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发布时间:2012-11-3      阅读次数:1767


加州洋房 位于华南广场西侧坡地之上,步行较为困难。除东南角濒临罗马假日大酒店(规划)之外,其余东北、西、南、北均环绕建成住宅小区,居住氛围浓厚。周边配套齐备,交通发达,出则繁华,入则宁静
动力院景 位于华南广场西侧,西侧与加州洋房相连。项目东侧为目前区域较大的旺顺阁酒店,东北衔接金山高尔夫练习场,南侧为罗马假日大酒店(规划)。项目距离华南广场距离极近,小区门口即有公交车出行

Name of project  Surrounding environment
Foreign-style house of Jiazhou  Located in the slope land in the west of Huanan Square. It is relatively difficult for walking. Except that the southeast corner is close to the vacation hotel of Rome (planed), the other parts of the northeast, the west, the south and the north is surrounded in a residential district. It has a strong atmosphere for inhabitation. Facilities for living are complete and perfect around. The traffic is well developed. The surrounding environment is convenient and living environment is quiet.
Sight of Dongli  Located in the west of Huanan Square and in adjacency with foreign-style house of Jiazhou in the west. The east of part of project is the Wangshuen pavilion hotels with a large area at present; the east north street is close to the golf range of Jinshan in the Northeast. The southern side is for the vacation hotel of Rome (planed). Project is not far away from the Huanan Square. The bus station is available near the gate of residential district.

项目名称Name of project 周边环境
幸福里 东侧为家年华项目,与家年华共同组成泉水人家项目。南北侧均为地块,西侧为友好园,项目内部拥有小学和幼儿园,距离轻轨站较近,交通较为便利,配套较差
家年华 西侧为幸福里,与幸福里共同组成泉水人家项目。东侧为东北快速路,南北侧均为地块,西侧为友好园,项目内部拥有小学和幼儿园,距离轻轨站较近,交通较为便利,配套较差
锦泉源CD区 东侧为东快路,西侧为锦泉源AB区,北侧为泉华小区,南侧为枫丹丽城地块,居住氛围较好。交通不便,配套相对较好,项目内部有学校和小型商业群
龙畔金泉2组团 位于东快路东侧,距离轻轨站最近。区域待开发土地众多,目前虽有一组团居住,但小区整体形象没有完全形成。区内有重点高中,其余配套较差,小区居民如有大宗购物或者其他活动需前往华南区域
奥林园(加推) 东侧为美域盛景,西侧为华东路,南侧为待开发地块,北侧为金色阳光家园。交通十分便利,配套一般
富士庄园二期 东侧为幸福里,西侧为美域盛景,南侧为友好园,北侧为枫丹丽城。位于泉水核心位置,交通较为不便,配套不全,全赖小区内部的会所、游泳池和网球场。


Project name Name of project  Surrounding environment
Xingfuli   The east side is the project of Jianianhua, which constitutes the project of Quanshueirenjia together with Xingfuli. The north and south side is an open space. The west side is the Youhao Garden. There are primary school and kindergarten available in the project. The project is relatively close to station of light standard rail. The traffic is comparatively convenient. Facilities for living are relatively inconvenient.
Jianianhua  The west side of the project is Xingfuli, which constitutes the project of Quanshueirenjia together with Xingfuli. The east side is the Kuaisu Road of Northeastern. The north and south side is an open space. The west side is the Youhao Garden. There are primary school and kindergarten available in the project. The project is relatively close to station of light standard rail. The traffic is comparatively convenient. Facilities for living are relatively inconvenient.
Jingquanyuan CD area  The east side of the project is Dongkuai road. The west side is AB area of Jingquanyuan. The north side is the district of Quanhua. The southern side is an open space of Fengdanli District, which has a comfortable residential atmosphere. The traffic is inconvenient, and the facilities for living are relatively better. There are schools and small-scale commerce group inside the project.
The 2nd housing cluster of Longbanjinquan  Located in the east of Dongkuai road. It is close to station of light standard rail. The open space for developing is numerous in this area. Although only one housing cluster was housed at present, the overall image of the district has not totally taken shape. There is a key senior middle school in the residential district. The other facilities are not very convenient. Shopping or other activities of the residents in the district may go to the area of Huanan.
Aolin Garden ( recommanded)   The east side of the project is Meiyu Sight. The west is the road of Huadong. The southern side an open space for developing. The north side is the Golden Sunshine Garden. The traffic is very convenient and has good facilities for living.
The second phrase of Fushi Garden  The east side of the project is Xingguli. The southern side is the Youhao garden. The north side is the Fengdanlichang, which located in the center position of the spring. The traffic of the project is comparatively inconvenience. The facilities for living are not form a complete set.  There are meeting room, swimming pool and court available inside the residential district.

