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发布时间:2013-1-3      阅读次数:1971

9.1.2.样品的尺寸,如果样品为单一实体;数量为1,2,或者3;堆积时候的单个尺寸。 弯曲或者不规则形样品包括:样品描述,安装方法,以及试验方法。
9.1.4.检测器的型号, 即,型号S1,S2,型号M,型号H或者型号L,
9.1.5.日期,时间,RH% 和试验温度,以及
9.1.6. 重要的有关细节必须经过重复试验或获得用户和供应商的一致同意。
10.1.精密和偏差部分符合D 4483条款的要求。参见该条款术语和其他统计计算的细节。
10.1 10.2.精密--1 类型(实验室内)测试计划在1981年确定精密要求。重复性和能再生性都是短期的。复制测验结果的过程中会有被一小段时间打断。根据测验方法说明,测验结果采用中间数值,测得5个硬度数据或尺寸。
5支持数据已经正式提交ASTM国际总部,请求获得通过,研究报告RR: D11-1024。
10.3. 在实验室间计划里使用4 种不同材料。测试在2个不同的时间,在6 间实验室进行。重复精密计算和再生性能的结果如表格4 所示,材料的平均规格或等级递升排列,为每种材料进行了评价。
10.5. 重复性---测试的重复性,r值如表格4中所示。在正常的测试过程中,在两个不同的实验室测得两个不同的测验结果,并与表格中列出的r不同(对任何给定等级而言),必须考虑从不同的或者不恒等的样品数量中测得。
10.6. 再生性能---测试的再生性能r值如表格4中所示。在正常的测试过程下,在两个不同的实验室获得两个不同的测验结果,与表格中列出的r不同(对任何给定等级而言),必须考虑从不同的或者不恒等的样品数量中获得。
10.3 10.7.重复性和再生能性可以用一部分平均等级, (r)和(R)表示, 对于r和R来说,有相同的应用说明。如上述(r)和(R)说明,与表格中列出的r不同(对任何给定等级而言),两个不同的测验结果采用算术等级的百分比表示.
D 1415-05
表格 4类型 1精度(IRHD)
材料 平均值  实验室内   实验室之间4 
  Sr r (r) B SR R (r) B       
材料1 41.51 0.1140 0.3227 0.777 3.1126 8.8087 21.221
材料2 52.67 0.4143 1.1725 2.226 7.67521 7.6752 14.573
材料3 65.09 0.3617 1.0236 1.573 2.8652 8.1086 12.457
材料4 75.08 0.5236 1.4818 1.974 2.8091 7.9497 10.589
合并值 58.59 0.3915 1.1079 1.891 2.9055 8.2225 14.035
ASr =   重复性标准偏差。
r  =   重复性= 2.83 次重复性变化的平方根。
(r) =   重复性(作为材料平均值的百分比)。
S R =  再生能性标准偏差。
R  =  再生性能= 2.83 次能再生性变化的平方根。
(R) =  再生性能(作为材料平均值的百分比)。
10.8 偏差--测验方法专有名词,偏差是指平均试验数值以及参考(或真实)性能测试数值之间的差别。
因为(性能测试)的数值为该测验方法专有,参考数值不可能独立存在偏差, 因此,不能进行确定。.关于该标准方面涉及的任何项目,国际ASTM无权认定的任何专利权的有效性。建议该标准的用户明确这项专利权的有效性,以及权利的侵犯行为的危险性,并对此完全责任。
该标准随时由负责的技术委员进行修正,如果没有进行修正,每5 年必须进行评估,无论是否通过或收回。您对该标准的修正意见或者另外的标准的意见必须提交ASTM 国际总部进行处理。您的意见由负责的技术委员会的会议接受并仔细的考虑,您可以参加。如果您觉得,您的意见没得到公正的处理,您可以致信给ASTM委员会;地址如下。
ASTM国际标准拥有版权,100 Barr Harbor Drive,POBoxC700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,美国。单独的再版(单一或多副本)可能通过在上述地址或者通过610-832-9585(电话)与ASTM联系, 610-832-9555(传真),或service@astm.org(电子邮件); 或者通过ASTM 站点(www.astm.org)。
9. Report
9.1 Report the following information:
9.1.1 Hardness expressed in IRHD. Values from curved or irregularly shaped specimens shall be quoted as apparent
9.1.2 Dimensions of the specimen, if a singular entity; the number of pieces,  that is,  one,  two,  or three;  and their
individual dimensions when plied. In the case of curved or irregularly shaped specimens: specimen description, method of
mounting, and method of applying test,
9.1.3 Type of surface tested, that is, molded, buffed, or otherwise,
9.1.4 Type of tester used, that is, Type S1, S2, Type M, Type
H, or Type L,
9.1.5 Date, time, RH%, and temperature of test, and
9.1.6 Pertinent details that would be deemed important to future replication of the test or as agreed upon between
customer and supplier.
