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发布时间:2012-10-28      阅读次数:1296

Development, reformation and inspiration of Japanese pension to China
1. Research purpose
Having engaged in teaching and research of the social security for aged in the university for a long period, I am very interest to the system of social security for aged of foreign countries. It is required to study the experience of foreign country, and carry out more communication with the foreign academia, so as to improve scientific research and teaching level.
Study the reason for establishment, evolution process, establishment of project, actual effect, problem occurred, measure and effect of present reformation of the system of Japanese pension is the demand for deepening the academic research. Japan has begun to establish the national pension system for the aged in fifties and sixties. Having developed rapidly for about half a century, it has achieved many experiences and lessons. Entering 1990s, the economy stagnancy of Japan leads to the low growth in financial revenue for aged. In addition, the increasing pension expense due to the growing aging population leads the financial crisis of national annuity. The Japanese government begins to reform the pension system, including reduces the treatment of the pension, raises the initial age of payment, sets up accumulation funds and expands investment channel of funds, etc.. The reform of pension system becomes several important tasks faced by Japanese government as well as a focus to the academia circle.
Another main purpose of the research of this subject is to search the measure suitable for solving the social security for the aged of China. China has a large number of aged populations. The old person with low-income constitutes a large portion. The rapid development of market economy leads the income gap between the old people and the on-the-job personnel become wider. It is required to establish the social security and learn the foreign experience to protect the interests of old person.
2. Significance of research
Why the system of Japanese pension which has implements for half a century has occurred the crisis; what are the reason and measure to its reform; whether or not this reform overcomes the problems of aging population and lacking of funds? How about the new problem and prospect of reform during reforming process; what the mode of the pension should be in the future? These are problems which Japanese societies constantly put forward and require to be solved at present, and it is also the question that the academia needs to be answered.
The research of this subject will help to explore the reform direction of the system of Japanese pension. The reasons of the financial crisis of the Japanese pension have the following two aspects: First, the foundation of pension collecting is being weakened constantly. First of all, the continuing economic recession leads the bankrupt of large number of small and medium-sized enterprises. The quantity of unemployed person is increasing as well. The jobless pay less or in arrears with the insurance premium of pension due to the decreasing of income. Secondly, the financial crisis of weaken the confidence of the young people, peasant and self-employed entrepreneur to join the insurance of the aging pension. They are reluctant to join the plan of national annuity and refuse to pay the pension. In 2002, the proportion of the peasant and self-employed entrepreneur that fail to pay the pension premium is about 40%. Adding the proportion of students and insurance premium exempted personnel, in fact, nearly half of insured person have not paid the insurance premium. Moreover, with the declining rate of breeding and working-aged population, the base fee is reduced as well. Second, the pension expenditure is expanding constantly. The average life expectancy of Japanese is the longest one in the world, which reaches 80 at present and will raise to 88 years old by 2050. After the average life expectancy is prolonged, the old population and proportions of aged are increasing constantly. In 1990, the population of aged personnel above 80 years old shall account 20%. It rose to 22.4% in 2000. It will rise to 32.4% in 2020 and rise to 42.4% further in 2030. Aging population and aged population will not only constantly expend the pension expenditure, but also prolong the expenditure process. In present, the Japanese pension expenditure has exceeded 50% of financial budget. The unbalance of pension receipts and expenditures urges the Japanese government to take relevant measures for improving the proportion of paying etc. to shift the financial burden. It is estimated, if they do not carry out the reform to the previous pension system, the serious crisis will appear in the Japanese pension account by 2015. In order to solve these problems, the promotion of deepening research in academy and putting forward the feasible settlement countermeasure in time shall help to alleviate the serious pension crisis at present and in the future.
China is also required to draw the advance experience from national pension system and its reform of Japanese. China is undergoing the fast market economy evolution at present and is also undergoing the fast aging population at the same time. The populations of aging people increase very fast. Now the aged population over 60 years old in China has already up to 150 million. Of these huge number of aged population, the majority of them lives in the countryside with low income, which need more helps of government. National pension system and reforming experience and lessons of Japan have an important reference for solving the demand of social security of large number of aging person without fixed income and low income in China.
In this research field, there were some relevant research results, however, as for the research academia of China, it lack the study of the national pension system of developed country. And the past research, even in Japan, most of those are putting forward and analyzing the problems and it lack the research of solving measure. At the same time we should also see, the academia lack research the reference brought by the reform of Japanese pension system. Therefore, it is required to carry out new and deepening research in this field.
This subject research may include the following several aspects: (1) The history and evolution process the system of national pension of Japan; (2) Project content, implementing effect and existing problem at present of the system of national pension of Japan;  (3) Demand and future variation tendency of fund supply and foreseeable problems of national pension of Japan;  (4) The countermeasure and suggestion of the problems of national pension of Japan;  (5) the experience and lessons of the development and reform and enlightenment of national pension system of Japan to China, and the plan and the implementing suggestion for China to set up the system of national pension.
Research approach:
This research mainly includes the data materials of documents research and published materials, and cooperates with recommended method from the interview of experts. As for the research documents of Chinese, some relevant documents had already published in the past. This research will utilize relevant documents of library of the People's University of China, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Beijing Library; the members of this seminar may read these documents in English, Japanese and Chinese, etc. This subject will also fully utilize documents of Internet and data resource. It will utilize the data materials of periodical network of China, Welfare in Japan, statistics bureau of general affairs province of Japan, websites of relevant research institution of Japan (includes the folk research institution) and utilize the published document and materials for research.
Except the research documents, this subject will also hold the interview of experts. And visit the expert of important research institutions, such as Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the People's University of China, Beijing University, etc. and experts from Japan, so as to obtain the research view point of authoritative experts and finish the research task of this subject.
The characteristics of this project also include the descriptive research and exploratory research. This subject shall utilizes the obtained data materials to carry out the descriptive research, understand the clear insight of the history and current situation of Japanese pension, and use the qualitative exploration research approach to analyze its reason and consequence, and propose the recommendations of countermeasure policy.
Anticipated research results
Phase achievement: Publish 1- 2 scientific papers on the domestic influential academic publication as the research results of middle period
最终成果:完成最终研究报告,提供给日本住友集团基金会The Sumitomo Foundation,在基金会允许的情况下提供给本人所在单位科研管理部门和本国政府社会保障部;通过相关的国内外学术研讨会交流和宣传本研究成果。
Final achievement: Finish the final research report and submit to the Sumitomo Foundation. And offer to the scientific research administrative department of author’s unit and social security department of government with the approval of foundation; exchange and publicize the research results through the relevant domestic and international scientific seminar.



