9.2 单层钢结构厂房
9.2.1( I )一般规定
钢结构的抗震性能一般比较好,未设防的钢结构厂房,地震中损坏不重,主要承重结构一般元损坏。但是,1978 年日本宫城县地震中, 有5 栋钢结构建筑倒塌,1976 年唐山机车车辆厂等的钢结构厂房破坏甚至倒塌, 因此,普通型钢的钢结构厂房仍需进行抗震设计。轻型钢结构厂房的自重轻,钢材的截面特性与普通型钢不同,本次修订未纳入。
9.2.3 本条规定了厂房结构体系的要求:
1 多跨厂房的横向刚度较大, 不要求各跨屋架均与柱刚接。采用门式刚架、悬臂柱等体系的结构在实际工程中也不少见。对厂房纵向的布置要求,本条规定与单层钢结构厂房的实际情况是一致的。
2 厚度较大无法进行螺栓连接的构件, 需采用对接焊缝等强连接,并遵守厚板的焊接工艺,确保焊接质量。
3 实践表明, 屋架上弦杆与柱连接处出现塑性饺的传统做法,往往引起过大变形,导致房屋出现功能障碍,故规定了此处连接板不应出现塑性饺。当横梁为实腹梁时,则应符合抗震连接的一般要求。
4 钢骨架的最大应力区在地震时可能产生塑性钱, 导致构件失去整体和局部稳定,故在最大应力区不能设置焊接接头。为保证节点具有足够的承载能力,还规定了节点在构件全截面屈服时不发生破坏的要求。
9.2.4 根据单层厂房的实际情况, 对抗震计算模型分别作了规定。
9.2.5 厂房排架抗震分析时, 要根据国护墙的类型和墙与柱的连接方式来决定其质量与刚度的取值原则,使计算较合理。
9.2.6 单层钢结构厂房的横向抗震计算, 大体上与钢筋混凝土柱厂房相同,但因围护墙类型较多,故分别对待。参照钢筋混凝土柱厂房做简化计算时,地震弯矩和剪力的调整系数未作规定。
9.2.7 等高多跨钢结构厂房的纵向抗震计算, 与钢筋混凝土厂房不同,主要由于厂房的围护墙与柱是柔性连接或不妨碍柱子侧移,各纵向柱列变位基本相同。因此,对无镇屋盖可按柱列刚度分配;对有模屋盖可按柱列承受重力荷载代表值比例分配和按单柱列计算,再取二者的较大值。
9.2.8 本条对屋盖支撑设计作了规定。主要是连接承载力的要求和腹杆设计的要求。对于按长细比决定截面的支撑构件,其与弦杆的连接可不要求等强连接,只要不小于构件的内力即可;屋盖竖向支撑承受的作用力包括屋盖自重产生的地震力,还要将其传给主框架,杆件截面需由计算确定。
9.2.11 钢结构设计的习用规定, 长细比限值与柱的轴压比元关,但与材料的屈服强度有关。修改后的表示方式与《钢结构设计规范》中的表示方式是一致的。
9.2.12 单层厂房柱、梁的板件宽厚比, 应较静力弹性设计为严。本条参考了冶金部门的设计规定,它来自试算和工程经验分析。其中,考虑到梁可能出现塑性钱,按《钢结构设计规范》中关于塑性设计的要求控制。圆铜管的径厚比来自日本资料。
9.2.13 能传递柱全截面屈服承载力的柱脚, 可采用如下形式:
(2) 外包式柱脚;
(3) 外露式柱脚, 底板与基础顶面间用无收缩砂浆进行二次灌浆,剪力较大时需设置抗剪键。
9.2.14 设置柱间支撑要兼顾减小温度应力的要求。在厂房中部设置上下柱间支撑,仅适用于有吊车的厂房,其目的是避免吊车梁等纵向构件的温度应力;温度区间长度较大时,需在中部设置两道柱间支撑。上柱支撑按受拉配置,其截面一般较小,设在两端对纵向构件胀缩影响不大,无论烈度大小均需设置。无吊车厂房纵向构件截面较小,柱间支撑不一定必需设在
中部。此外, 89 规范关于焊缝严禁立体交叉的规定, 属于非抗震设计的基本要求,本次修订不再专门列出。
9.3 单层砖柱厂房
( I )一般规定
9.3.1 本次修订明确本节适用范围为烧结普通站土砖砌体。在历次大地震中,变截面砖柱的上柱震害严重又不易修复,故规定砖柱厂房的适用范围为等高的中小型工业厂房。超出此范围的砖柱厂房,要采取比本节规定更有效的措施。
9.3.2 针对中小型工业厂房的特点, 对钢筋混凝土元擦屋盖的砖柱厂房,要求设置防震缝。对钢、木等有模屋盖的砖柱厂房,则明确可不设防晨'缝。防震缝处需设置双柱或双墙,以保证结构的整体稳定性和刚性。
9.3.3 本次修订规定, 屋盖设置天窗时, 天窗不应通到端开间,以免过多削弱屋盖的整体性。天窗采用端砖壁时,地震中较多严重破坏,甚至倒塌,不应采用。
9.3.4 厂房的结构选型应注意:
1 历次大地震中, 均有相当数量不配筋的元阶形柱的单层砖柱厂房,经受8度地震仍基本完好或轻微损坏。分析认为,当砖柱厂房山墙的问距、开洞率和高宽比均符合砌体结构静力计算的"刚性方案"条件且山墙的厚度不小于2 4 0mm时,即:
(1)厂房两端均设有承重山墙且山墙和横墙间距,对钢筋混凝土元穰屋盖不大于3 2m,对钢筋混凝土有模屋盖、轻型屋盖和有密铺望板的木屋盖不大于2 0 m ;
(2) 山墙或横墙上洞口的水平截面面积不应超过山墙或横墙截面面积的5 0 % ;
(3) 山墙和横墙的长度不小于其高度。
