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发布时间:2012-11-7      阅读次数:2261





Religion: Tibetan Buddhism

The Mongols' marriage customs: Marriage system. There are two types of marriage systems in Mongolian conventional marriage, namely, despoil marriage and engaged marriage. The despoil marriage is a type of marriage form appeared in slave society. Before the 13th century, most place in Mongols society carried out the despoil marriage. After the 13th century, the Mongolian enters the feudal society and applied the engaged marriage system.

Wedding: The wedding of the herdsman of the Mongols is lively and outstanding. The wedding detail is different due to the difference region. However, the procedure of wedding is basically similar to each other.


 Mythology: There is a mythology of the origin of mankind and marriage in China in “Wedding of Erdos”. In the age of mankind creation, two ancient of father and mother become the relatives by marriage. From the human father's right knee, grow out 361 boy babies. From the human s mother's left knee, breed 361 girl babies. Boys and girls married after growing up. The decedents of the ancestor become prosperous and live a happy life. The marriage is the rule which human father and mother decided after the birth of the world. The marriage of men and women is the reason for human procreation and happiness.

定亲:在蒙古族婚礼中,定亲是非常重要的环节。按照蒙古族的传统婚俗,青年男女成年以后,父母要为儿子物色一位般配的姑娘,女方也要详细了解男方。姑娘一般在十七、十九这些奇数年龄成婚。青年男女在定亲之前,男方要向女方求亲,为体现男方对女方的诚意,男方会选派一个善于交际的并在家族中有一定地位的男性作为媒人, 并托媒人多次向女方求亲。媒人找寻一位合适的人,一同带着象征和谐、甜蜜、旺盛的白糖、茶叶、胶等物品,用一块白手巾包着前去撮合,若女方收下方可继续进行。随后男方父母及本人要带着哈达、奶酒、糖块之类礼品求婚,需进行数次才能订婚。女方收下订婚礼后,男方还要向女方送三次酒,女方将酒全部喝掉,婚事便确定下来。求亲达成协议后,由男方带上哈达、奶酒和全羊到女家“下定”。女家请亲友陪客人饮酒,表示正式定亲。

Engagement: In Mongols' wedding, the engagement is a very important step. According to the traditional marriage customs of the Mongols, after young men and women grow up, parents shall look for a girl matching for the son. The family of girl shall ask for the detail information of the boy as well. Girls generally get married at the ages of odd number such as 17 and 19. Before engagement, the boy shall ask the girl to married with him. In order to proof the sincerity of the boy, the boy family shall select and appoint one person that is good at communication and with certain status in the family as the matchmaker, and ask the matchmaker to seek a marriage alliance to the girl’s family for many times. The matchmaker shall select a suitable person, and send the presents symbolized harmonious, happy and vigorous such as white sugar, tea and glue, etc. to the girl’s family. The presents shall be covered with a white towel. If the girl’s family accepted them presents the boy and the girl may continue their communication. Then the parents of boy and together with the boy shall bring presents of hada, wine of milk and sugar, etc. to the girl’s family and propose for marriage. It is required to carry on several times for settle the whole process of engagement. After the girl’s family accepts the presents for engagement, the boy’s family shall send the wine for three times to the girl. The girl shall drink all the wine up, and the marriage wedding is decided. After the engagement reached an agreement, the boy shall take hada , milk wine and the whole sheep to the girl’s family for “engagement agreement”. The girl's shall invite the relatives and friends and entertain the guest for drinking, which shows formally engaged.


Select a lucky date. Invite the lama to choose the lucky date; send out the wedding banquet invitation to relatives and friends finally.


Betrothal gifts: The boy family shall give the girl's family betrothal gifts after engagement, depending on the economic circumstances of the boy's family. In pasturing area, the betrothal gifts shall be ox, horse and sheep, etc. The herdsman regards 9 as the lucky number, the betrothal gifts regard nine as the starting point; from 1*9 to 9*9; and not to exceeding 81 at most, which takes the macrobiotic meaning in 99. If herd family does not possess betrothal gifts of nine, it can select the odd number smaller than nine such as 3, 5, 7 for the betrothal gifts, but it shall not select the even number.


Dowry: The Mongols stresses and dowries very much. Dowry is the dower gift with the daughter to the married family.


After the bride and bridegroom get back to the husband's home, the new couple shall ride a horse and turn three circles around the yurt, then bride and bridegroom get down from horse; stride two piles of very hot oven together; accept the supernatural baptism of fire, which symbolizes the pure and faithful of love, and the new life is prosperous. Then hold a memorial ceremony for and spill the milk wine to the fire simultaneously, and worship on bended knees and kowtow. The master of ceremonies stands nearby to read aloud “the words of praise of fire”: Sacred Genghis Khan finds the flint; the Kerluen mother kept the kindling, offers the sacrifices with the pure white hada and milk wine; the national fire is from ancient times to the present. Bride and bridegroom please pray!  The sacred kindling is the wetness for your wedding: bride and bridegroom please take the ceremony of kowtow to pray! The Buddhist light shall produce a male heir to continue the family line for you. The words of praise commemorate the ancestors, and hint that bride and bridegroom shall have sons early.



After entering the yurt, newly-married couple shall hold a memorial ceremony for stove fire to pray again for the life prosperity and stable at first, which is different to the ceremonial of Han nationality to worship Heaven & Earth, and then take a formal visit to the elder relatives and friends. The mother of bride shall uncover the veil of the bride, and gives the new name to the bride, which signifies that the bride has already belonged to the bridegroom at this moment. After the bride changed her dressing, the wedding banquet begins formally. The wedding banquet is still mainly offered with the mutton and milk products.

Bride and bridegroom shall offer the Hada and wine to the relatives and friends from all directions. Young men and women play the horse-headed instrument and sing heartily. The wedding breakfast shall last for 3 days.


