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发布时间:2013-2-21      阅读次数:1760

运行/停止 (1)在终端面板上通过外部信号,进行运行和作止停操。
标题 功能 调整范围 默认设定
CNOd  指令状态选择 0:终端面板;1:操作面板 1
FNOd 频率设定状态选择 0:终端面板;1:操作面板;
2:内部电位器 2
按键操作 液晶显示 操作
 OO 显示操作频率(操作停止)。(当标准显示器显示选择状态F710,操作频率为0。
  RUI 按下MON按键,显示第一个基本参数RUI(自动加速/减速)
  CNOd 按下△按键或▽按键选择CNOd。
  1 按下ENTER按键显示参数设定(标准默认设定:1)。
  O 按下▽按键。将参数变更为O(终端面板)
  O-CNOd 按下ENTER按键,保存变更的参数。CNOd和参数设定值交替显示。
  FNOd 按下△按键或▽按键选择FNOd。
  2 按下MON按键,显示设定的参数(标准默认设定2)。
  1 按下△按键。将参数变更为O(控制面板)。
  1-FNOd 按下ENTER按键,保存变更的参数。FNOd和参数设定值交替显示。
3.2.1 怎样启动和停止
(1) 使用操作面板上的按键,进行启动的停止操作。(CNOd:1)
短路F 和CC终端
Frequency 频率
Slowdown stop 减速停止 *滑行停止
标准默认设定是为了能够进行减速运行停止; 为了能够进行滑行停止,使用程控终端功能,将ST终端功能设定在空载终端状态,
关于滑行停止,将左侧描述的电机状态在停止状态时,开启ST-CC。 这时候反响器的显示器将显示OFF。
3.2.2 这样设定频率

 : 频率上调
■ 举例:控制面板上运行的操作
按键操作 液晶显示 操作
 0.0 显示操作频率
   S00 设定操作频率
  S00-FC 按下ENT按键,保存操作频率。FC和设定的频率交替显示。
   600 按下△和▽按键,在整个操作期间将会改变频率。
■ 频率设定
使用电位器设定频率 电位器控制
输入终端VIB能够同时进行使用,VIA和VIB为自动调整为默认状态; 优先进行参数设定。更多的信息参见6.5
Simplified Operation of the VF-S9
The procedures for setting operation frequency and the methods o) operation can be selected from the following.
Run / stop
(1) Run and stop using external signals to the terminal
(2) Run and stop from the operation panel
Frequency setting
(3) Setting using external signals to the terminal board
(0-10Vdc, 4-20mAdc)
(4) Setting using the operation panel
(5) Setting using the potentiometer on the inverter
main unit
Use the basic parameters CHOd (command mode selection) and FflDd (frequency setting mode selection) for selecting.
Title  Function  Adjustment ranqe  Dorault selling
cnod  Command mode selection  0: Terminal board; 1: Operation panel  1
fnod  Frequency setting mode selection  0: Terminal board; 1: Operation panel; 2: Internal potentiometer  2
Steps in settmq parameters]
Kev operated  LED display  Operation  n   n
I_J.     !_,  Displays the operation frequency (operation stopped). (When standard monitor display selection^ "1 !Q is set ir>£ [Operation frequency])
MOM  RU !  Press the MON key to display the first basic parameter RlJ ! (automatic acceleration/deceleration) .
00  f|-lO_i
i_i luri  Press either the A key or the V key to select °Cl~!C!d .'
(ENT)  ;  Press the ENTER key to display the parameter setting. (Standard default setting1/ )
0©  0  Change the parameter toC (Terminal board) by pressing IheA key.
(ENT)  o«cnod  Press the ENTER key to save the changed parameter. C !~IGd and the parameter set value are displayed alternately.
0©  FDOd  Press either the A key or ttieV key to select "Fl~!Cd "
[ENT)  a  Press the ENTER key to display the parameter setting. (Standard default setting: ? )
0®  /  Change the parameter to! (Operation panel) by pressing the A key
vNy  juried  Press the ENTER key to save the changed parameter,F!~!Cd and the parameter set value are displayed alternately.
Pressing the MON key twice returns the display to standard monitor mode (displaying operation frequency).
3.2.1     How to start and stop
(1)Startand stop using the operation panel keys (CHOd :   I)
Use the (RUN) an[j ^TM keys on ihe operation panel to start and stop the motor. (au^RUN: Motor starts.
§™y STOP: Motor stops (slowdown stop).
(2) Start and stop using external signals to the terminal board (CllOd • D)
Use external signals to ttie inverter terminal board to slart and stop the motor. (Set JP301 to sink logic)
Short JF| and |CC| terminals:
run forward Open [F] and [CCl terminals:
slow down and stop
Slowdown slop
" Coast slop
The standard default setting is for slowdown stop. To make a coast stop, assign an ST terminal function to an idle terminal using the programmable terminal function. And set Ihe F  iQ3 :ST signal selection. For coast stop, open the ST-CC when stopping the motor in the state described at left. The monitor on the inverter at ttiis time will displayGF f- .
Motor speed coast stop
3.2.2     How to set the frequency
(1) Setting the frequency using the potentiometer on the inverter main unit
Set the frequency with the notches on the potentiometer.
Move clockwise through the higher notches for the higher frequencies.
(2) Setting the frequency using the operation panel (F flQd •  t)
Set the frequency from the operation panel.
Moves the frequency up
: Moves the frequency down
Example of operating a run from the panel
Kev o Derated  LED display  Operation  n    n
i_.    i_j  Displays the operation frequency. (When standard monitor display selection? 1  13 is set to 0 [opera¬tion frequency])
00  S
n n LJ   i-J  Set the operation frequency.
(ENT)  SGG«PC  Press the ENT key lo save Ihe operation frequency. F C and the set frequency are displayed alternately.
00  S
o n i-j '-i  Pressing the A key or theV key will change the operation frequency even dunng operation.
(3) Setting the frequency using external signals to the terminal board (FHOd • Frequency setting
1)     Setting the frequency using external potentiometer
Potentiometer control
Set frequency using Ihe potentiometer (1-1CM1-
For more detailed information on adjustments,
Setting frequency using 50Hz or 60Hz'; the potentiometer
see 6.5.
•   The input terminal VIB can be used in the same way and VIA and VIB are automatically switched by the detault settings. Set parameters to specify priority. For more details, see 6.5.
Note: The VIA terminal and II terminal cannol be used at the same time.