不配筋的砖排架柱仍可满足8度的抗震承载力要求。仅从承载力方面, 8 度地震时可不配筋; 但历次的震害表明, 当遭遇9度地震时,不配筋的砖柱大多数倒塌,按照"大震不倒"的设计原则,本次修订仍保留7 8规范、89规范关于8度设防时应设置"组合砖柱"的规定。同时进一步明确,多跨厂房在8度田、IV类场地和9度设防时,中柱宜采用钢筋混凝土柱,仅边柱可略放宽为采用组合砖柱。
2 震害表明, 单层砖柱厂房的纵向也要有足够的承载力和刚度,单靠独立砖柱是不够的,像钢筋氓凝土柱厂房那样设置交叉支撑也不妥,因为支撑吸引来的地震剪力很大,将会剪断砖柱。比较经济有效的办法是,在柱间砌筑与柱整体连接的纵向砖墙并设置砖墙基础,以代替柱间支撑加强厂房的纵向抗震能力。8 度皿、IV类场地且采用钢筋混凝土屋盖时, 由于纵向水平地震作用较大,不能单靠屋盖中的一般纵向构件传递,所以要求在元上述抗震墙的砖柱顶部处设压杆(或用满足压杆构造的圈梁、天沟或模条等代替)。
3 强调隔墙与抗震墙合并设置, 目的在于充分利用墙体的功能,并避免非承重墙对柱及屋架与柱连接点的不利影响。当不能合并设置时,隔墙要采用轻质材料。单层砖柱厂房的纵向隔墙与横向内隔墙一样,也宜做成抗震墙,否则会导致主体结构的破坏,独立的纵向、横向内隔墙,受震后容易倒塌,需采取保证其平面外稳定性的措施。
9.3.5 本次修订增加了7 度I , II 类场地柱高不超过6 . 6 m 时,可不进行纵向抗震验算的条件。
9. 3. 6 , 9. 3. 7 在本节适用范围内的砖柱厂房, 纵、横向抗震计算原则与钢筋混凝土柱厂房基本相同,故可参照本章第9 . 1 节所提供的方法进行计算。其中,纵向简化计算的附录J不适用,而屋盖为钢筋混凝土或密铺望板的瓦木屋盖时,横向平面排架计算同样按附录H考虑厂房的空间作用影响。理由如下:根据现行国家标准《砌体结构设计规范》的规定:密铺望板瓦木屋盖与钢筋混凝土有攘屋盖属于同一种屋盖类型,静力计算中,符合刚弹性方案的条件时( 2 0 ~ 4 8m)均可考虑空间工作,但8 9 抗震规范规定: 钢筋混凝土有擦屋盖可以考虑空间工作,而密铺望板的瓦木屋盖不可以考虑空间工作,二者不协调。1 历次地震, 特别是辽南地震和唐山地震中, 不少密铺望板瓦木屋盖单层砖柱厂房反映了明显的空间工作特性。
2 根据王光远教授《建筑结构的振动》的分析结论, 不仅仅钢筋、混凝土元穰屋盖和有擦屋盖(大波瓦、槽瓦)厂房,就是石棉瓦和站土瓦屋盖厂房在地震作用下,也有明显的空间工作。
3 从具有木望板的瓦木屋盖单层砖柱厂房的实测可以看出:实测厂房的基本周期均比按排架计算周期为短,同时其横向振型与钢筋混凝土屋盖的振型基本一致。
4 山墙间距小于24m 时, 其空间工作更明显,且排架柱的剪力和弯矩的折减有更大的趋势,而单层砖柱厂房山墙间距小于24m 的情况, 在工程建设中也是常见的。
5 根据以上分析, 对单层砖柱厂房的空间工作问题作如下修订:
(1) 7 度和8 度时, 符合砌体结构刚弹性方案(20~48m)的密铺望板瓦木屋盖单层砖柱厂房与钢筋混凝土有擦屋盖单层砖柱广房一样,也可考虑地震作用下的空间工作。
(2) 附录H "砖柱考虑空间工作的调整系数"中的"两端山墙间距"改为"山墙、承重(抗震)横墙的间距";并将<24m分为24m、18m、12m。
(3) 单层砖柱厂房考虑空间工作的条件与单层钢筋混凝土柱厂房不同,在附录H中加以区别和修正。
9.3.9 砖柱的抗震验算, 在现行国家标准《砌体结构设计规范》的基础上,按可靠度分析,同样引人承载力调整系数后进行验算。
9.3.10 砖柱厂房一般多采用瓦木屋盖, 89 规范关于木屋盖的规定是合理的,基本上未作改动。木屋盖的支撑布置中,如端开间下弦水平系杆与山墙连接,地震后容易将山墙顶坏,故不宜采用。木天窗架需加强与屋架的连接,防止受震后倾倒。
9.3.11 攘条与山墙连接不好, 地震时将使支承处的砌体错动,甚至造成山尖墙倒塌,模条伸出山墙的出山屋面有利于加强擦条与山墙的连接,对抗震有利,可以采用。
9.3.13 震害调查发现, 预制圈梁的抗震性能较差, 故规定在屋架底部标高处设置现浇钢筋混凝土圈梁。为加强国梁的功能,规定圈梁的截面高度不应小于1 8 0 mm ;宽度习惯上与砖墙同宽。
9.3.14 震害还表明, 山墙是砖柱厂房抗震的薄弱部位之一, 外倾、局部倒塌较多;甚至有全部倒塌的。为此,要求采用卧梁并加强锚拉的措施。
9.3.15 屋架( 屋面梁) 与柱顶或墙顶的圈梁锚固的修订如下:
1 震害表明: 屋架( 屋面梁) 和柱子可用螺栓连接,也可采用焊接连接。
2 对垫块的厚度和配筋作了具体规定。垫块厚度太薄或配筋太少时,本身可能局部承压破坏,且埋件锚固不足。
3 9 度时屋盖的地震作用及位移较大; 圈梁与垫块相连的部位要受到较大的扭转作用,故其箍筋适当加密。
9.3.16 根据设计需要, 本次修订规定了砖柱的抗震要求。
9.3.17 钢筋混凝土屋盖单层砖柱厂房, 在横向水平地震作用下,由于空间工作的因素,山墙、横墙将负担较大的水平地震剪力,为了减轻山墙、横墙的剪切破坏,保证房屋的空间工作,对山墙、横墙的开洞面积加以限制, 8 度时宜在山墙、横墙的两端, 9 度时尚应在高大门洞两侧设置构造柱。
