor shall complement, modify or change the system as per the supervising engineer’s requirements.
(4)安全防护规程Safety protection regulations
承包商应根据国家颁布的安全规程,结合自己的实际编印适合于本工程使用的安全防护规程,并递交监理工程师审批。The contractor shall compile a safety protection regulation applicable to the construction based on the actual conditions and in accordance with safety regulations issued by the state.
安全防护规程的内容应包括(但不限于):The content of safety and protection regulations shall include (but not be limited to):
—防护衣、安全帽、防护鞋袜及其他防护用品的使用;use of protective clothing, safety cap, protective shoes and socks as well as other protective articles;
—升降机和起重机的使用;use of elevator and hoister;
—汽车驾驶和运输机械的使用;driving automobile and use of transportation machinery; 
—用电安全;power safety;
—金属结构安装作业的安全;safety of installation of metal structures
—机修作业的安全;safety of machine servicing
—高空作业的安全;safety of overhead working;
—焊接和涂漆作业的安全和防护;safety and protection of welding and painting;
—意外事故和火灾的救护程序;rescue procedures for accidents and fire hazard; 
—信号和告警知识;knowledge about signals and warnings;
—其他有关规定。other relevant specifications.
3)环境保护Environmental protection
承包商必须遵守国家及重庆市有关环境保护的法令,承包商应采取一切合理步骤保护现场内外的环境,并限制由于施工作业引起的污染、噪声,以及其他后果对公众和财产造成的损害和妨碍。承包商应保证在合同期间,现场气体散发、地面排水及排污不能超过法律规定的数值。The contractor shall conform to the laws and acts related to environmental protection issued by the sate or Chongqing Municipal Government. The contractor shall take all reasonable measures to protect the environment in and out of the site, and restrict the pollution and noise caused by the construction work as well as other consequences which will damage or obstruct the public and property. The contractor shall ensure the gas emission, surface drainage and pollution not exceeding the value specified in the laws within the period of contract.   
4)文明施工Civilized construction
承包商应当贯彻文明施工的要求,推行现代管理方法,科学组织施工,做好施工现场的各项管理工作。制定文明施工管理办法,报监理工程师审批后实施。The contractor shall meet the requirement of civilized construction, shall push modern management method, shall organize the construction scientifically, shall do all the on-site management work perfectly, and shall make management scheme for civilized construction and implement the scheme after reporting it to the supervising engineer for approval.  
7.2.5  工程临时管理Provisional management of project
1)工作的技术要求Technical requirement of the work
After completion of all parts of the construction, the owner will keep his right of entrusting the contractor to make a trial operation of the accepted parts, or entrusting the contractor to inspect the equipment system and explain the operation to the operators of the owner during the operation by the owner. On former occasion, the contractor shall make the trial operation in accordance with related regulations and specifications and take responsibility for operation, servicing and maintenance to ensure the normal work of the system. On both occasion, the owner shall be responsible for the costs of vulnerable and fugitive materials as well as water and power in the trial operation, and keep all his rights in operation management and dispatching. The contractor shall teach the operators of the owner his experience and knowledge on operation and maintenance of equipment and system without any withholding.     
2)人员要求Personnel requirements
在满足临时运行管理的原则下,承包商的派出人员应包括主持完成本工程安装调试工作的主要有关技术人员及高级技术工人。With the principle of ensuring trial operation management, the personnel assigned by the contractor shall be main technicians and senior technical workers to be responsible for the installation and debugging of the construction.

7.2.6  与其他承包商的协调Coordination with other contractors
1)通用要求General requirements
(1)本合同工程施工期间,承包商除应遵守 “施工干扰与协调”的义务外,考虑本工程相关工程项目由其他承包商施工,对承包商之间的协调,本工程合同的承包商必须服从业主及监理工程师的统一协调指挥和有关指令。In the process of construction under the contract, except in accordance with specifications of “construction disturbance and coordination” the contractor shall conform to the uniform coordination and command of the owner and the supervising engineer since the related works of the construction are constructed by other contractors.
The contractor shall coordinate and support other installation contractors in construction and installation debugging related to the system on any occasion.
The contractor shall check the prepared pipelines in the halls and platforms, signal equipment rooms, control room of the station before construction and confirm the pipelines are neither influenced by nor influence on those of other contractors to ensure coordination with the station and construction of other contractors. 