Region Age, career, source and family structure Purchase purpose  Value orientation  Features of house purchasing
泉水 25-30岁左右的年轻人 结婚或过渡 关注区域交通情况是否便利,喜好经济型产品 此类客群一般有较为稳定的收入,但首付能力差,因此喜好低总款、小面积,具有创新感的产品。
 受市内高房价挤压需求换房的家庭 改善居住条件 关心产品品质和户型,喜好较为适居产品 支付能力强,需求二居以上产品


Region  Age, career, source and family structure  Purchase purpose  Value orientation  Features of house purchasing
Spring  Young people about 25-30 years old  Get married or in transition period Pay close attention to the traffic situation of the area; fond of the economy products  This kind of clients have a guaranteed incomes, but the ability of the down payment is poor; fond of the low total fund, small area and products with innovative sense.
 Familis whcih feel pressured by the high house price of urban area and have the demand to change the residential house  Improve the residential conditions  Care about the quality of the products and house style; comparatively fond of comfortable living environment   Strong payment capability; fond of the house of two bedrooms or above

Name of project Marketable products Unmarketable products Main selling point  Marketing and spread strategies  Reasons of success and failure
加州洋房 多层 小高层 西班牙风格、小三室、经济型别墅、一层下跃 十年六成房贷多付的利息一次性补贴,美式双语幼儿园、游艇开盘仪式、业主植树节 产品创新程度高、引领潮流,定价较为合理
动力院景 100㎡左右可拓展空间产品 130㎡以上大面积三室产品 赠送超大入户花园,后期允许封闭。建安标准较高,位置优越 报纸推广、地盘包装、拱门、空飘 抓住客户喜好附赠面积心理,但面积控制较差
Name of project Marketable products Unmarketable products Main selling point  Marketing and spread strategies Reasons of success and failure
幸福里 90㎡以下产品 高层大面积产品、转角华型,不足80万的楼和顶楼 大连市北部首个温情社区、建安标准高、限价房 高频次报广、地盘包装、房交会、中华路沿线道旗 专业代理机构打造,距离轻轨较近
家年华 90㎡以下产品 二期小高层 建安标准高限价房 组织客户看电影、地盘包装、房交会 距离轻轨较近
锦泉源CD区 多层 小高层 60-70㎡经济型两居
超低多层价格 报纸推广 无营销概念
龙畔金泉2组团 90㎡以下产品 117㎡的两居和200㎡左右的跃层 超大社区、距离轻轨最近、区内设重点高中 轻轨沿线路牌和车体广告、报纸推广 营销手法极差

奥林园五期 70㎡以下产品 一楼和顶楼、大面积产品 交通便捷、多层产品、跃层产品 报纸推广 无营销概念
富士庄园二期 独栋别墅 小高顶楼和端单元 景观环境、容积率和居住密度低、户型好 报纸、杂志、电视宣传和地盘包装、客户回馈活动 泉水区域唯一别墅、周边环境差、高档归属感不强

Name of project  Marketable products  Unmarketable products  Main selling point  Marketing and spread strategies  Reasons of success and failure
Foreign-style house of Jiazhou  Multi-layer  Small scale high residence Spain's style; small three bedroom; economy villa; one story  The one-time housing subsidy of the interest of 60% housing loan in ten years, American bilingual kindergarten, yacht maiden voyage ceremony and the owner's Treeplanting Day  The innovation degree of products is high, lead the trend, and the price is comparatively rational.
Sight of Dongli  About 100M2 explorable  space  The residential area  above 130M2 with three bedrooms  Offer oversize garden links to the home; allow sealing on later phrase. High safety factor of the building; the location is superior  The newspaper promoting, domain packaging, arched door, floating style Catering the  psychology of customer that interested in the attached area but the area controlling is worse
Name of project  Marketable products  Unmarketable products  Main selling point  Marketing and spread strategies  Reasons of success and failure
Xingfuli Residential housing under 90M2 Residential housing of large area, turning corner type; the building and garret are fewer than 800,000  First wormhearted community of the north of Dalian; High safety factor of the building; residential housing with limited price;  The high frequency newspaper promoting; domain packaging; Housing Trade Fair; Flag promoting alone the Zhonghua Road  Designed by the professional agency; close to the station of light standard rail
Jianianhua  Residential housing under 90M2 Small scale high residence of the second phrase  High safety factor of the building; residential housing with limited price; Organize customer to go to the cinema; domain packaging; Housing Trade Fair; Close to the station of light standard rail
Jingquanyuan CD area  Multi-layer  Small scale high residence 60-70M2 economy residential house with two bedroom; 
Low price of multi-layer  Newspaper promoting  Free of marketing concept;
poor quality of products
The 2nd housing cluster of Longbanjinquan  Residential housing under 90M2 Two bedroom 117 M2 and 200 M2 skip floor apartment  Oversized community; Close to the station of light standard rail; key high school in the residential district;  Advertisement along the signpost and car body; newspaper promoting  Poor marketing strategy;
The quality of the products is relatively poor;

Aolin Garden ( recommanded)   Residential housing under 70M2 Large area residence in the first floor and top floor;  Convenient traffic; multi-layer products of traffic; skip floor apartment Newspaper promoting Free of marketing concept;
average quality of products
The second phrase of Fushi Garden  Villa  The small high penthouse and unit  Scenic environment; low volume rate and density of inhabitation;  good type of residential house  Promotion of newspaper, magazine and TV; domain packaging, customer feedback activities Only villa of Spring District; poor surrounding environment; top-grade sense of ownership are not very strong 