9.3.18 采用钢筋混凝土元擦屋盖等刚性屋盖的单层砖柱厂房,地震时砖墙往往在屋盖处圈梁底面下一至四皮砖范围内出现周围水平裂缝。为此,对于高烈度地区刚性屋盖的单层砖柱厂房,在砖墙顶部沿墙长每隔1m左右埋设一根如竖向钢筋,并插入顶部固梁内.以防止柱周围水平裂缝,甚至墙体错动破坏的产生。此外,本次修订取消了双曲砖拱屋盖的有关内容。
10 单层空旷房屋
10.1 一般规定
10.2 计算要点
10.3 抗震构造措施
1 6 、7 度时, 中、小型单层空旷房屋的大厅, 无筋的纵墙壁柱虽可满足承载力的设计要求,但考虑到大厅使用上的重要性,仍要求采用配筋砖柱或组合砖柱。
2 前厅与大厅、大厅与舞台之间的墙体是单层空旷房屋的主要抗侧力构件,承担横向地震作用。因此,应根据抗震设防烈度及房屋的跨度、高度等因素,设置一定数量的抗震墙。与此同时,还应加强墙上的大梁及其连接的构造措施。舞台口梁为悬梁,上部支承有舞台上的屋架,受力复杂,而且舞台口两侧墙体为一端自由的高大悬墙,在舞台口处不能形成一个门架式的抗震横墙,在地震作用下破坏较多。因此,舞台口墙要加强与大厅屋盖体系的拉结,用钢筋1昆凝土立柱和水平圈梁来加强自身的整体性和稳定性。9度时不要采用舞台口砌体悬墙。
3 大厅四周的墙体一般较高, 需增设多道水平圈梁来加强整体性和稳定性,特别是墙顶标高处的圈梁更为重要。
4 大厅与两侧的附属房屋之间一般不设防震缝, 其交接处受力较大,故要加强相互间的连接,以增强房屋的整体性。
5 二层悬挑式挑台不但荷载大, 而且悬挑跨度也较大, 需要进行专门的抗震设计计算分析。
11 土、木、石结构房屋
1 1.1 村镇生土房屋
11. 1.1 【修订说明】
11. 1.3 各类生土房屋, 由于材料强度较低, 在平立面布置上更要求简单,一般每开间均要有抗震横墙,不采用外廊为砖柱、石柱承重,或四角用砖柱、石柱承重的作法,也不要将大梁搁置在土墙上。房屋立面要避免错层、突变,同一栋房屋的高度和层数必须相同。这些措施都是为了避免在房屋各部分出现应力集中。
11. 1.4 生土房屋的屋面采用轻质材料, 可减轻地震作用; 提倡用双坡和弧形屋面,可降低山墙高度,增加其稳定'性;单坡屋面山墙过高,平屋面防水有问题,不宜采用。由于是土墙,一切支承点均应有垫板或固梁。擦条要满搭在墙上或橡子上,端模要出檐,以使外墙受荷均匀,增加接触面积。
11. 1. 5-11. 1. 7 对生土房屋中的墙体砌筑的要求, 大致同砌体结构,即内外墙交接处要采取简易又有效的拉结措施,土坯要卧砌。•土坯的土质和成型方法,决定了土坯的好坏并最终决定土墙的承载力,应予以重视。生土房屋的地基要求穷实,并设置防潮层以防止生土墙体酥落。
<11. 1. 5 修订说明】
11. 1.8 为加强灰土墙房屋的整体性, 要求设置圈梁。圈梁可用配筋砖带或木圈梁。
11. 1. 9 提高土拱房的抗震性能, 主要是拱脚的稳定、拱固的牢固和整体性。若一侧为崖体一侧为人工土墙,会因软硬不同导致破坏。
.11.1. 1 0 土窑洞有一定的抗震能力, 在宏观震害调查时看到,土体稳定、土质密实、坡度较平缓的土窑洞在7度区有较完好的例子。因此,对土窑洞来说,首先要选择良好的建筑场地,应避开易产生滑坡、山崩的地段。崖窑前不要接砌土坯或其他材料的前脸,否则前脸部分将极易遭到破坏。有些地区习惯开挖层窑,一般来说比较危险,如需要时应注意间隔足够的距离,避免一旦土体破坏时发生连锁反应,造成大面积胡塌。
11.2 木结构房屋
本节主要是依据1 9 8 1年道孚6 . 9级地震的经验。
11.2.1 本节所规定的木结构房屋, 不适用于木柱与屋架( 梁)钱接的房屋。因其柱子上、下端均为钱接,是不稳定的结构体系。
11.2.3 木柱房屋限高二层, 是为了避免木柱有接头。震害表明,木柱无接头的旧房损坏较轻,而新建的有接头的房屋却倒塌。
11.2.4 四柱三跨木排架指的是中间有一个较大的主跨, 两侧各有一个较小边跨的结构,是大跨空旷木柱房屋较为经济合理的方案。
震害表明, 15~18m 宽的木柱房屋, 若仅用单跨, 破坏严重,甚至倒塌;而采用四柱三跨的结构形式,甚至出现地裂缝,主跨也安然无恙。
11. 2. 5 木结构房屋无承重山墙, 故本规范第9.3 节规定的房屋两端第二开间设置屋盖支撑的要求需向外移到端开间。
11.2.6-11. 2. 8 木柱与屋架( 梁) 设置斜撑, 目的控制横向侧移和加强整体性,穿斗木构架房屋整体性较好,有相当的抗倒力和变形能力,故可不必采用斜撑来限制侧移, .但平面外的稳定性还需采用纵向支撑来加强。震害表明,木柱与木屋架的斜撑若用夹板形式,通过螺栓与屋架下弦节点和上弦处紧密连结,则基本完好,而斜撑连接于下弦任意部位时,往往倒塌或严重破坏。为保证排架的稳定性,加强柱脚和基础的锚固是十分必要的,可采用拉结铁件和螺栓连接的方式。
11.2.11 本条是新增的, 提出了关于木构件截面尺寸、开梓、接头等的构造要求。
