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发布时间:2013-1-30      阅读次数:1383

第一节 冬季施工部署
第二节 技术和材料准备
电子测温计                         阻燃草帘被
试模                          混凝土测温计
第三节 土建防冻要点
(2) 测温点布置:测温点沿梁每3m一个且每跨至少2个,楼板每15m2一个,柱头、柱脚各一个,剪力墙延轴线布置3点(每点在墙顶和墙脚分别距上下边缘30-50cm布置一个).
(3) 测温频率:大气温度在7:30,14:00、21:00各测一次,且每班三次.掺防冻剂的混凝土浇筑后临界强度达到之前每2h测温一次,临界强度达到之后每6h测温一次.
(4) 测温数据处理:每次温度测定后输入计算机,自动生成温度曲线和混凝土强度计算值,详见下图.
Chapter Two Winter constructions
The construction period of the project is across two cold seasons of early spring and winter in northern area. Therefore, a well-planed winter construction measure shall be the effective protection for the quality of the entire projects.
Section I    Construction assignment in winter
1. Winter construction division of responsibilities is as follows.
物资部(物资购买,供应) Project Manager (overall responsibility)
Chief Engineer (winter construction plan, measures)
Site Managers (field implementation, monitoring)
Materials Manager (material preparation, supply)
Technology (program measures compilation)
Engineering Department (site monitoring implementation)
Materials Department (material purchase, supply)
Winter construction responsibility assignment
2. Prepared the winter construction plan of steel structure, civil and decoration in advance, and organize the training program for the administrative stuff and workers of construction.
3. Prepared the fire plans, check the fire hoses and fire extinguishers on each floor, and organize the training program of fire safety for managers and workers of construction.
Section II Technology and materials preparation
1. Finish the winter welding technology evaluation of steel structure before the winter construction.
2. Check the reexamining and trial operation of winter concrete and mortar admixtures of concrete supply company and laboratory; finish the concrete mix test of concrete curing in negative temperature in advance;
3. Winter construction materials and equipment preparation
Preparation for winter construction: heater (100 units), electronic thermometer (1), electronic thermo-detector (4), anti-flaming straw cover, polystyrene board and plastic cloth (6000m2 respectively), see the following picture;
Electronic thermo-detector                   Anti-flaming straw cover    
 试模                                         Die trial                                Concrete thermo-detector
Winter construction material preparation
4. On-site exposed pipeline and fire pipe insulation; see the following picture.
On-site exposed pipeline and fire pipe insulation
5. Prepare the replacement, supplement and other repair and maintenance work of fuel oil reserve and engineering machinery lubricating oil of the large machinery in winter, so as to ensure the normal operation of the facilities during the winter construction.
Section III Main points of antifreeze measures of civil construction 
1. Insulation measures of key positions
(1) Concrete insulation of punching platform foundation and the basement pump room;
● Mass concrete applies the comprehensive thermal storage method.
● Before concrete pouring, fix 5cm layer of polystyrene board and 2 plastic cover with steel wire in the back of a large steel mould.
● After the concrete reaches a critical strength (> 4MPa), remove the steel mould and fix use through the wall of steel and wire screw in the concrete surface a layer plastic sheeting and two layers of flame-retardant straw cover.
Floor concrete keeping warm
(2)Indoor earthwork backfill
● Before backfilling, completely clear up frozen water and incidental of foundation base.
● The backfilling soil does not have the frozen soil;
● The construction of basement structure has already completed at the time of earthwork backfill. The windproof curtain shall be located in the main opening where the atmosphere feeds through, so as to improve indoor temperature; when the indoor temperature is lower than 0oC, suspend the backfill work.
● Adopt the method of backfilling in layer, the thickness of each layer shall not exceed 20cm, and applies the manual and machinery tamping.
(3) Excavating and backfilling in outdoor earthwork
● Apply the insulation measure to the excavation trench and cover 2 layers of grasses curtain on the base trough.
● Adopt the method of backfilling in layer, the thickness of each layer shall not greater than 20cm.
When the construction work is suspended, cover the surface soil cover grass curtain with 2 layers + plastic cover for keeping warm.
2. Measuring the concrete temperature
(1)Initial time of temperature measuring: start to measure the temperature while the average outdoor temperature of the 5d is stabilized lower than 5 degrees Centigrade. Temperature measuring includes: atmosphere, raw material, in-mould and curing temperature.
(2) Arrangement of temperature measuring area: temperature measuring area shall be located along roof beams every 3m and at least 2 temperature measuring area shall be arranged; each floor shall have one temperature measuring area every 15m2, and each column cap and post foot shall have one temperature measuring area respectively; the shear wall shall arrange 3 temperature measuring area alone the axis (each temperature measuring area shall be located on the top of the wall or the foot of the wall about 30-50cm away from upper and lower edge respectively).
(3) Frequency of temperature measuring: measure the atmosphere temperature at 7:30, 14:00 and 21:00 respectively, and three times of each shift. Measure the concrete temperature 2h before the concrete reaches the critical strength, which mixed with antifreeze after pouring; measure the concrete temperature 6h after reaches the critical strength.
(4) Data processing of temperature measuring: Input the measured data into computer, which shall be automatically illustrated as temperature curve and calculating value of concrete strength; details as shown in the following picture.
Data processing and temperature measuring
混凝土测温 Concrete temperature measuring
测温输入电脑 Input the temperature data into the computer
生产测温曲线 Production temperature measuring curve
3. Notice of reinforcing bar anti-freezing
(1)The reinforcing bar used under the negative temperature, it shall strengthen the inspection procedure in construction. In snowing weather, the fixed reinforcing bar shall be tightly covered with the plastic cloth for preventing ice cover and frosting on the reinforcing bar surface. Clean the ice and in time before the concrete pouring.
(2)The welding of some reinforcing bar under negative temperature shall equip with shelter canopy, and the temperature shall not be lower than -20 degrees Centigrade; the joints after welding shall not contact the ice and snow at once.
4. Notice of concrete anti-freezing
(1) Before concrete pouring, remove the snow and dirt on the template and reinforcing bar.
(2) When continue the concrete pouring in the construction joint area, remove the cement cover and loosed stone at first, rinse moistly well, when the intensity of pouring concrete is higher than 1.2Mpa, then continue the pouring process.
(3) The concrete surface after pouring shall be covered with plastic cloth, grass curtain for keeping warm; the thickness of concrete insulation in opposite side and raised angle position shall be 2 times of the surface area, tightly compressed and well covered; The insulation layer will be dry; The concrete shall be protected from wind and water losses in concrete curing. Apply the survey layout when warm in the daytime; when the survey layout need to raise the insulation layer, it shall be covered with immediately after the survey layout finished, and reduce the opening area as far as possible.
(4) Ensure the temperature of the concrete from machine is not lower than 15 degrees Centigrade; the in-mould temperature of concrete shall not be lower than 5 degrees Centigrade.
(5) The concrete construction in winter shall arrange additional two groups of testing piece than the construction under the normal atmospheric temperature; and fill in the concrete mixing record. One group of testing piece shall be used for critical strength test of anti-freezing, which shall take 3-7 days together with temperature measuring. Before the temperature of structure concrete is lower to defined temperature of antifreeze agent, calculate whether the concrete strength excess the critical strength of freeze 4N/mm2 (the temperature shall not be lower than - 15 degrees Centigrade); otherwise, it shall take the insulation and curing measure to keep worm; and ensure the intensity of cold surface exceed the critical strength. Another group of testing piece shall enter into the normal atmospheric temperature and maintains for 28d.


