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发布时间:2012-10-21      阅读次数:1471



3. Spatial Distribution of Special Geologic Bodies
    Special geologic bodies in extension project of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station haven't been found in surface geological work before construction of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station. The special geologic bodies are not found as well in area nearby the station site in 1:50000 geological map, 1:2000 engineering geological map for the feasibility study of the Tianwan nuclear power station and 1:1000 engineering geological map for the first-stage project of the power station, even the larger scale air photos taken in 1978 doesn't directly show its images. Due to the ongoing earthwork stone excavation of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station, the special geologic bodies were exposed out of the current ground.
3.1 Plane Distribution of Special Geologic Bodies
3.1.1 Distribution within 3# nuclear island site
    During the detail survey of extension engineering, fracture zones were found in the five drills, including 203, 214, 220, 220-1 and 220-2, above of which were distributed in a straight line, (see Fig.3-1), running along the direction of NW-SE. The structure fracture zone (see Picture 3-1) was also found in the damping ditch which was excavated at the early stage in the east of 3# nuclear island, this fracture zone also runs along the direction of NW-SE, in addition, the extension line of the above five drills passes through position of the fracture zone in the damping ditch. Evidently, the fracture zone existed in the drills and damping ditches could be classified into the geologic bodies. The depth of geologic bodies disclosed by the drills is about 56m.
In order to find out the distribution in the area, the Nuclear Industry Engineering Reconnaissance Institution deployed 5 trial trenches and 5 resistivity profile measuring wire on the ground in 2003 ( Figure 3-1), the trial trenches and profile are vertical to the ligature of the 5 drill holes, and the separation distance is about 30m. The length of the trial trench can cover the special geological body. The length of the resistivity profile can cover the special geological body and it has normal field long enough in the two sides. Since a plentiful of stone is stacked in the site, the positions of trenches and resistivity profile have been adjusted properly, distance between P3~P4 of resistivity profile is 60m, and no trench and resistivity profile were arranged in the west of 203 drill. After the foundation pit of 3# nuclear island is excavated to depth of -0.8m, the walls and bottom of foundation pit were cataloged again.
In 2008, the Nuclear Industry Engineering Survey Institute excavated 3 trial trenches between No.3 and No.4 nuclear island (Figure 3-1) to find out the relationship of the special geological bodies in the area of No.3 and No.4 nuclear islands.
    Through the investigation above, 2 geological bodies are found in No.3 nuclear island and the space between No.3 and No.4 nuclear islands. The larger one is about 175m in length in No.3 nuclear island, the exposure width is about 7.0m to 14.0m, and the direction is about 330° (Figure 3-1). It ends at the solid waste temporary storage place (9UKT) in the northwest. There is a part of low resistance with the width of 12.0 to 16.0m in each resistivity profile, and its position is almost the same with the special geological bodies found in the trial trenches. And the smaller special geological body is located at northwest of the waste temporary storage place (9UKT), between No.3 and No.4 nuclear island, it is about 40m in length and the max width is about 5m. It presents to be lenticular form, and the direction is about 330° (Figure 3-1).
    Seen from the base of the foundation pit, the special geological body is continuous distribution. It goes from southeast corner to the northwest corner to cross the base of the save plant (UKD) (Figure 3-2), the overall direction is about NW335°, and the length is nearly 70m, the width is 3.5 to 15m. It is coincident with the detecting result of the trial trenches and resistivity profile.
    1. In the catalog of circulating cooling water tunnel of No.2 generating unit (UPN), the foundation pit of nuclear service plant (UKC) and foundation pit of CI (conventional island)(circulating cooling water pump house (UQA) and steam turbine house (UMA)) of Phase I project, deep strongly weathered rock mass was found. These strongly weathered rocks are all in NW-SE direction, with steep dip; the rock mass were broken within the zone, and there were white or red clay minerals in the contact belt with the surrounding rocks distributed in stripes. These rock mass are in the southeastward extension line of the special geologic body on No.3 NI (Fig.3-3). These deep strongly weathered rock mass is probably the southeastward extension of special geologic body of No.3 NI.
    1. It is found in the catalog that, compared with the deep strongly weathered belt found in No.2 circulating cooling water tunnel and foundation bottom of nuclear service building, the fracture degree of rock mass in CI section is relatively low, and it is seen that the deep strongly weathered rock mass pinched out in the center of foundation pit of steam turbine house; no deep strongly weathered rock mass is found in the east wall of foundation pit (Fig.3-4).
    1. In order to find out the buried depth and shape of offshore bedrock near the plant site and offshore fractures, esp. the extension of Shaoxianghe Fracture in offshore area, the Jiangsu Engineering Physical Survey Institute conducted seismic survey in offshore area near the plant site. See survey lines in Fig.3-5.1. If the special geologic body extended to the south, then the survey lines of 31 and 2 of this offshore seismic survey should show abnormal indications in their respective locations, but the T5 wave groups on time profile of these two survey lines (Fig.3-6 and 3-7) are stable, clear, continuous and plat; the other wave groups are also stable and continuous, not affected by faulting.
    1. So judged by the above two points, the special geologic body of No.3 NI has pinched out at the middle of foundation pit of No.2 Steam turbine house, not extending to the southeast.