11.2.12 砌体围护墙不应把木柱完全包裹, 目的是消除下列不利因素:
1 木柱不通风, 极易腐蚀, 且难于检查木柱的变质;
2 地震时木柱变形大, 不能共同工作, 反而把砌体推坏,造成砌体倒塌伤人。
11.3 石结构房屋
11. 3. 1, 11.3.2 多层石房震害经验不多, 唐山地区多数是二层,少数三、四层,而昭通地区大部分是二、三层,仅泉州石结构古塔高达4 8 . 2 4m,经过1 6 04年8级地震(泉州烈度为8度)的考验至今犹存。多层石房高度限值相对于砖房是较小的,这是考虑到石块加工不平整,性能差别很大,且目前石结构的经验还不足。使用"不宜",可理解为通过试验或有其他依据时,可适当增减。
<11. 3. 2 修订说明】
11.3.6 从宏观震害和实验情况来看, 石墙体的破坏特征和砖结构相近,石墙体的抗剪承载力验算可与多层砌体结构采用同样的方法。但其承载力设计值应由试验确定。
11.3.7 石结构房屋的构造柱设置要求, 系参照89 规范混凝土中型砌块房屋对芯柱的设置要求规定的,而构造柱的配筋构造等要求,需参照多层却土砖房的规定。本次修订提高了7度时石结构房屋构造柱设置的要求。
11.3.8 洞口是石墙体的薄弱环节, 因此需对其洞口的面积加以IIU制。
11.3.9 多层石房每层设置钢筋混凝土圈梁, 能够提高其抗震能力,减轻震害,例如,唐山地震中, 10 度区有5 栋设置了固梁的二层石房,震后基本完好,或仅轻微破坏。与多层砖房相比,石墙体房屋圈梁的截面加大,配筋略有增加,因为石墙体材料重量较大。在每开间及每道墙上,均设置现浇圈梁是为了加强墙体间的连接和整体性。
11. 3.10 石墙在交接处用条石元垫片砌筑, 并设置拉结钢筋网片,是根据石墙材料的特点,为加强房屋整体性而采取的措施。
9.2 Single story of steel construction factory building
General regulation on 9.2.1 (I )
The antidetonation performance of the steel construction is generally better, the steel construction factory building not setting up defences , can not damage heavily in the earthquake, generally yuan are damaged in the main bearing structure. But, in the earthquake of Miyagi county of Japan, 5 of steel construction building collapsed , the steel construction factory buildings of rolling stock plant of Tangshan ,etc. are destroyed even collapsed in 1976 in 1978, so, the steel construction factory building of the ordinary section steel still needs to carry on aseismatic design. The dead weight of the light-duty steel construction factory building is light, the sectional characteristic of the steel is different from ordinary section steel , this revision has not been included in .
9.2.3 Request for the structure system of factory building of this regulation:
The horizontal rigidity of 1 multispan factory building is relatively great, do not demand to each step the roof truss to just connect with the post . The structure of adopting the systems , such as the door type rigid frame , cantilever post ,etc. is not rare in the actual project. The arrangement vertical to the factory building requires , this regulation is unanimous with the actual conditions of the single floor of steel construction factory building .