2)专用要求Special requirements
The contractor shall examine drawings carefully before construction and set up interfaces chart with the help of the owner and the supervising engineer to clarify all the interface forms and construction debugging scheme related to the system. In the whole process of construction, the contractor shall clarify and perform his condition and the treatment of interfaces and report to the supervising engineer monthly.
3)车行区的管理Driveway administration
The driveway within stations and area driving boundary is a public area for working and materials transportation of contractors.
In order to ensure the normal construction of all the contractors in the driveway, reduce disturbance of the processes and ensure safe transportation of materials, the owner will specify the construction work and transportation management methods. The contractor shall conform to it without any condition.  
The work and use of driveway shall obtain approval from related departments, and the contractor shall be responsible for contacting related departments and coordinating with them.
(4)承包商的材料和设备的运输如需使用车行区,必须在5天前向监理工程师申请,取得有关部门批准后,应接受业主统一调度,材料设备的组织运输属承包商的责任。If the transportation of materials and equipment need use of driveway, the contractor shall apply to the supervising engineer before 5 days and receive uniform dispatching of the owner after obtaining approval from related departments. The contractor shall be responsible for organization and transportation of materials and equipment.
(5)承包商需在车行区间范围内施工和作业,必须在一个月前向监理工程师申请,取得有关部门批准后,只能在规定的时间内进行作业,未经批准,承包商的机具、材料、人员等不得进入车行区,违反规定时,监理工程师有权采取措施加以制裁,由此而引起的一切后果均由承包商负责。If the construction and work of the contractor in the driveway, the contractor shall apply to the supervising engineer before a month and work in specified time after obtaining approval from related departments. Without approval, the contractor’s tools, materials and personnel shall not get into the driveway. If the contractor disobeys the specifications, the supervising engineer has right to make measures to treat it, and the contractor shall be responsible for all the consequences.
The contractor shall take responsibilities and obligations to arrange personnel responsible for maintaining the safety and environment of driveway.
            It is an objective factor that the external conditions given by the owner and disturbance between processes will influence the construction, the contractor shall consider and analyze the restricted factors when he bid and make out emergency measures. The contractor shall not require claims or postpone construction period to the owner due to this influence.   

7.2.7  施工人员资质的一般规定General specifications on constructor qualification
1)承包商的资格Contractor qualification
The contractor shall have a first class qualification on construction of the system, and shall obtain the qualification approved by the local authority, if necessary. 
The contractor shall have a construction experience of similar engineering projects (written certificate). 
The number of personnel provided by the contractor shall ensure the construction to be complete on time.
2)安装人员的资格Installer qualification
(1)一般要求General requirements
The contractor shall provide detailed information of his personnel, including skills, education and training in writing accompanying with the bidding documents to prove they are qualified to complete installation of the system. The technical workers shall have professional certificate issued by the government authority. 
(2)施工项目工程师Construction project engineer
The construction project engineer shall have completed related education and shall have above 5-year experience of installation of the similar construction as well as excellent organization and coordination abilities of this project construction. 
7.2.8  放线 Setting out
The contractor shall set out the construction according to the original reference point, reference line and reference height provided by the owner in writing, and shall offer all the necessary apparatus and devices and labor.
If there is any mistake in the position, dimension of height mark or reference line of the construction, the contractor shall amended it during construction. 
The contractor shall be responsible for the amendment cost unless the mistake is caused by the mistake of written materials provided by the owner or caused by the fault of another contractor.  
The inspection on setting out by the owner shall never release the contractor’s responsibility on the precision of setting out.
7.2.9  施工质量控制Construction quality control
1)承包商已为合同范围内的所有设备、材料的设计、制造、安装、测试建立了一套质量保证程序即质量保证文件。The contractor has made a quality assurance procedure also namely quality assurance document for the design, manufacture, installation and test of all the equipment and materials within the contract. 
2)为保证安装质量,承包商还必须按如下要求进行质量控制。In order to ensure the installation quality, the contractor shall also control the quality as per the requirements as follows.
