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发布时间:2012-11-2      阅读次数:1311

数字环境下版权保护的 挑战及对策 Challenge  and Countermeasure of Copyright Protection in Digital Environment :
Three major types of copyright infringement related with P2P technology:
Network service provider only provide P2P software or access server for the P2P software (simple P2P service);
While providing the P2P software and access server for the P2P software, the network service providers also provide the catalogue of video and music for clicking download or enjoying online for the users:
Whether the users of P2P software constitute copyright infringement for “sharing” the works without permission.

中国的现状Current Status in China
Various service of P2P technology in China at present are not simple P2P service, but provides the content of relevant earnestly compiled works at the same time, or provide storage space for uploading linked service of P2P users.
Article 22 and article 23 of “Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right” clearly stipulates : the Internet service provider for providing the storage space, and the internet service provider for providing the searching or linking  who, is fully aware or should be aware that the content is infringed the copyright or the linked content and does no apply the relevant measure shall bear the responsibility for infringement.



“Busheng Music Company Appeals to Kuro  (Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court, 2006)
     Defendant shall fully aware of the source of songs involved in the case may be uploaded without permission of accuser, and the defendant does not prove to apply any measures to prevent the uploading behaviors of 53 songs without the permission of the Shanghai Busheng company involved in this case through Kure software. Therefore, the court held that the behaviors of Posheng Fangan Company shall be an act of subjective desire.
Defendant shall bear the indirect liability of infringement for copyright as “provider of searching and linked service”.


“51TV.com Appeals to Thunder”: the People’s Court of Pudong New Area of Shanghai (2008) 
   In accordance with the normal business rules, the production company and the corresponding beneficiary has no right to implementing the  unrestricted opening network communication  of films without the authorization and payment. As a network company for offering the special downloading service, the defendant shall be fully aware of this knowledge and perfectly equip with the capacity for understanding this knowledge.
    The defendant website has edited the content and attached with the description paragraph of the film of “Confession of Pain” and the comment of the downloading speed and content.  The comment list of net friends even has the comment words of “ This film is a pirate file; come here for downloading; “DVD edition” and “the picture is too dim, do you have the  edition of high definition ?”, etc., which may judge the legality of the downloading resource.
Defendant shall bear the indirect liability of infringement for copyright as “the provider of searching and linked service”.


“Guangzhou Zhongkai Appeals to Guangzhou Shulian (POCO): Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People's Court (2007): “It is well known that the original natures of film production determine that the manufacture of the film works shall consume  a large quantity of labor, material resources and finance, therefore, generally the copyright owner may not  supply the film products to the general public in free, especially the new film. So far as the films of this case concerned, the manufacture of these films is completed in September of 2004 in Hong Kong;  it was shown firstly in November of 2005 in Hong Kong; the date to publish to film on the POCO is 19th, November, 2005 and is the same date with the opening of the film. Therefore, in general the copyright owner may not allow the others publish the film works without authorization, and it is obviously  an unauthorized action of network user. ….. In this cast,  the copyright infringement of network user is self-evident. However, the defendant turns a blind eye to it, and permits the enlargement of infringement behavior, which has an obvious subject fault and shall bear the corresponding leangle  liability.
Defendant shall bear the corresponding liability as an “Provider of searching and linked service”, which has not relationship whether or not it offers the P2P software or apply the P2P technology. 


《著作权法》第10条第1款第12项: “信息网络传播权,即以有线或者无线方式向公众提供作品,使公众可以在其个人选定的时间和地点获得作品的权利”
The 12th term of the 1st subparagraph of article 1 of Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China provided that “the right of communication of information on networks, that is, the right to communicate to the public a work, by wire or wireless means in such a way that members of the public may access these works from a place and at a time individually chosen by them”.
《信息网络传播权保护条例》第26条: “信息网络传播权,是指以有线或者无线方式向公众提供作品、表演或者录音录像制品,使公众可以在其个人选定的时间和地点获得作品、表演或者录音录像制品的权利” 。
The article 26th of Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China provided that: “right to network dissemination of information" refers to the right to provide the works, performance and audio-visual products to the general public in a wire or wireless manner so that the general public may get access to the works, performance and audio-visual products at the time and place that the relevant owner has chosen”.

Three types of copyright infringement related with P2P technology has appeared in EU.
As for the second types of problem (network provider provides the content of searching film and music at the same time), the legislation and jurisdiction practice of EU is the same with China.
As for the third type of problem (the private user of P2P software “share” the works), countries in EU held that it constitutes the infringement of copyright, and part of EU countries will prosecute the criminal sanction.

As for the fist type problem (offering the simple P2P service), there are two tendencies in the legislation and jurisdiction practice:
The provider of P2P service seduces the infringement behavior of the others and constitutes a crime in serious cases.
Ask the P2P dealer to take the relevant filtering measure: Scarlet case of Belgium:magistrate‘s court of Brussels(2007)   
比利时作者、作曲家和出版商协会(SABAM)要求网络接入服务商Scarlet采取过滤措施,以防止用户使用P2P软件非法交换音乐作品。法院对Scarlet下达禁令,要求其在6个月内安装Audible Magic系统,以过滤侵权音乐。
The Belgian Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers (SABAM) asked the website to access the Scarlet network and apply the filtering measure for preventing the illegal behavior of music exchanging of user through P2P software. The court bans the Scarlet and orders it to install the Audible Magic system within 6 months for filtering the infringement music. 