Thickness 2 is more largly can't carry on the component of the bolted joint , need to adopt strong connections , such as welding seam of butt joint ,etc., and observe the welding craft of the thick board , guarantee to weld quality.
3 practices indicate , wind up pole and junction of the post and present the dumpling traditional method of plasticity in the roof truss, often cause too big and out of shape , cause the house and present the function obstacle , so stipulated that the connecting plate here should not present the plasticity dumpling . Should accord with the general request connected in antidetonation when the crossbeam is a real belly roof beam.
The largest stress district of 4 steel skeleton may produce the plasticity money when there is a earthquake, cause the component to lose whole and some stability, so can't set up and weld connecting in the largest stress district. In order to guarantee that the node has enough bearing capacity , have also stipulated that no request that destroy will happen when the whole section of component is surrendered in the node .
(II) calculate the main point
9.2.4 According to the single floor of actual conditions of factory building , confront with each other and shake to calculate that the model has done the regulation respectively.
9.2.5 When the factory building arranges the shelf and combats earthquake and analyses, protect the type of the wall and fetching value principle of deciding its quality and rigidity of connection way on the wall and post according to the country, it is relatively rational to enable calculating.
9.2.6 The horizontal antidetonation of the single story of steel construction factory building is calculated, the same as post factory building of armored concrete on the whole, but because enclose and protect more types of the wall , so treat respectively. When according to making simplified calculation in the post factory building of armored concrete, the curved square of earthquake and cutting the adjustment coefficient of strength not make the regulation .