(1)贯彻GB/T1900《质量管理与质量保证》,建立、健全工程质量保证体系,完善质量管理制度,建立质量控制流程。 To implement GB/T1900 “Quality Management and Quality Assurance”, set up and complete project quality assurance system, promote quality management system and build up quality control flow.
(2)建立自检、互检制度,每个分项目或某个独立机构组织的施工,都应指定质量负责人,负责落实这项工作。To set up self-check and mutual-check systems, and assign quality directors to take the responsibility   for any part of the works or partial works organized by any independent department and make the work into practice. 
(3)承包商应严格按照本项目的安装指南和有关文件(手册)的规定,以及有关的施工图纸进行施工。The contractor shall construct strictly in accordance with the specifications of the installation guidance and related document (manual) as well as related construction drawings.
(4)必须有安装过程中质量记录,记录中应有检查项目,安装要求,并对安装划分阶段,每个阶段都有安装人和检查人签名,由监理工程师检查后签名认可,进行下一阶段的安装,记录应一式两份,其格式和对工程阶段的划分,应在施工组织中提出,取得业主认可后才能使用。Shall keep a quality record in installation, including inspection items, installation requirements, stages of installation and the signature of installers and inspectors of each installation, and the next installation shall be done after the former one has been signed and approved by the supervising engineer. The record shall be two copies, and its format and the stages division of construction shall be proposed in the construction organization and put into use after approval of the owner. 
(5)凡埋地下、水下或混凝土中的安装部件(属隐蔽工程),承包商在具备覆盖条件48小时前,应书面通知监理工程师检查验收,监理工程师将在接到通知后的24小时到现场检查验收,认为合格即予签证,未经签证不得自行封闭,否则将承担由此引起的一切损失。For all the installation parts underground, under water or in the concrete (concealed work), the contractor shall notify the supervising engineer in writing for inspection and acceptance 48 hours before he gains covering conditions. The supervising engineer will make an inspection and acceptance on site within 24 hours after receiving the notice, and give attestation if they are qualified. The contract shall not cover the installation parts without attestation, or else, he shall be responsible for all the loss.  
(6)应自觉接受监理工程师的指导,无论什么情况,当监理工程师怀疑设备某个部件存在缺陷或故障,要求承包商查找时,承包商不得拒绝,所发生的费用将由责任人负责。The contractor shall accept the guidance of the supervising engineer. On any occasion, when the supervising engineer doubts there is any defect or fault in the parts of equipment and requires the contractor to check it, the contractor shall not refuse and shall be responsible for all the costs.  
(7)业主进行的各种检查、试验和签证均不解除承包商对所有承包工程安装质量所负的全面责任,除非质量问题是由于设计及制造原因引起的。All the inspections, tests and attestation made by the owner shall never cancel the contractor’s responsibilities for project installation quality, except that the quality problem is caused by the failure of design or manufacture. 

7.3  工程范围Works Scope
1)工程地点Project site
工程地点为全线18个车站及区间、控制中心大楼、车辆段信号楼(包括出入段线、试车线、培训中心)等处的室内、外。Project site shall include inside and outside of the places such as 18 stations along the whole line, areas between the stations, control centre building, and signal towers along the driveway (lines for entry and exiting, trail running line and training centre included).
2)建筑安装工程内容Content of construction and installation project
 重庆轻轨三号线一期工程建筑安装工程的主要内容包括但不限于:The main content of construction and installation project for the first stage of Chongqing Light Railway No. 3 Line Project shall include but not be limited to:
 (1) 各设备集中车站室内设备安装,包括联锁设备、ATP及列车位置检测设备、CTC分机设备、外线端子架、接口架、电源屏、UPS及电池、车控室控制台等的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Indoor equipment installation for stations of concentrated equipment, including installation, connection, debugging and testing of interlock equipment, ATP and monitoring device of train position, CTC extension equipment, external-line terminal frame, interface frame, power screen, UPS and battery and console of train control room, etc;  
  (2)各非设备集中车站室内设备安装,包括外线端子架、旅客向导牌接口、发车计时器接口、车控室局部控制盘等的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Indoor equipment installation for stations of non-concentrated equipment, including installation, connection, debugging and testing of external-line terminal frame, interface of passenger guidance board, interface of departure timer, partial console panel of train control room, etc.
