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发布时间:2012-12-8      阅读次数:1284

Organization for Emergency       
Emergency leading group: project manager is the group leader, and technical principal and construction personnel are deputy group leaders; 
Site rescue group: Security chief of project department is the group leader, and the whole construction personnel are members of site rescue group;
Medical treatment group: Select persons from project department and construction personnel to perform medical rescue training before entering site, who can complete simple rescue work;   
Logistics service group: The heads of the project department and logistics department are the group leaders, the whole staff of logistics department are members of logistics service group;
The division of emergency organization and number of persons shall be deployed flexibly according to the requirement of emergency scene.
Duties of emergency leading group: in case of safety accidents occur, be responsible for directing the rescue works, and issue rescue command task to the rescue group, coordinate the rescue works of all groups, and keep abreast of the latest trends of all groups and make the latest decision, call 110,120,119, local public security department, police for help as soon as possible and report the facts. In routine date, emergency leading group members are on duty in turn, and the persons on duty shall live in the construction site. In case of accidents, the person on duty is the provisional rescue head before the emergency group leader of project department arrives at the construction site. 
Duties of site rescue group:  take urgent measures to do everything possible to rescue the injured and trapped personnel and prevent accidents from further expanding. 
Duties of medical treatment group: for the rescued wounded, take emergency measures according to the actual conditions and send to hospital for emergency treatment rapidly.
Duties of logistics service group: responsible for the deployment of transport vehicles, collection of emergency rescue materials and the food supply of personnel.