9.2.7 Wait for the vertical antidetonation of the high multispan steel construction factory building to calculate, different from factory building of armored concrete, mainly because it is that the flexibility join or not hinder the post side from moving that the factory building encloses and protects the wall and post, every vertical post arranges and shifts basically the samly. So, to not there is not town room that overlay and can arrange rigidity to assign according to the post ing; To there is mould room that overlays and can arrange the gravity of bearing and load the proportion of representing value to assigns and arranges to calculate according to the single post according to the post ing, and then fetch greater value of the two.
9.2.8 Have built and supported and designed and made the regulation to the room in this article. Request that mainly to connect strength of bearing the weight of to demand and the belly pole is designed. To the component according to the long detailed support more sectional than the decision, it connects with string pole one and does not demand to wait for and join strongly , so long as not smaller than the internal force of the component ; It is vertical to include room overlay earthquake strength produced to conduct oneself with dignity to effort born to support for room to overlay, will pass it to main frame , a section needs to be calculated and confirmed in the pole.
(III)Construct the measure in antidetonation
9.2.11 Conventional regulation of the steel structural design, press and turn off more than yuan more than limit and axle of the post long and detailed, but relate to intensity of surrender of the material . The expression way in amended expression way and " design specification of the steel construction " is unanimous.
9.2.12 Board on it is the single for layers of factory building post , roof beam the generous in piece than,should design for being tight strength elasticity not quiet . The design that this article has consulted the metallurgical department stipulates , it comes from trying being regarded as with project experience analysis. Among them, consider that the roof beam may present the plasticity money , control according to the request about plasticity design in " design specification of the steel construction ". The foot-path where the round copper is in charge of is thick to comes from the Japanese materials.
9.2.13 Can transmit the whole section of post and surrender the post foot which bears the weight of strength , can adopt the following form :
(1)Imbedding type post foot, bury the deep approximate calculation formula , coming from Japan's early design and stipulating and Britain's steel construction design manual;
(2)Wrapping up type post foot outside;
(3)Exposing type post foot, carry on the grouting two times by shrinking the mortar among the baseplate and basic top surface, need to set up and resist and cut the key when it is greater to cut strength .
9.2.14 Setting up will support and give consideration to the temperature of reducing in conformity with the request of making every effort among the posts. Support among setting up upper and lower posts in the middle part of factory building , is only suitable for having the factory building of the crane, its purpose is to avoid the temperature stress of vertical components , such as crane roof beam ,etc.; When the interval length of temperature is larger, need to support between setting up two posts in the middle part. Have the post and support according to playing disposing , its section is generally relatively small, it is not high to be set up in both ends loud to the vertical bloated epitome of component, no matter the earthquake intensity needs to set up bigly or smallly. It have crane the getting less relatively in section, support not setting up post in
Middle part. In addition, 89 standardizes the provision that the welding seam forbids grade separation, belong to the basic demand that is not aseismatic design, this revision is not listed specially again.
9.3 Single story of bricks post factory building
(I ) general regulation
9.3.1 Revision this scope of application ordinary to stand soil brick build body for to frit in this festivals clearly. In all previous heavy earthquakes, turn into having the earthquake of the post serious and difficult to repair of sectional brick post, so stipulate the scope of application of the brick post factory building in order to wait for the high medium and small-scale industrial factory building . The brick post factory building beyond the scope of this, should take the measure with more effective more regulation than this festival.
9.3.2 Direct against the characteristic of the medium and small-scale industrial factory building , wipe the brick post factory building built in room to armored concrete yuan, demand to set up and take precautions against earthquakes to sew. Have brick post factory building built in mould room to steel , wood ,etc., too clear to set up defences in the morning ' sew. It needs to set up the twin columns or one pair of walls to take precautions against earthquakes and sew the place , so as to ensure the whole stability and rigidity of the structure.
9.3.3 Revise and stipulate , when the room builds and sets up the skylight , the skylight should not lead to the end room this time, in case that weaken the globality overlayed in room too much. When the skylight adopts the end brick wall, it is destroyed seriously that there is more in the earthquake, even collapse , should not adopt .
9.3.4 The selecting type of structure of the factory building should be paid attention to:
In a all previous heavy earthquakes, have a great deal of yuans of steps single layers of brick post factory building , shape of post to unworthy of muscle, stand 8 degrees of earthquakes to damage still intactly basically and slightly . Analyse and think , as brick post factory distance of asking, Fangshan of the walls, rate of hole turned on is and the high and wide than according with not building the terms and thicknesses of gable while smaller than 240mm of ing, namely:
(1)There are bearing gable and the gable and horizontal interval of wall in both ends of factory building, is it greater than 3 2m to cover to armored concrete yuans of Rang room , have to armored concrete mould room build , light-duty room cover and have dense to spread log cabin of roof boarding covered and greater than 20 m;
(2)The sectional area of level of the entrance to a cave should not exceed 50 of the gable or the horizontal sectional area of wall on the gable or the horizontal wall;
(3)The length of the gable and horizontal wall is not smaller than its height .