 (3) 各车站站台层设备安装,包括发车计时器、紧急停车按钮箱等的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Equipment installation for the platform of each station, including installation, connection, debugging and testing of departure timer and emergency stop switch box, etc;
 (4) 各车站及站间的室外设备安装,包括信号系统轨旁箱盒、信号机等安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Outdoor equipment installation for each station and areas between stations, including rail-by chamber of signal systems and signal devices, etc; 
 (5) 车辆段信号楼室内设备的安装,包括微机联锁设备、列车位置检测设备、CTC分机、外线端子架、接口架、电源屏、UPS及电池、微机联锁控制及表示终端、维修机等的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Indoor equipment installation for signal towers along the driveway, including installation, connection, debugging and testing of microcomputer interlock equipment, monitoring device of train position, CTC extension equipment, external-line terminal frame, interface frame, power screen, UPS and battery, microcomputer interlock control and indication terminal and servicing machine, etc; 
 (6) 车辆段派班室CTC工作站及接口的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Installation, connection, debugging and testing of CTC work station and interface of duty shift room along the driveways
  (7)车辆段联锁设备与动物园站、试车线的接口连接与调试、试验配合。Interface connection, debugging and testing of interfaces between driveway interlock equipment with zoo station and trail running line
 (8) 车辆段试车线室内外设备安装,包括ATP/ATO及列车位置检测设备、轨旁设备、外线端子架、接口架、控制台、电源屏、UPS及电池等的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Indoor and outdoor equipment installation for trail running line and driveways, including installation, connection, debugging and testing of ATP/ATO, monitoring device of train position, rail-by equipment, external-line terminal frame, interface frame, console, power screen, UPS and battery, etc.
  (9)车辆段及试车线室外设备安装,包括信号系统轨旁箱盒、信号机、LED数字进路表示器等安装、连接与调试、试验配合。outdoor equipment installation for driveways and trail running line, including installation, connection, debugging and testing of rail-by chamber of signal systems, signal devices and LED digital route announcer, etc.
 (10) 控制中心室内主机及各工作站、局域网、背投显示屏等设备的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Installation, connection, debugging and testing of indoor equipment such as host computer, work stations, LAN and rear projection screen, etc;  
 (11) 控制中心与车辆段工作站的接口安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Installation, connection, debugging and testing of interfaces between the controlling centers with driveway work stations
 (12) 控制中心与FAS/BAS系统、SCADA系统以及通信系统的接口连接与调试、试验配合。Connection, debugging and testing of interfaces between the control center with FAS/BAS system, SCADA system and communication system
   (13) 信号车载设备的安装、连接与调试、试验配合。Installation, connection, debugging and testing of signal on-board equipment
(14) 信号系统与正线及车辆段道岔(包括单开、三开、五开等)的接口连接与调试、试验配合。
Interface connection, testing, experiment and mating between signal system and vehicle section railroad switch (including one way switch, three ways switch and five ways switch).
Interface connection, testing and experiment and mating of shielding door/ emergency exit of equipment room.
Inside and outside cable and circuit laying out, guarding, connection, switch-in, leading out and conductor arrangement of internal signal room on construction site.
(17) 模拟培训中心的培训模拟设备的安装、连接与调试配合。
Analog training equipments installation, connection, testing and mating in analog training centre. 
(18) 系统尚需增加的各类设备的安装、连接、调试、试验及配合。
Installation, connection, testing, experiment and mating of additional equipments required in system.

7.4 信号建筑安装工程 Signal construction installation project
The design of approved new technology, new materials, new processing applied and popularized by installation subcontractor shall not be lower than the quality specification and processing requirements of current national or ministry professional level. The equipments, material applied by installation subcontractor in construction shall conform to the designing requirements and current national specification. In the process of implementation of this document, any parts of this document conflicting related parts of installation manual shall be implemented according to amendment vision of related parts of installation manual. 

7.4.1室外电缆工程 Outdoor cable project
General requirement of construction preparation
(1) 施工准备同6.2.2
Construction preparation refers to 6.2.2
(2) 普通护套电缆在环境温度不低于 -5度时敷设;
The general sheath cable piping shall not carry out below -5℃ in ambient temperatures.
(3) 电缆敷设时的弯曲半径不得小于电缆外径的15倍;
In case of piping the bending radius shall not more than 15 times of external diameter of cable.
