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发布时间:2013-2-8      阅读次数:1615

1 [设置]按键-操作主要按键
在主要控制器盘区按住门上的[设置]按键,控制器显示菜单的不同部分和区域。在菜单上通过使用[向上] [向下]按键进行选择,所有菜单数值可以变更并进行设置。
按住[设置]键直到TEMP显示闪动,使用[向上] [向下]按键选择您需要的温度数值。
再次按下[设置]键,菜单显示“超温设置”。 如果菜单在一段时间没有任何改变,菜单返回到正常显示状态;
在正常显示状态,连续按下[设置] 键两次。TEMP显示闪动,使用[向上] [向下]按键选择您需要的超温温度数值。
再次按下[设置]键,菜单显示“二氧化碳密度设置”。 如果菜单在一段时间没有任何改变,菜单返回到正常显示状态;
在正常显示状态,连续按下[设置] 键三次,二氧化碳密度显示闪动,使用[向上] [向下]按键选择您需要的二氧化碳密度数值。
Normal display正常模式
Temp setting:温度设置
Over temp:过温设置
CO2 density:二氧化碳密度
1从箱(室)出去湿度用水 Hepa过滤器(选择)、支架门成套工具(选择)。去除箱(室)内任何不能承受温度140°C.的物品。
2. 按下并且按住消毒键3秒,直到您听到提示音;
3. 当显示面板上显示“S-1”时,按下“设置”按键,显示面板上显示“S-2”;二氧化碳显示 “2.0”。 二氧化碳显示的这个数值是指消毒时间。在这种情况下消毒时间为2个小时。
4. 当显示面板 上显示“S-2 ”时,按下“设置”按键,显示面板上显示“S-3”; 二氧化碳显示150”。 二氧化碳显示的这个数值是指消毒的高极限临温度;
数值 “S-1”,“S-2”和“S-3”可以使用[向上] [向下]按键选择
1. 按下并按住消毒按键3秒直到“S-1”,“S-2”或“S-3”显示。
2. 听到提示音并且二氧化碳显示屏显示“H.UP”, 开始设置消毒。
3. 在增加或减少设定值时,当温度在大约的范围之内进行消毒设定时, 二氧化碳显示屏显示“H.ST”而不是“H.UP”表明SCA保温箱处于稳定的温度,这种情况一直继续到消毒时间到期。
4.当消毒设定值设定完毕后时,二氧化碳显示屏显示“H. dn。而不是“H. ST”,SCA保温箱箱(室)温度下降到周围环境温度;
Normal mode:正常模式
Sterilization key:消毒按键
Temperature set:温度设定
Time set:时间设定
Temp high-limit set:温度高限值设定
Sterilization completed:消毒完成
Temp decreasing control:温度降低控制
Sterilization control:消毒控制
Temp increasing control:温度升高控制
1. 在消毒期间请小心,保温箱的外部可能会变热;
在箱(室)气体抽样之前,按下并按住“向上”键5秒。保温箱启动 “SP模式”;
Operational Menus of S CA Incubator
1, [SET] Key - The Main Key of Operations
By pressing [SET] Key on the Main controller panel on the door. controller will lead you to the different parts and sections of the Menus. On the menu that has been selected, by using [UP] [DOWN] Keys, all the value on the menus can be chenged and set.
If the Menu is [eft undone for more than 7 seconds, the menu will be automatically return to the formal display shown on the Page 8.
1-1, Temperature Setting
Press [SET] Key and make the TEMP display blinks_ Use IUP] & [DOWN] Keys to bring the number to the value you wish set for the temperature.
Press [SET] Key once more, it will bring the Menu to "Over Temp Setting". If it is left undone for a while, it will return to the Normal Display
1-2, Over Temp Setting
From the Normal Display, Press [SET] Key twice in succession. The TEMP display will brink and the value shown will be changable by using [UP) & [DOWN] Keys. Change the value as you need for the Over TEMP_
Press [SET] Key once more, it will bring the Menu to "CO2 Density Setting". If it is left undone for a while, it wil return to the Normal Display,
1-3, C02 Density Setting
From the normal Display, Press [SET] Key three times in succession, then 002 density display will brink_ The value shown will be changable by using [UP] & [DOWN] Keys. Change the value as you need for the CO2 Density.
Diagram for Setting Mode
I Normal Mode
Tero Setting 1''
D Sterilization
SCA series incubator can pefform Dry Sterilization at 140°C_
Folkow the steps bet w in order for the sterilization to be successful.
1, Remove Humidifrng water, Hepa filter (options), Shelf door kit (options) from the chamber. Remove anything in the chamber that are not able to endure the temperature of 140°C.
2. Press and hold the sterilization key for 3 seconds until you gear a beep
When the Display show "S-1" for Tempereture and "140" for C02 display, let go of the sterilization key. 140" indicates the temperature of the sterilization. (Celsious)
3. Wher3 "S-i" is shown on the display. preys "SET" key This makes Temp display to show "S-2" and C02 display to show "2.0'1 The value on the C02 display is the time of Sterilization. In this case the Sterilization time is 2 hours.
4. When "S-2'' is shown on the display, press "SET' key_ This makes Temp display to show "S-3'r and C02 display to show "150". The value on the C02 display is the High-Limit Temp for the Sterilization_
The each value for ''S-1'', "S-2" and "S-3" can be adjust by using the UPIDOWN keys for preference,
To Start Sterilization
1. Press and Hold the Starilization key for 3 seconds when ''S-2'' or •' -3" is shown on the display.
2. A beep goes off and C02 display shows "H_ UP", and Sterilization will start as the configuration you set.
3. When the tempareture reaches within the range of Plus or Minus One degfee from the preset value for the Sterilization, the C02 display will show "H. ST" instead of "H. UP" indicating the SCA incubator is stabilizing the temperature_ This continues until the preset time of the Sterilization expires.
4. When the preset Sterilization is reached, the C02 display shows "H. dn.' instead of "H. ST" and the SCA incubator brings dawn the temperature in the chamber to the ambient_
5. When the tempareture is cooled down, the C02 display shows "End". This indicates that the Sterilization is completed.
. During the Sterilization, if the Sterilization Key is pressed and held for 3 seconds, the Sterilization will be interrupted and C02 display shows "Int",
if the temparetu.re cools down to the ambient while the Sterilization being interrupted, the Sterilization will automatically shuts down_ C02 display shows "End" and goes back to the normal function display.
Sterilization Diagram
No rrna I Bode
1, Please be aware that During Sterilization, the exterior of the oincubator may become hot.
2, Do not open the door of the incubator during the sterilization
3, During sterilization, the incubator may produce burning smelling. However, it is considered as normal.
4, Please take extra care for the ventilation of the room where the incubator is placed boring sterilization_
5, Try to avoid connecting too many power plugs into single power socket using power strip. B, Make sure to have adequate space around the incubator during sterilization.
7, During sterilization, it may give extra heat to the room tempareture. Please take extra care to the room tempareture_