The brick unworthy of the muscle can still meet 8 degrees of antidetonation and bear the weight of the strength request to rank the shelf post. Only from bear the weight of strength , unworthy of the muscle when 8 degrees of earthquakes; But all previous earthquakes indicate , in the experience when 9 degrees of earthquakes , most brick posts unworthy of the muscle collapse , according to the design principle of " shake and does not pour greatlying ", this revision still keeps 7 8 norms , 89 norms about regulation that should set up " making the brick post up " while setting up defences of 8 degrees. At the same time clear further, the multispan factory building is in field of 8 degrees , IV place and 9 degrees , while setting up defences , middle post should adopt the armored concrete post , only the post can be slightly relaxed in order to adopt and make the brick post up.
2 earthquakes show , single layers of brick post factory building vertical to there is enough bearing the weight of the strength and rigidity , it is not enough to depend on independent brick posts only, it is improper to set up and support alternately like the thing that the common people congeal the soil post factory building with reinforcing bar, because support the earthquake attracted and cut strength very heavily , will cut off the brick post. More economic and effective method is, build the vertical brick wall joined with the post wholly by laying bricks or stones and set up the foundation of brick wall among the posts, in order to support the vertical antidetonation ability to strengthen the factory building while replacing the posts. 8 ware,, IV place adopt armored concrete room when covering , because vertical horizontal earthquake function relatively heavy, can't transmit the general vertical component while building in the room only , require brick post top place in yuans of above-mentioned antidetonation wall is it pigeonhole pole to set up (whether or with is it keep circle roof beam , gutter or mould pair ,etc. that pole construct replace to satisfy).
3 emphasizes that the partition wall amalgamate with antidetonation wall to set up , the purpose lies in fully utilizing the function of the wall, it is not that the bearing wall connect the adverse effect clicked with post on the post and roof truss and avoid. When it is unable to amalgamate and set up , the partition wall should adopt the light quality material . The vertical partition wall of the single story of bricks post factory building is like horizontal interior partition wall, should do into a antidetonation wall too, otherwise will cause the destruction of the agent structure , the independent vertical , horizontal interior partition wall, it is apt to collapse after being shaken , need to take and guarantee the stability measure outside its level .
(11)Calculate the main point
9.3.5 This revision has increased by 7 degrees of I, the II place post is too high to exceed 6 . At the 6 m , carry on vertical antidetonation terms of checking computations.
9.3.6 , 9.3.7 in this festival brick post factory building in the scope of application, vertical, horizontal antidetonation calculate that the principle is essentially identical with post factory building of armored concrete , so can consult a chapter the 9th . A method offered is calculated . Among them, vertical appendix of simplified calculation J suitable, but room cover for armored concrete or dense to spread tile log cabin of roof boarding when stamping, the horizontal level arranges the shelf and calculates that considers according to appendix H too that the space function of the factory building is influenced . The reason is as follows: According to the stipulation that " build body structure design specification " in current national standard: That the log cabin of pan tile builds and pushes up the room to build and belong to the same kind of rooms to build the type with the armored concrete t, in quiet strength is calculated, consider the space work while according with the condition of the just elastic scheme (20 quiet 4 8ms ), but 89 antidetonation norms stipulate : Armored concrete is it wipe room is it can consider space work , but dense to spread tile log cabin of roof boarding is it may consider space work to cover to cover to have, the two are incongruous. A all previous earthquakes, especially distant south earthquake and Tangshan , among the earthquake , many to is it hope pan tile log cabin cover single layers of brick post factory building reflect the obvious space performance characteristics to pave while being dense.
2 according to Wang GuangYuan analysis conclusion, Professor of " vibration, building of structure ", reinforcing bar, concrete yuans of Rang room not merely build and is it wipe room cover factory building to have, even if asbestos shingle and stand soil tile room build factory building under earthquake function , there is obvious space that works.
3 ones that build the single story of bricks post factory building from the tile log cabins with wood roof boarding are surveyed and can be found out : Survey basic cycle of factory building as short than according to arrange shelf cycle of calculating , horizontal person who shake its and armored concrete person who shake that room cover basically unanimous at the same time.
When the interval of 4 gables is smaller than 24m, its space work is more obvious, and rank cutting reducing greater trend bendly of strength and curved square of the shelf post, and the single interval of wall of Fangshan of post factory of story of bricks is smaller than the situation of 24m, it is common too in engineering construction.