(4) 信号控制电缆采用能耐交流额定电压500伏以上的铜芯电缆。导电线芯的直流电阻在 +20度时,每千米不大于23.5欧姆;
Signal control cable applied the copper cored cable which may withstand 500 AC rated voltage. When the DC resistance of conductor wire core is about +20 degree the resistance of cable per thousand meters shall not exceed 23.72 ohm. 
(5) 普通电缆线间绝缘电阻,任一线芯对地绝缘电阻,使用500V兆欧表测试,不得小于500兆欧/千米。综合扭绞电缆,不得小于3000兆欧/千米。电缆在敷设前、后及配线前,应认真进行电器特性测试,并作记录。
     Among the insulation resistance between general cables, any insulation resistance to ground of cable shall be measured by 500V meg-ohmmeter. The resistance of measuring cable shall not below 500 megohm/km. comprehensive strand cable shall not below 3000 megohm/km. serious testing on apparatus characteristic shall be performed and recorded before or after piping and before conductor arrangement. Applied 500V meg-ohmmeter for measurement, the calculation formula shall be as follows: 
Rx=0.001XLXRm (兆欧:千米)
Rm — 仪表测量值(兆欧);
Rx — 换算到1千米长电缆的实际绝缘电阻值(兆欧)
Rx=0.001XLXRm (Megohm: km)
In this formula:  L: physical length of cable (meter).
Rm: measured value of meter (Megohm: km)
Rx: convert the value to actual insulation resistance (Megohm) for per thousand meters.
(6) 站间通信光、电缆(如果有),应遵照《铁路通信施工规范》、《铁路光缆数字通信工程施工规定》有关规定执行;
Optical fiber cable and electric cable (if any) between station communication shall conform to the related regulation in “Regulation for construction of railway communication” and “Regulation for construction of project of railway optical fiber cable communication”.
(7) 国外设备用电缆及电线路需根据供货商的要求进行敷设和测试。
Cable, wire or circuit for foreign equipments shall be conformed to the requirements of suppliers in piping and measurement.
(1) 电缆路径的选择应符合设计要求;
The selection of cable line shall conform to the design requirements.
(2) 电缆应缓和地敷设在桥架上或沟内,并使其有一定的自然弯曲,室内储备量为8米,室外每端环状储备量为2米(20米以下为1米),每端出入土及作头为2米;通信光、电缆(如果有)室内外每端的储备参照《铁路通信施工规范》、《铁路光缆数字通信工程施工规定》执行;
Cable shall be laid down softly on the bridge or inside of ditch, natural bending in a certain degree is required. Indoor reserve shall be 8 meters. The ring reserve of each part outdoor shall be 2 meters (20 meters below shall be calculated as 1 meter).the in entrance-exit ground parts of cable and its junction shall be 2 meters. Optical fiber cable and electric cable (if any) outdoor reserve of each end shall refer to “Regulation for construction of railway communication” and “Regulation for construction of project of railway optical fiber cable communication” for application.  
(3) 电缆桥架上敷设多条电缆时,应排列整齐,互不交叉;
Piping on bridge for multi-piece cable shall be neatly arranged and cable intersection is prohibited.
(4) 隧道和高架桥上电缆区间宜采用明敷,车站宜用隐蔽方式;
Cable of tunnel and viaduct shall adopt surface wiring, and conceal installation shall be applied in station.
(5) 各种电缆应有编号并配有相应的标识;
All cables shall be label with relevant mark.  
(6) 下列埋设地点应埋设有电缆标:
Cable sign shall be set up in the following inbuilt site.
> 电缆转向或分支处;
Turning or branch of cable;
> 超过500米的直线中间点;
Intermediate points of line which exceed 500 meters;
> 地下接头处;
Underground joints;
> 隧道内电缆转向或分支处;
Turning or branch of cable inside tunnel;
> 隧道内电缆接头处;
Cable joints inside tunnel
(7) 电缆从隧道一侧过渡到另一侧时,应采用刚性固定卡固定。
Cable transit from one side of tunnel to another side shall apply the rigid fixed-caliper for fixing.