《著作权法》第44条:“ 广播电台、电视台有权禁止未经其许可的下列行为: (一)将其播放的广播、电视转播 ; (二)将其播放的广播、电视录制在音像载体上以及复制音像载体。 ”
The article 44 of Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China provided that “A radio station or television station shall have the right to prohibit the following acts without authorization therefrom:
  (1) to rebroadcast its broadcast radio or television program; and
  (2) to fix its broadcast radio or television program on a sound recording or video recording carrier and to reproduce the sound recording or video recording carrier”.
The regulation does not define the concept of “rebroadcast station”, “TV station” and “rebroadcast”, which may be interpreted according to the terms of “Rome Convention” and “Trips agreement”.
“Organization of broadcasting on Internet” is not protected by the law; “rebroadcast” is also limited to the pattern of traditional wireless rebroadcast.

The “directive of information society copyright” of EU  has endowed the broadcast organization the “authorization of interactive transmission” (equal to the authorization of information network), but does not endowed the “authorization of transmission to the general public” to the broadcast organization.
 The “directive of information society copyright” of EU recognized that the “temporary duplication” belongs to the action of duplication. However, the broadcast organization is also has the “duplication right”. Therefore, the program of broadcast organization  on Internet without permission may constitutes the infringement of “duplication right”.



Definition of the infringement liability of the provider of platform
 Users is the person which directly upload the infringement content, not the platform provider. Therefore, the platform provider does not constitute the direct infringement. However, when the platform provider is fully aware or should be aware that the users upload the infringement content and does not cancel it in time, the platform provider shall constitutes indirect infringement.
Notification complied with the regulation of “Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right” may prove that the platform provider is “fully aware” the existence of the infringement content.
If the rightful owner does not issue the notification or the notification does not meet the relevant requirements, the court may determine that the platform provider should be aware the existence of the infringement content.

《信息网络传播权保护条例》第22条: 网络服务提供者为服务对象提供信息存储空间,供服务对象通过信息网络向公众提供作品、表演、录音录像制品,并具备下列条件的,不承担赔偿责任:   ……   (三)不知道也没有合理的理由应当知道服务对象提供的作品、表演、录音录像制品侵权;   ……   (五)在接到权利人的通知书后,根据本条例规定删除权利人认为侵权的作品、表演、录音录像制品。
Article 22 of “Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right” provided that Where a network service provider provides information memory space to its service objects, or provides the works, performance and audio-visual products to the general public through the information network and in case the following requirements are satisfied, he is not required to assume the liabilities of compensation:
(3) Having no knowledge of and being justifiable reason to know the infringement of the works, performance and audio-visual products;
 (5) After receiving a notice from the owner, deleting those works, performance and audio-visual products that the owner regards as infringing ones according to the present Ordinance.

Nubb.com Appeals to Tudou.com (Shanghai People’s court, 2008)   上诉人(原审被告)特意将“原创”作品与其他“娱乐”“影视”“音乐”等作品分设不同频道的行为本身,说明上诉人除了对广大网络用户将自拍的家庭生活或娱乐片断等原创作品上传之外,还可能将其他未经许可的热门电影和电视剧等上传至网站从而招致可能的侵权风险的情况是知晓的;
Appellant (defendant) which purposely arranges the “original” works and the other “entertainment”, “video files” and “music” in a different channel shows except the family  living or amusement video that uploaded by the general network user, the appellant may fully aware the rise of infringement for uploading the other popular film or TV play to the website.   根据常理可知,目前没有任何一家中外著名电影制片公司许可过任何网站或个人免费提供其摄制的热门电影供网络用户下载。上诉人作为一家专门从事包含影视、音乐等在内的多媒体娱乐视频共享平台的专业网站,在日常网站维护中,应当知晓当时在大陆热播的电影作品之一的《疯狂的石头》的上传是未经许可的。
Generally, no well known film production corporation may authorize any website or individual to offering the download resource of popular film in free. As a special website engaging in the sharing platform of multi-media of film and music, it shall fully aware in daily maintenance that the uploading of popular film production of “Crazy Stone” of mainland in China is unauthorized.

As for the indirect liability of infringement for copyright of the provider of UGC platform, the regulation of EU “directive of E-commerce”  in 2000 is the same with China.
Some EU member states start to ask the provider of UGC platform to take the measure of content filtering.

German Rapidshare case: Dusseldorf magistrate's court  
There is a file sharing website named Rapidshare. The users may upload the file freely, but can only download a number of files in free per month. Users may pay to the website for infinite high-speed download. At the same time, the website offers the uploading software and rewards the uploading users which have a large download record. The infringement preventing measures applied by the website are as follows:
Keyword filtering of file name;
When the infringement file is deleted, it shall not be uploaded again with the same file name.
Applied the Md5 filtering system for preventing the user uploading the file of the same content with different file name.
Establish the special supervision department; and delete the infringement document which claimed by the rightful owner.

The court held that: the filtering measure of Rapidshare website is insufficient, the reasons are:
The function of the keyword of file play a minor role, because people can use different file names to upload the same content. Users can search the same file with the name of the works.
Md5 filtering system can only discern the files with  exact content, however, slight modification can evade the verification of that software;
由于共享文件数量巨大, Rapidshare网站监控部门只能阻止少量侵权文件上传。
Because the quantity of the sharing files is enormous, the supervision department of Rapidshare website only stop a small number of uploaded infringement file.
The court held that:  the commercial modes of Rapidshare websites have been encouraged the behavior of large amount uploading, and benefited from the websites. The main reason for the users pay to (Even it is not the only reason) the website is to obtain the pirate works.
法院的结论: Rapidshare网站必须采取更加有效的过滤措施,即使该措施会导致其对用户的吸引力大幅降低。如果这些措施都无效, Rapidshare网站经营者甚至有义务关闭该网站。
The court conclusion: Rapidshare websites shall take more effective filtration measures, even these measures will  largely reduce its appealing to the users. If these measures are all invalid, the operator of Rapidshare website has the obligation to close this website.

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