10. Precision and Bias 5
10.1 This precision and bias section has been prepared in accordance with Practice D 4483. Refer to this practice for
terminology and other statistical calculation details.
10.2 Precision—A Type 1 (interlaboratory) test program to determine precision was evaluated in 1981. Both repeatability
and reproducibility are short term. A period of a few days separates replicate test results. A test result is the median value,
as specified by this test method, obtained on five determinations or measurements of hardness.
5 Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D11-1024.
10.3 Four different materials were used in the interlabora tory program. These were tested in six laboratories on twodifferent days. The results of the precision calculations for repeatability and reproducibility  are given in Table 4,  in ascending order of material average or level, for each of the materials evaluated.
10.4 The precision of this test method may be expressed in the format of the following statements, which use an appropri¬
ate value of r or R, that is, that value to be used in decisions about test results (obtained with the test method). The appro¬
priate value is that value of r or R associated with a mean level in Table 4 closest to the mean level under consideration at any
given time for any given material in routine testing operations.
10.5 Repeatability—The repeatability, r, of this test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated in Table
4. Two single test results, obtained under normal test proce dures, that differ by more than this tabulated r (for any given
level) must be considered as derived from different or nonidentical sample populations.
10.6 Reproducibility—The reproducibility, R, of this test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated
in Table 4. Two single test results obtained in two different laboratories, under normal test procedures, that differ by more
than the tabulated R (for any given level) must be considered to have come from different or nonidentical sample populations.
10.7 Repeatability and reproducibility expressed as a percentage of the mean level, (r)  and (R), have equivalent
application statements as above for r and R. For the (r) and (R) statements, the difference in the two single test results is
expressed as a percent of the arithmetic mean of the two test results
D 1415-05
TABLE 4 Type 1 Precision Results (IRHD)
   Within LaboratoryA   Between LaboratoryA 
Material Average      
Sr r   Ft (fl)s
Material 1 41.51 0.1140 0.3227 0.777 3.1126 8.8087 21.221
Material 2 52.67 0.4143 1.1725 2.226 7.67521 7.6752 14.573
Material 3 65.09 0.3617 1.0236 1.573 2.8652 8.1086 12.457
Material 4 75.08 0.5236 1.4818 1.974 2.8091 7.9497 10.589
Pooled valuesC 58.59 0.3915 1.1079 1.891 2.9055 8.2225 14.035
ASr    =     repeatability standard deviation.
r      =     repeatability = 2.83 times the square root of the repeatability variance.
(r)    =     repeatability (as a percent of material average).
S R   =     reproducibility standard deviation.
R     =     reproducibility = 2.83 times the square root of the reproducibility variance.
(R)   =     reproducibility (as a percent of material average).
s Because the hardness scale is not a linear scale, use caution in interpreting (r) and (R). CNo values omitted.
10.8 Bias—In test method terminology, bias is the differ¬ence between an average test value and the reference (or true) test property value. Reference values do not exist for this test
method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively defined by the test method. Bias, therefore, cannot be determined.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdra wn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, POBoxC700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).