Cable protection
(1) 地面干线电缆采用电缆槽防护,分支电缆采用管防护。
Cable tray shall be applied in ground main cable for protection, and tube protection shall be applied in branch cable.
(2) 防护管的内径应为电缆外径的1.5倍以上。电缆穿过防护管后,应用麻袋条缠绕堵严,以防损坏电缆;
Inside diameter of protective tube shall be 1.5 times above the external diameter of cable. When cables penetrate the protective tube, jute bag shall be applied for winding and blocking in case of cable damaging.   
(3) 电缆穿过水沟、水渠敷设时应以钢管防护;
    When cable piping pass through ditch and slice-way, it is necessary to apply steel tube for protection. 
(4) 信号电缆与其它管线、建筑交叉、平行的防护标准应符合《铁路信号施工规范》第7.3.9.条有关规定执行;
When signal cable intercourse with the other pipeline and building, the implementation of parallel protection standard shall comply with 7.3.9.clause of “regulation for construction of railway signaling”.
Cable box installation
(1) 电缆箱、盒引进电缆后,应用绝缘胶灌注固定。灌胶前,电缆引入口应堵严,备用引入口亦应堵严。灌注后的胶面应整洁明亮,胶面高度可低于电缆护套5~10毫米。
After cable was switched in the cable box shall be fixed by insulation paste. Before fixing the lead-in entrance shall be blocked tightly and stand-up lead-in entrance shall also be blocked tightly. The glue surface shall be smooth and clean. The glue surface height may be 5-10mm lower to the cable sheath. 
 (2) 根据承包商提供的安装技术手册为依据并参照执行。
Comply with the installation manual provided by supplier and put into effective
Cable lay down requirements
(1) 电缆敷设包括以下作业:
Cable lay down shall include following operations:
> 固定室外设备的位置
Fix the outdoor equipments
> 利用适当的技术方法从工程车上或以其他方式铺设电缆
Make use of applicable technology to pipe cable from engineering truck or by other means.
> 把电缆压入电缆桥架或槽内
Press cable into cable bridge or cable slot.
(2) 电缆接头的安装包括以下作业:
The installations of cable joint include the following operations.
> 准备电缆末端
Cable end preparation
> 剥去电缆外皮
Shell off cable sheath
> 分开电缆芯
Split the cable core
> 剥开两边电缆芯线束,套上可收缩热导管
Shell off the bale of cable core on both side and cover with retractable thermal pipes.
> 连接并收缩电缆线束
Connect and shrink the cable wires
> 建立铠装与屏蔽连接
Establish sheath restrictive coating and shielding connection
> 安装防护垫圈
Install the protective rings
> 安装收缩接头
Install the shrinkage joints
> 测量电缆接头位置
Measure the location of cable joints
7.4.2 室外设备安装工程 Outdoor equipments installation project
Construction preparation and general requirements refer to 6.2.2
2)信号机   Semaphore
> 信号机设置地点,应按设计文件在施工中调查时确定;
The location of semaphore shall be defined in accordance with design document and surveyed in process of construction.
> 信号机安装,应按设计施工图中的要求进行安装;
The installation of semaphore shall be defined in accordance with the requirements of construction scheme.
> 信号机机构的型号、规格和灯光配列应符合设计规定。部件齐全,不得有裂纹,门关闭严密。
Models, specifications and light arrangements of semaphore shall meet with the design requirements and complete range of parts, free of crack and closely tight in sluice.
> 信号机内部设备应安装牢固。
Internal equipments of semaphore shall be installed firmly
> 信号机的配线应符合设计文件要求,同时符合《铁路信号工程质量评定验收标准》,并作防潮密封处理。
The conductor arrangement of semaphore shall comply with the requirements of design documents as well as “Standard for quality inspection and assessment of railway signal engineering” and carry out air-tight sealing procedure for guarding against damp.
3) ATP/ATO及列车位置检测轨旁设备
ATP/ATO and train location inspection way-side equipments
The installation of way-side equipments shall meet with the requirements for technical installation provided by equipment supplier.
4) 车载设备
On-board equipment of train
The installation of on-board signal equipment of train operation shall meet with the standard for installation technology provided by equipment supplier.
5) 车站站台设备的安装
Platform equipment installation of station
> 车站站台设备包括:发车计时器、紧急停车按钮箱等;
Platform equipments of station include: departure time meter and emergency stop button box, etc.