5 does the working question of space of the single floor of bricks post factory building as follows and revises according to the above analysis:
(1)7, while spending with 8 degrees, it accord with build by body the structures just to hope pan tile cover there aren't layers of brick post factory building and armored concrete not single the log cabins, can consider the room work under earthquake function .
(2)" both ends gable interval " in appendix H " brick post consider adjustment coefficient that space work " change into " gable , bearing (antidetonation ) horizontal interval of wall "; And <24m, divide 24m , 18m , 12m into.
(3)Consider that the condition of the space work is different from single story of armored concrete post factory building in the single story of bricks post factory building , distinguish and revise in appendix H.
9.3.9 The antidetonation checking computations of the brick post, on the basis of the thing that " build body structure design specification " in current national standard, analyse according to the reliability , carry on checking computations after guiding people's strength of bearing the weight of and adjusting coefficient too.
(III)Construct the measure in antidetonation
9.3.10 The brick post factory building generally adopt the tile log cabin to build more, it is rational that 89 standardizes the provision on covering in the log cabin, have not changed basically. In the support covered in log cabin is fixed up, connect with gable such as the horizontal tie rod of bottom chord of the end room, earthquake easy very broken gable, so unsuitable to adopt. The window frame on day of wood is needed to strengthen and connected with the roof truss, topple over after prevent being shaken .
9.3.11 Do not push up one and connect with gable well, will enable supporting the body of step of the place to move by mistake when the earthquake, even cause sharp wall on the mountain to collapse , the roofing helps to strengthen and wipe one to connect with the gable that a one that stretches out the gable comes out of retirement and take up an official post in the mould , it is favorable to confront with each other and shake , can adopt .
9.3.13 The earthquake is investigated and found, it is relatively bad to prefabricate the antidetonation performance of enclosing roof beam , so stipulate that marks the height and sets up the cast-in-place armored concrete and encloses the roof beam in the bottom of roof truss. In order to strengthen the function of the roof beam in the country , stipulate that the sectional height of enclosing roof beam should not be smaller than 180 mm; The width , with the brick wall and wide traditionally.
9.3.14 The earthquake still shows , the gable is one of the weak position of antidetonation of factory building of the brick post, the extroversion , part collapse more; Even have the one that all collapse. For this reason , demand to adopt and poach the roof beam and strengthen the measure that the anchor draw.
9.3.15 Roof truss ( Roofing roof beam) The firm revision of circle roof beam anchor that is carried with the capital or the wall is as follows:
An earthquake shows : Roof truss (roofing roof beam ) and the post can use the bolted joint , can adopt and weld joining .
Thickness and matching the muscle to make and regulate 2 specifically to the cushion . When the thickness of the cushion is too thin or matches muscles too few, itself part is it is it destroy to press to bear , bury pieces of firm and enough anchor perhaps.
Earthquake function and relatively heavy displacement that room overlay when the 39; The position of enclosing the roof beam and linking with cushion should be affected by bigger turning back , so its hoop of muscles are encrypted properly.
9.3.16 According to the need of designing, this revision has stipulated that the antidetonation of the brick post is required.
9.3.17 The armored concrete room builds the single story of bricks post factory building , under horizontal horizontal earthquake function, because of factor that space work, gable , bear heavier horizontal earthquake cut strength by horizontal wall, destroy for the shear which lightens the gable , horizontal wall, guarantee the room work of the house , turn on to gable , horizontal wall hole area limit , should in gable , horizontal both ends of wall when the 8, should set up and construct the post on the high both sides of door opening in 9 degrees of fashions.
9.3.18 Adopt armored concrete yuan and wipe the room in the single story of bricks post factory building built in rigidity room of building etc., the horizontal crack appears around in first to 4 leather brick ranges under stamping officing to enclose the bottom surface of roof beam in the room often in the brick wall at the earthquake. For this reason, the single story of bricks post factory building built to the high earthquake intensity regional rigidity room, in brick wall along long to bury top through 1m underground one like vertical to the reinforcing bar from side to side while being every wall , and insert it in the firm roof beam of top . In order to prevent the post in the horizontal crack around, even the wall moves the production that is destroyed by mistake. In addition, have cancelled one pair of songs brick and joined relevant contents built in room in this revision.
10 forms and one story of spacious houses
10.1 General regulation
The single story of spacious houses is the building where a group of different kinds of structure makes up , include the single auditorium on story and multi-layer annex all around. There is no dining room of the side drawing room , can design according to chapter 9 . Auditorium and in front and at the back of between drawing room, not among auditorium and both sides the Room seldom it have it sew, and the earthquake is relatively light; The specific house stays and sews in the auditorium and place of drawing room of side, it is relatively heavy to destroy