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发布时间:2012-12-15      阅读次数:1306


注意! 在齿轮传动装置以及需要的通风设备机架,提供的过滤器要求与装置分开。在齿轮传动装置初次启动之前,必须替换合适的螺旋塞。
7.1.3需要长期保存进行启动 18个月的长期保存时间。
注意! 在启动齿轮传动装置前,必须添加润滑剂(参见7.1.4) 36个月的长期保存时间。
注意! 齿轮传动装置必须将润滑剂填满,在启动之前,油位必须符合施工类型的要求。
7.1.4 润滑剂的添加

● 在最高点拧开放气螺钉或通风过滤装置或螺塞(参见3.2或通风装置部分)。

注意! 使用滤料添加装置对齿轮传动装置添加新油。(滤料最大粗糙度为μm)。 油料的数量取决于安装的具体位置。

注意事项: 建议在使用油料的问题上,参见10部分“保养和维护”中描述的数据;如油料等级、油粘度以及油料数量均可在铭牌上找到。
注意! 最后:检查油料等级(参见7.1.1)
7.1.5 驱动逆止器
注意! 在运行之前检查旋转的方向。
例如: 手动转动输入轴或电动机,按照相序检查电动机的旋转方向,如果有必要,对两条电源线进行更换。 
7.2 停车
● 通过关闭驱动装置关闭齿轮传动装置

注意事项: 如果需要将装置停放相当长的一段时间不使用,齿轮传动装置必须每隔三个星期进行简单驱动,如果停放的时间超过6个月,齿轮传动装置必须妥善进行保存。(参见7.3和7.4)

7.3. 齿轮油的保存
● 超过36个月的长期保存
7.4 外部保存程序
● 表面清洗
注意! 不允许使用高压清洁装置对驱动装置进行清洗,不得使用尖锐的器皿。
● 对轴封环擦末油脂进行保护。
● 使用防腐剂
保护时间 防腐剂名称 涂层厚度 备注
12个月以上 Tectyl 846 K19 大约50μm 可用于长时间保存的蜡质材料;海水防护材料;防热材料以及对汽油具有可溶性防护的材料。
表格7.4 对轴端以及其它亮金属表面进行外部防护
● 运行温度过高 (在使用矿物釉质进行连续操作过程中,齿轮传动装置适合的温度为90℃, 如果操作温度高于此范围,必须使用合成油脂。短期操作的温度可以允许达到100 ℃,参见10部分“保养和维护”。
● 任何齿轮传动装置发出的声音。
● 机架和密封轴部位可能发生的泄露。
注意! 如果在操作期间发生异常现象,驱动装置必须立即进行停车处理,造成故障的原因可以查看故障排除表(参见第九部分“故障,原因和补救措施”)
7.1.2     Startup without long term preservation
• MOTOX" drives are delivered with the appropriate lubricants ready for operation depending on the specified conditions of use.
On gear systems with the required housing ventilation the required ventilator filter is delivered loose with the unit. It must be replaced with the appropriate screw plug before the initial start-up of the gear unit.
Startup in case of long term preservation   Long term preservation up to 18 months
Before starting up the gear unit, it should be filled with lubricant (see 7.1.4).  Long term preservation up to 36 months
The gear unit is completely filled with oil. Before the startup, the oil level
should be corrected according to the type of construction.
It must be used at the position indicated by this symbol  (see 3.2).
The oil level should be reduced to the level marked with    this symbol (see 7.1.1).
Any oil escaping should be removed immediately with oil binding agent in an environmentally compatible way.
7.1.4     Filling with lubricant
• Screw out venting screw or venting filter or plug screw at the highest point (see 3.2 or point of
Fill gear unit up with fresh oil using a filling filter (max. filter coarseness 60pm). The quantity of oil depends on the mounting position!
Recommendations    on    the    oil    to    be    used    should    be    taken    from section 10. "Maintenance and repair".
Data, such as oil grade, oil viscosity and oil quantity required will be found on the rating plate (see section 3. 'Technical data").
Finally, check the oil level (see 7.1.1).
7.1.5     Drive with backstop
Any oil escaping should be removed immediately with oil binding agent in an environmentally compatible way.
Secure drive unit to prevent accidental startup. Affix notice at the switch-on point.
Check the direction of rotation before putting into service!
E.g. by manually turning the input shaft or the motor. Check the motor direction of rotation according to the phase sequence, swap two supply leads if necessary.
BA G295 EN 02.00 24/38
• Shut down the gear unit by shutting off the drive unit.
Secure drive unit to prevent accidental startup. Affix notice at the switch-on
If shut down for a considerable period of time, the gear unit should be run briefly at intervals of three weeks. If shut down for a period exceeding six months, the gear unit should be preserved (see 7.3 and 7,4).
Preservation with gear oil
• Long term preservation up to 36 months.
Completely top up the gear unit with the filled oil grade.
 Any oil escaping should be removed immediately with oil binding agent in an
environmentally compatible way.
External preservation procedure
• Clean surfaces.
Cleaning the drive with a high-pressure cleaning device is not permissible. Do not use sharp-edged tools.
Smear shaft seal rings with grease for protection against preservatives. Coating: check, in case of damage have it repaired by an expert. Apply preservatives.
Protection time  Preservative name  Layer thickness  Remarks
up to 12 months  Tectyl846Kl9  approx. 50 urn  Wax base long
preservation, sea water resistant, tropic-proof, benzine-soluble
Table 7.4: External preservation of shaft ends and other bright metal surfaces
8.        Operation
During operation, the gear units should be checked for
(In continuous operation using mineral oil, the gear unit is suitable for a temperature of 90°C; at higher temperatures, it may be necessary to use synthetic oil. Short-term temperatures of 100°C are permissible, see also section 10. "Maintenance and repair").
any changes in gear unit noises
possible oil leakage at the housing and the shaft seals.
If irregularities are detected during operation, the drive assembly should be
shut off immediately. The cause of the malfunction should be determined with
the aid of the Troubleshooting Table (see section 9. "Disturbances, reasons
and remedy").
The Troubleshooting  Table lists possible malfunctions, their causes and
suggestions for their remedy.
If the cause cannot be determined or there is no facility for repair with suitable
equipment, we recommend calling in one of our service fitters (see section
11. "Spare parts stock, service addresses").
• excessive operating temperature