> 安装前逐个进行检测,工作正常方可安装;
Perform one by one inspection before installation and ensure a regular operating condition for installation.
> 吊装方式、位置应符合设计规定;
Lifting method and location shall comply with design requirements.
> 吊装部件应作防腐处理;
Lifting part shall carry out antiseptic treatment.
> 接配线的种类、防护、应符合设计规定;
Wire type and protection shall meet with the design requirements. 
> 电缆接头应有余量,电缆和电源线均应固定,并不得用插头承受电缆自重;
Joint of cable shall leave additional space. Cable and power circuit shall be fixed tightly. Using plug to stand the sole weight is not allowed.
6) 防腐、防潮、涂漆、培土
Preservation, damp proof, painting and earth up

Hot-dip galvanizing, rot-proof bitumen and thermal shrinkage tube is suggested for preservation, and moisture proof procedure in accordance with design requirements.
Paint coating and writing for its name
> 信号设备除磨擦面、滑动面、螺扣部分,表面镀层部分,水泥部分及水泥制品外,应全部涂漆,涂漆颜色应符合有关规定。
All Signal equipments shall apply paint coating and the color of paint shall comply with the related requirements except fiction surface, slide surface, bolt parts, coating surface, cement part and cement product.   
> 设备涂漆,应先除锈,再涂防锈漆,然后涂规定颜色的调和漆。调和漆应涂刷两遍,油漆涂刷应厚薄均匀、完整,不得有皱纹、鼓泡或脱落现象。
Paint coating of equipments shall perform rust cleaning procedure first and then be coated with antirust lacquer, then coated with mixed paint of regulated color. Mixed paint shall be coated twice and coating shall be even, integral and free of wrinkle bubbling and shedding.  
> 信号设备的名称代号应与竣工图相符,不应使用未经批准的符号、代号及编号。字体应符合国家现行的《机械制图字体》(GB4457.3—1984)规定。
Name of signal equipments shall be complied with completion work chart. Symbol, code and serial number without approving shall not be applied. Character style shall comply with the requirements of current national regulation “Character style of mechanical drawing” (GB4457.3—1984).

> 设备名称书写位置应符合下列要求:
Character location of equipment name shall meet with the following requirements:
- 信号机写在机构门中间;
Semaphore shall write in the middle of framed door
- 轨旁箱、盒写在盖子上。
Way-side case shall write on the cover.
Equipments earth up

> 室外地面信号设备的混凝土基础埋深不足时,应培土夯实,并有一定的斜边坡。
When concrete base of outdoor ground signal equipments have an inadequate embedment depth, it is necessary to have a firm earth up and leave a battered slope.   
> 信号设备培土不得小于:
Signal equipment earth up shall not below:
- 信号机,按设计要求确定;
Semaphore shall be defined in accordance with design requirements.
- 方向电缆盒,高度为基础面以下150mm,顶面距盒中心500mm;
The height of orientation cable box shall be 150mm below foundation surface and its top is 500mm away from box center.
- 终端电缆盒,高度为基础面以下150mm,顶面距盒中心400mm;
The height of terminal cable box shall be 150mm below foundation surface and its top is 400mm away from box center.

7.4.3室内安装工程 Indoor installation project
1) 施工准备及一般规定 Construction preparation and general requirements
Construction preparation shall refer to 6.2.2
Before indoor installation, it is necessary to perform quantity checking and visual inspection. Equipments shall be integral, free of damaging, complete range of parts and mating.  
Perform electric character testing in equipments; indexes of equipments shall conform to the current national and railway ministry standard or related regulation of equipments provided by foreign supplier. 
Specification of frameworks and cabinets shall conform to the design requirements.
The installation location, arrange order, and installation method of equipments shall conform to the design requirements.
Conductor between frameworks may apply the flexible cord of copper core and plastic insulation. The wire section shall not below 0.4mm2, and the middle part of wire shall free of junction or insulation damage. Conductor arrangement of cable shall be neatly. Shell off shall not damage any parts of wire core and insulation. Wire is closely packed and has an accurate location. Cable shall equip with orientation marking.    
Wire welding shall comply with the following requirements:
> 严禁使用有腐蚀性焊剂;
Corrosive flux material is prohibited; 
> 焊接必须牢固,不得有脱股、断股,焊点光滑、无毛刺;
Welding shall be firm and free of chipping off, wire breaking. The welding surface shall be smooth and free of fins.
> 焊接端子片应套塑料软管,软管长度应一致。
The welding connector shall cover with plastic flexible pipe. The length of flexible pipe shall be the same with each others. 
> 压接配线应满足工艺要求。
Press-in wire shall meet with the related processing requirements
Cable leading-in shall meet with the following requirements:
> 电缆引入口应堵严;
The leading-in entrance of cable shall be blocked tightly.
> 储备的电缆排列整齐;盘放在指定位置;
The reserved cable shall be neatly arranged and coiled in a design location.
> 电缆引入电缆柜时,不得有硬弯或背扣;
When cable leaded in cabinet stiff bending and back buckling is prohibited:
> 电缆柜的电缆排列整齐,分段固定。严禁将电缆外护套及钢带剥除后固定;
Cable in cabinet shall be arranged neatly and fixed with separate section. Fixed the cable after shell off its sheath and steel strip is prohibited;
> 终端应有标明去向的铭牌。
Terminal shall be marked with nameplate for cable orientation.
Installation of indoor equipments
The construction installation project of signal system mainly consists by following installation commissioning:
> 联锁设备
Interlock equipments
ATP/ATO equipments
> 列车位置检测设备
Train location testing equipments
> CTC车站设备
CTC station equipments
> CTC控制中心与车辆段设备
CTC controlling center and car depot equipments
> 电源屏、UPS及电池设备
Power screen, UPS and battery equipments
> 各类接口设备
Interface equipments
> 试车线设备
Trail running line equipments
 培训中心设备
 Training center equipments
The content of installation project shall be implemented in accordance with the technical standard for equipments installation provided by supplier. 

7.4.4防雷、接地 Lightning protection, Ground connection
1) 防雷接地装置的种类、用材规格应符合设计规定。]
The type and material specification of lightning protection and ground connection devices shall conform to the design requirements.
2) 防雷接地装置的安装应符合设计规定。
Installation of lightning protection and ground connection device shall conform to the design requirements.
3) 防雷、接地的地线接地电阻值应符合有关规定,满足设备防护要求。
The resistance values of ground wire of lightning protection and ground connection shall meet with the related requirements to satisfy the protection requirements of equipments. 
7.5  检查测试  Inspection for testing
The installation standards, installation manual of supplier and the related appendix of equipments purchasing contract listed in the chapter form the foundation of installation project of signal equipments inspection.  
1) 完工检验
Final inspection
After final inspection, supplier shall finish all the checking and testing work of installed equipments, cable, wire and optical fiber cable in accordance with the standard in the chapter with the participation of supervision engineer from supplier. Inspection method shall refer to the regulation of “TB10419-2000”.
Inspection requirements
(1) 设备外观检查:(现场检查,据图核对)
Visual inspection of equipments: (field inspection, verification with drawing).  
The coating of equipments is well preserved, clean and neat. Equipments are installed in a correct location, fixed and reliable.
(2) 设备房检查(现场观察)
Equipments room inspection (field inspection)
Equipments shall be neat, and have sound connection reliability. Marking shall be comprehensive and distinctive. Insulation ground connection meet with related requirements. Installation of cable bridge is fixed and in a correct location.
(3) 机架(柜)间内部配线检查(现场据图核对)
Inspection on frameworks (cabinets) of its internal wiring (field verification with drawing)
The wiring between frameworks (cabinets) of equipments shall be correct, fix and well arranged.  
The construction quality and indexes of Cable and framework shall be inspected in accordance with related sign in a successive term.
3) 联调 Joint debugging

Supplier shall design signal debugging and systematic joint debugging procedure in accordance with joint debugging plan. It shall be put it into operation and testing after approving by the owner. The inspection result shall be confirmed by the supervision engineer in the field.
Except installation supplier shall responsible for joint debugging of system and perform necessary cooperation in other system (outside contract) during the joint debugging process, and solve the problem in joint debugging to ensure successful joint debugging.   
Final completion materials: in accordance with related regulation of this bidding documents.



